
Willowcreek: Prescott Academy

Rheeaahh · 青春言情
11 Chs

Chapter 6 ~ Wuthering heights

"Fucking fudge!" I cursed holding onto my head as I laid in my bed.

I couldn't even get the fuck up and my head was pounding like crazy.

I felt as if someone was sitting on it.

I managed to sit up in my bed and in a matter of minutes, I was running to the bathroom to puke my liver out.

'Is this what they call a hangover?

If it is, then I'm never drinking again.

Not even mere wine.'

I told myself stumbling towards my bed.


That was the first name I thought of and I glanced around the room... no Ian.

Where did he go?

I sat on my bed, trying to remember things from last night's party, because everything was just in fast forward and blurry as hell.

"Baby shark do do do do do do...."

"Shut up Rina!" He yelled

"Oh my shit" I groaned holding my head. I'm so fucking stupid

"You want me to change you" he asked and heat rose up to my cheeks. What am I doing?

Oh my fucking shit!

"No, no, no, no, no" I mumbled standing up and pacing the room, examining the floor and seeing my clothes on the floor.

I didn't remove them.


Images of Ian behind me and removing every article on my body appeared and I literally stopped breathing.

"Fuck no, he couldn't have" I whispered on the floor and holding my head.

The other memories of the previous night came back, from the game, to the closet experience with Ian, to the heated argument between me and Jack the asshole.

"I need to call that bitch" I sighed dialing Skye's number.

"The number you dialed is not reachable at the moment, please leave a message or call back later" the automated bitch spoke and I cut the phone heading into the bathroom and trying to scrub last night out of my brain.

I got out after a while in my towel and my phone buzzed

-How are you feeling?

Who the f*** was this? The only number I had was Skye's

Pathetic, yeah I know. Fuck you!

-Who is this?

-The black Shakespeare


Who the hell?...

- Ian



-Well, how are you?

-I have a stupid migraine. How did you get my number?

- I took it last night. I left a note on your dresser...

-Oh, let me check.

I walked over to my dresser and saw a sticky note on the table.

'Hey, I have to go Sabrina. Take care of yourself and I took your number from your phone so I can text you in case I don't come back.

- Love Ian.'


I can't believe that's all I got out of the damn note, I'm a fucking bitch

- Seen

-Yeah. Have you heard from Skye

-No, been calling all morning but she's switched off

-Maybe she has a hangover too

-Yeah, that could be it.

-Well... last night was fun.

Oh hell no!

Fuck no!

-Err... I guess

- I liked the way you spoke to Jack (•‿•)

- I should really be drinking more... lol

-No! You almost drove me mad last night. Singing nursery rhymes and giggling like a fucking kid.

-Really? I'm sorry..

- No don't be. I was kidding. It was actually cute. I like drunk you ...lol

- I liked listening to your voice as you read to me it was nice.

- Well, it was my pleasure

-I have to go now Ian. Talk later.



"The number you dialed is not reachable at the moment. Please leave a message or call back later*beep* Skye, Okay I'm sorry for the first five messages I sent, just call me back you bitch. We haven't spoken in two days, hope you're okay *beep*"

That was the sixth voice note I sent to Skye.

I hadn't heard from her since Friday night and throughout Saturday.

I was getting worried and restless.

Ian hadn't heard from her too


I was woken up by a loud thunder. It was pouring outside as I grumbled out of bed, dragging my feet to my bathroom.

You must wonder how I do it.

Waking up early and consistently by myself and not sleeping in?

Cooking and doing everything all by myself?

Well, it wasn't easy but I have to admit, being the responsible nerd I was, I worked it out.

As I slid into the warm tub, I listened to the rain hitting the ground outside while closing my eyes shut.

I got dressed in a grey hoodie with two sweatshirts underneath ... yeah, it was that cold.

I put on some tight jeans and let my hair fall to cover my ears a bit.

I look kind of good I guess.

Wow! For the first time in forever, they'll be music, there'll be light. For the-

Fuck, not me thinking of frozen.

I rushed downstairs with my bag hanging on one shoulder as I checked my phone\

-Need me to pick you up?

Ian asked and I sighed in relief. I was terrified of walking to school in the storm.

-Yes please, thank you.

- I'll be there in five.

I quickly had breakfast and by the time I was done, Ian knocked on my front door.

He got out of the car? For me? In the thunderstorm!? Why didn't he just honk on the car for me like Ryan always did.

Oh yeah, right!

He was a motherfucking gentleman.

A true knight in Golden armor.

The king who stole my heart and captured-

I was interrupted by another knock and I ran to the door

Dumb bitch! How could I forget poor Ian standing on my porch?

He must have been freezing.

I opened the door and saw him standing with an umbrella.

He didn't say anything before pulling me towards him and into the umbrella while leading us to the car.

He smelled so nice as I held onto his bicep and chest.

I didn't even care about the rain anymore.

I just wanted to be with him in those arms, in that warmth.

He literally carried me into the passenger seat to ensure that not a single drop of water touched my head.

How was he so damn caring?

He got to the driver's side and his disheveled gold brown hair came into view, his eyes were a bit puffy like water had been coming out of them and his lips were dry.

He looked... what's the word ... umm... unorganized?

No, not really because he still looked hot as fuck in that black hoodie and black jeans.

He started the car and drove off

"Are you okay?" I asked and he looked at me.

His eyes looked distant.

There were some shades of grey clouds in those beautiful blue orbs.

"No, not really"

"Do.. do you want to talk about it?" I asked and I mentally cursed myself for pushing it, but sometimes that's all people really need just a little push.

He licked his bottom lip and his grip on the steering wheel tightened.

Okay, maybe he didn't need a little push.

"I had an argument with my dad" he said and I fought back a smile remembering my glory days when I used to have wrestling matches with my parents and then take the championship belt.

Focus Sabrina, he's letting you in.

"I'm so fucking tired of him. And then, this stupid storm is just messing with me. Woke up with a fucking cold and I've been sneezing like a wet cat all morning" he grumbled and I nodded.

That's why he looked so....not so put together.

I didn't even know what to say to that and he did not seem like he wanted me to talk.

"I'm sorry about your cold. You shouldn't have come to School" he laughed a bit before coughing violently.

"You sound like you're not happy to see me"

"No it's not that, I was just-"

"I was just joking Sabrina. I like when you get all flustered trying to explain yourself" his teases warmed up my body.

"Besides I needed to get out of that house" he muttered and I held his cold hands in mine

When we got to school, Ian walked with me to my locker and immediately excused himself saying he forgot something in the car.

As we walked in the halls, all eyes were on us and I wondered if something was on my face before remembering the person I was walking with.

I buried my head in my locker, going through my phone and checking if Skye had replied when someone approached me

"Hey Sabrina right?" I turned around to see some tall white girl with brown hair wearing a short skirt and crop top.

'are you not... did you not come from outside?' I wanted to ask but dropped it.

"Yeah?" I raised my brow putting my phone in my pocket.

"I figured. I literally can't believe you were at Kiara Thompson's party. People are saying you dressed and acted like a slut. Playing dirty games and getting high" she spoke and I was honestly getting pale

'no, no, no, no, no'.

Rumors, exactly what I wanted to avoid.

These were times I really needed my best friend beside me

"Well, I didn't expect any better. I'm just shocked to see Ian still with you. What did you do to him?" She interrogated with narrowed eyes and I felt a force push me into my locker


"You used your black magic right?"

"Black what?"

"Or are you bribing him? Tell me, I won't tell" she smirked leaning into me. I didn't even know what to say.

Who was this bitch and what the hell did she want asking all those questions?

Before I had the chance to breathe, Ian appeared behind the bitch, pulling her away from me and grabbing me by my waist. Pulling me to his chest

"Fuck off " he glared almost raising his voice.

He look so upset and tired, it made me sad.

I liked the way he wrapped his arm around me possessively, showing me affection and attention.

It was nice

"No... I"

"Leave" he said and she turned to leave immediately.

"Are you okay?" he asked and I nodded a little confused.

What's up with him?

"She was just talking shit about the party and my outfit" I shrugged skipping the rest.

"Ignore her, she's a useless gossip" he held onto my hand, leading us to physics class.

What the hell?

Ian was quiet throughout the class as he sat beside me.

The fight with his dad must have been serious because his eyes were so cold and distant, it scared me but the same time I wanted to just hold him.

'My fucking father turned to a workaholic and my bitch of a mother left us'

I remembered his words and pain tugged at my heart.

"I care about you and I'm really sad that you're sad" I said knowing he couldn't hear me.

Before I could lean back into my seat, Ian placed his hand on my jaw forcing me to stare at him.

His eyes were softer as he spoke

"I'm not sad Sabrina" he clarified and I almost screamed.

'How did he hear me?!!!'

"Then why are you all mopey?" I shrugged, pouting a bit.

"Because I'm sick. You're supposed to be taking care of me" he smirked and I smiled.

I missed that smirk

It was lunchtime and Ian and I sat together.

We were basically together throughout the day since we had most of our classes together.

I sat opposite him placing my tray on the table.

"Skye isn't in school" he pointed out and I shrugged.

She was also my mind all day. I hadn't heard from her and she wasn't in school too.

"Yeah, expected her to be with Kiara or Jack but she's not"

"And she hasn't replied?"

"Not one message. I'm getting worried"

"Don't be. Maybe she's sick at home or some shit"

"Yeah I hope, so we can go visit her after school today"

"Okay then. Now will you eat your burger ?"

"Oh...umm... I'm not really hungry" I dragged and he glared at me.

"Don't make me come over to you" he threatened and I couldn't stop a small smile from playing on my lips.

"I really can't" I laughed and he came over to my side.

He pulled me closer to him with his hand on my waist as he brought the burger to my lips.

He fed me my lunch and I honestly did not care if people were watching.

I just wanted to enjoy being in his arms and just enjoying the moment.

"Sabrina." Georgia, Skye's mother spoke after opening the door.

"Hi Georgia. How are you? We came to see Skye. She wasn't in school and she hasn't been returning my texts or calls."

"Skye? Skye hasn't returned home since Friday Sabrina" she told me.

"She was going to your place on Friday, so I guessed that she's been there. I have also been texting her but she hasn't been online much. I thought she was busy with you" Georgia spoke with creased brows and I could tell that she was worried

"Mrs. Roberts, I am Ian. I'm also Skye's friend. We haven't seen her since Friday night ma'am and she hasn't been returning either of our calls or text too"

"Oh my God" Georgia gasped as she listened to Ian's words

"She has been missing for three damn days" she held her hair and I hugged her.

That woman had been more than just my best friend's mum. In a way she was just like my mother too.

"You need to report to the police" Ian told Georgia and she nodded.

"Thank you both so much"

"No problem. I'm sure she's fine. We'll find her Georgia"

"I know. I'm going to kill her after this"

"Me and you both" I tried to smile as I closed the door

Sky was missing?

What the actual fuck happened at the party after we left?

The questions jabbed my brain as Ian drove us to my house.

The rain was heavier than it was in the morning and that was really saying something because the rain that morning was really heavy.

We got down and they entered my house.

I quickly went to my room to change into one of Ryan's shirts and some baggy sweats.

I walked downstairs to find Ian sitting on the couch his eyes focused on the wall in front of him.

He really needed to stop doing that shit was scary as fuck.

I headed to the kitchen to make hot chocolate for us both and the clanking of pots seemed to knock him out of his deep thoughts.

"Who owns those clothes?" he asked, his eyes raking my body as I put the pot on the stove.

"Ryan" I said like as though I was talking to Skye.

I was sure he did not know or rather remember who Ryan was since I just spoke about my dumb brother once.

"My brother" I said and he nodded.

After I finished making the hot chocolate, Ian and I sat in the living room together silently.

I draped a warm blanket over him and wrapped myself in another one as we drank the hot beverage.

"Skye's mum said that Skye said she was staying over at yours?" He stated, his eyes still on a spot on the floor.

"Yeah. she came to get ready for the party"

"But, what if she didn't?" he turned to look at me and I tensed.

What was he saying? I did not like what was happening at all.

Why couldn't she just come out from where she disappeared to and make everything normal again.

Little did I know that that this was the beginning.

"I don't understand. How many clothes did Skye bring here? They must have been much because the outfit you wore at the party was obviously her's" he asked and I nodded.

How the hell did he know I did not possess slutty clothes?

Oh yeah...right, he met me.

"It was up to five different set of clothes but I don't think she brought them to run away or shit, she purposely brought them so she could select a perfect outfit for the party"

"But what if she didn't? Rina, what if she wanted to run away that night? it explains why she hasn't been back"

"Why would she want to run away? She got into cheerleading and was kind of part of the popular gang. I'm sorry, but I think your theory is wrong Ian"

"Yeah, I know it could be wrong, it's just a suggestion. We should go up to check if the clothes are still there to prove my point" Ian said and I shuddered.

We opened my closet and the clothes were still there, all of them

"See? I told you"

"Yeah, it was just a suggestion"

"She has like no reason to run away" I shrugged sitting on my bed and sighing. I was so exhausted with everything that was going on.

I had two tests tomorrow and I hadn't read anything.

I had missed one hour of my weekly study session and I hadn't read shit all day.

I stood up from the bed and stared at Ian who was on his phone, how could he be so calm?

I wondered as I paced around the room looking for something to clean

Ian puckered his brows, tearing his gaze from his phone screen as he stared at me but I didn't care.

I brought out all the books from my shelf and began arranging them again while cleaning them longer than normal.

Yeah, I had mild OCD (Obsessive compulsive disorder )

"What the fuck are you doing?" Ian asked

"Cleaning" I gave a rushed reply.

Ian's lips twitched into a smile

"Calm down Sabrina" he stood up and soon his hands were on mine.

"I'm trying to. This calms me down"

"No, it's disturbing" he said holding my hands in his.

"It's going to be fine. I'm sure the police will find out more. Just breathe" he soothed and I nodded squeezing his palms.

"Good, now drop the books" he chuckled and I smiled leaving the shelf as we stayed on the bed

"So let's just talk to get our mind off things"

"What should we talk about?" I asked placing my feet under the duvet as I rested on a pillow.

"Books?" Ian suggested

"Have you read all Shakespeare books?"

"No, not all but I've read fairly more than half" he smirked and I said in awe.

Look how hot he was! How could he love Reading?

Where did he find time to juggle reading with that gorgeous look.

"That's impressive. Is midsummer night's dream a part of the half?"

"Yes. Have you read it?"

"Yeah a while ago"

"4 guys from is it ... Athens? Yeah they run away to the forest and have a fairy make the two men fall for the same bitch" Ian nodded before yawning

"Yeah but the guys were six though"

"They were two Ian" I rolled my eyes.

"Don't argue with the black Shakespeare"

"Well, he should try providing evidence to back up his point" I challenged and Ian laughed.


"Yeah what are the names of the other two?"

"I think one is Helena, the one obsessed with marriage to Demetrius and someone else I don't know"

"You see? Besides, Demetrius is part of my four already"

"Ugh! we'll check Google"

"No, don't be stupid. We need to go back to the book!!" I yelled leaning over to grab his phone but he was taller so he raised his hand over his head and type the question on Google

"Look, four Athenians run away to a forest blah blah blah" he said handing me the phone.

He was right but still I couldn't believe it

"Oh" was the only word I could muster.

Ian laughed.

"You see, I was right. You owe me Sabrina" he said standing up

"But sadly, I have to go now."

"Go? but it's still raining" I pointed out.

I didn't want him to go

"I have a car"

"Ian, don't go" I stated bluntly.

I was scared.

Everything that was going on left me feeling uneasy and I didn't want to be alone.

Ian was my only friend left, with Skye gone.


"I'm scared" I admitted bending my head low and refusing to cry.

Ian took two large steps to me and held my chin making me stare at him

"Don't be. I'm here and I'll stay here for as long as you like. Don't be scared Sabrina" he soothed pulling me into a hug and stroking my hair.

How possible was it for a man with those many tattoos to be caring?

Ian and I laid on my bed with the duvet over us as we discussed about poetry.

I nuzzled into the pillow staring into Ian's attention-grabbing eyes and drifting off as his spoke.

In some part of my mind I was in some crazy ass dream and I didn't know if I wanted to wake up or not.

Sky was the only friend I had... before Ian came into the picture

I only had Ian.

It was like she became invisible, disappeared, vanished, and even if I always told her that she was a pain, I missed her like crazy.

I never imagined her being away from me for so long.

Yeah 3 days is long for us and I never really appreciated her presence until that very moment.

Well just like the saying goes, 'you never know the true value of someone until you lose them'

My eyes went down to Ian's lips, the brightness in his eyes showed me how excited he was to be talking about whatever he was saying.

I was so deep in thought to listen

He was so pretty.

Not cute but beautiful.

You know when they say something is beautiful?

I mean really damn beautiful.

He was amazing.

A good friend with an amazing personality and a tremendous humor.

He had a god-like facial structure and his skin was dark... like caramel and all I could think of was my tongue all over him.

Never in my life did I think I would be friends with someone so hot and that's why I sometimes felt like I was in a dream.

Shit didn't seem real, nothing felt real.

I was having this weird feeling that something heavy would happen soon and I didn't like it one bit

In a few more minutes, Ian yawned in front of me and I found myself doing the same as my eyes felt like they were lifting weights.

Before I closed my eyes, I was blessed with a dazzling smile from Ian as he mouthed the words "Goodnight Sabrina"

What do you think happened to Skye?

Almost 4000 words in this chapter

Creation is hard, cheer me up with comments<<3

Rheeaahhcreators' thoughts