
Winchester, Book 1

Rosetta, a young teenage 18 years old girl recently shifted to a small town '' Winchester '' to hide from her past. She felt directionless and lost in life. Her life is like a roller coaster, she wants to study but also wants to earn money for a better future and to move on. But she met a boy who fell in love with her and changed her life completely upside down. Mysterious hot weirdo with his deep secrets loves her unconditionally. That beautiful with soft innocent hazel eyes boy is a pure devil by blood. You heard me... A Devil. That devil broke every single rule of his ''Devil Community'' to protect her even marry her... A human girl. What happened when a well-mannered and sweet girl fell in love with a fire? What happened when she learned about his secrets? Does she still love him or leave him turned into dusk? Love or Traitoring? Humans hate devils but what if they fell in love? The love between a Devil and a human is unnatural and unexpected but what if it really happens... What if they really fell in love by breaking all the forbidden boundaries, clashes, and conflicts? The Cambions Series is all about the best supernatural adventures. Walking away from the deadly past, Rose wants to start a new life but it's not possible... Not after meeting a mysterious family "Snow!" A lot of dark secrets, and chaotic anger is waiting for Rose. She needs to stay put or death becomes her destiny.

Maira_Imran · 奇幻言情
32 Chs

Chapter 15


Today… was not good at all but now after the Snow's came into my dorm and apologized to me it was really… good. It was all Ash's fault but still, they apologized to me and that was so sweet. And Drake, well he was looking good too. My cheeks start blushing when I think about him… it always does.

Tomorrow's Chris's wedding. Her epic day and she invited me earlier. It's the middle of the night; Snows are already gone in the afternoon. I'm so tired and sleepy. Tomorrow is another big day so I need rest for tomorrow's strength. I checked my phone one last time before going to bed. Nothing... no miss call no message. It's good.

* Alarm Clock Buzzing *

I turned off that loud thing; it always ruins my sleep… every morning.

"Oh shit! I'm late." I quickly get up. I get my quick relaxing shower and then get dressed... My casual dress. Because Chris and I planned to get ready together. After finishing my random work and grabbing my bag I headed straight to the Snow's mansion. When I reached there Chris welcomed me with such a sweet and amazing warm hug. I saw Drake coming out of the garage with a bunch of flower baskets. Oh my God, that boy gives me a wink with a devilish hot smirk. I can't believe it, my stomach starts fluttering with butterflies.

"I was waiting for you, thank you so much Rose to be here for me."

"Aww, Chris don't thank me. I'm glad that you gave me so much love and honor."

Chris laughed and so am I. Chris and I headed straight to her room. It's awesome. It's light blue with white flowers. I saw a few makeup artist girls standing in front of us with a smile on their lips.

"I'm so excited, I mean yeah... I know it's a dream of every girl to get married to someone whom she loves but I'm nervous too. I know from now on I'll no longer be called Chris Evens it'll be Chris Andrew Snow. I love that name but look at me, my hands are cold, thousands of emotions swirling inside my heart, I don't have my own family just these two boys and... You."

Chris smiles as she stands up and grabs my hand. "You are my family too Rose and I'm saying it from my heart. Honestly."

I hugged Chris and she wrapped her arms around my neck.

"I was alone….completely alone before you but now... It's you now. My family." Chris laughed as I said that.

"I'm glad… for everything," Chris said.

I quickly clap my hands once as I place my hand on Chris's shoulder.

"Alright, enough crying. I don't want my best friend to cry today. So, let's get ready for this epic day!"

Chris nods as we both sit down and our artist starts making upping us.

After one straight hour, our makeup session is finally over and now it's time for dressing. I looked at Chris. "You look beautiful already," I said as Chris chuckled.

"Thanks love! You look beautiful too. Drake hundred percent gonna fall in love with you today. I'm damn sure." as Chris said that she looks at me and I start blushing.

"Aww, look someone is blushing adorably." I arched an eyebrow and Chris burst out a big happy laugh.

We are dressed now. Christina in a bridal transformation …. She looks perfect. I'm dressed too; my hair is up twisted with some curly hair down. I look lovely too. I can't wait to show myself in front of Drake. I literally want to see his reaction.


I'm helping Andrew with his dressing. My brother looks perfect. Just like our mom always wanted. Andrew sighs with excitement in his eyes and a naughty smile.

"I'm so ready." I laughed when Andrew said that.

"Oh, I can understand your excitement, Andrew… very well."

We brothers are now downstairs and then went straight to our big Snow's mansion hall which is at the backside of our mansion.

Everything is in order, looking perfect. Andrew looks a little nervous. Our few guests have also arrived including Ash…. who is not in our control.

My blood is boiling again just after seeing her but I'm not going to let that epic day get ruined. We brothers are waiting for our special girls. Andrew... of course is waiting for Chris but me…. I'm waiting for her. I want to see Rose. I want to meet her and tease her a bit. It'll be fun!

We heard the sound of opening the big door of our hall.

Oh my god, my sister is in a bridal dress... She's beautiful and Rose… all the beauty ends up on her. Her baby blue maxi, sapphire eyes, and dark red hair. I think I'm in love with her. These two ladies are looking incredibly beautiful. I glance at Andrew… he is blushing... smiling... nervous at the same time. He looks at me and we both laugh. It's pure joy. Our very first pure joy.

Chris with a beautiful bouquet in her hands and Rose comes closer to us Andrew holds Chris's hand and Rose stands next to me.

"You look beautiful, as always," I said and Rose smiled and looks at me.

"Thank you. By the way that dress looks good on you too." I smirked, "It's your choice." Rose smiles, "My choices are always good."

A naughty thought is coming inside my brain and I really want to share it with Rose.

"I'm your choice too. Admit it or not." I said as I looked at Rose. She's quiet, reactionless, confused, and shocked.

Rose opens her mouth to say something but she looks away instead.

I smirked, I know I'm right. I knew it.

Our private father who is just like us and came from our place is now ready to speak up.

"Christina Evans! Will you take this sweet boy as your husband?"

"I do!" Chris said as we started clapping.

"Andrew Snow! Will you take this beautiful girl as your wife?"

"I do!" We clap again, now Andrew and Chris are exchanging their vows, and Drake and I are watching them.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride." As Chris and Andrew start kissing, we all start clapping. Finally, they are officially together now.

Now it's the bouquet-catching ceremony. All the girls including Ash stand behind Chris. Rose didn't want to go so I grab her hand and take her where all the girls are standing.

"Drake!" Rose calls my name.

"Try your luck, give yourself a chance. Don't run from yourself. Love yourself. Now, come on... try your best to catch that bouquet. I want to see that kid's power."

As I said that I took a step back and Chris threw her bouquet up in the air and I knew it... without jumping... without any effort that bouquet came to her as she…. just grab it.

"Seriously!?" Rose said as Chris, Andrew and I cheered her. Chris hugs her.

"I knew it! That bouquet belongs to you Rose." Chris said and Rose is still in shock. She looks at me and I wink with a smile. She smiles too.

"Wow, you did it... I know that it's your turn to get married... Kid." Rose shot me an angry look. "Would you stop calling me kid?"

I grin as I lean closer to her. "Not a chance, Kid!" Rose punches me on my arm as I laugh with a little pain. But it's a funny pain. "Drake!"

Rose called my name very softly, like a lullaby, like a sweet addiction. I glance at her with a smile. "Yeah!" Rose sighs and she folds her arms.

"How do you know that?"

"What?" I asked. "About that bouquet, how you are so sure that this Bouquet gonna come to me."

I'm listening, I'm listening to her but I don't have an answer. How am I gonna tell you? How am I supposed to say that I'm a —

"It's because I believe... You." As I said that I started walking slowly. I don't want to answer any further questions. I don't.