
Will Of The Universe

When two universes collide, destruction is inevitable..... The endless chaos will give birth to a new UNIVERSE..... Space shatters and timelines collapse and the world is turned upside down...... The entire Universe takes shape once more and natural laws are reestablished......  Kurt a typical 17-year-old high school boy, who in order to save his crush from terrorists, (could have become girlfriend later on, but....) Gets himself killed. Then gets reborn in the Alpha Centauri star system on an unknown planet, just in the earth's neighborhood (sun solar system) with a system made by an unknown entity. He made his settlement and found alien species. One day the planet to which Kurt was teleported, gets invaded. The invasion catches him off guard, and what he had to do now was already specified; [Alert!] [Forced emergency quest- eliminate the invaders. [Penalty on failing the mission- Death] “Death? and here I thought my system wasn't so bishy. Well, let’s do it!”   Is the world he was once still the same? What destiny holds for him in the future?  ---------------------------------------------------------- Complete 4 chapters first before deciding anything. English is not my first language, so please spare me for grammatical mistakes or nonsensible sentences (HARDLY ANY). And don't forget to write reviews please, I need to know where the improvement is needed. Keep reading, the rush has yet to begin. Wishing - Happy Reading to you all.

archmatrix · 科幻
31 Chs


The first thing I'm going to do is to explore this planet. It's still night and even with my night vision, I won't really be able to get a good picture of imagining the landscape in colors.

To me, it's like viewing a vast expanse of dry and rocky desert, but the amount of dust in the air is no joke. I'm finding it kind of hard to breathe because of it.

And well, to tell you the truth, I'm feeling very lonely. I might be overreacting, but the thought of living alone for a long time makes me anxious and there's the risk of, you know, THINGS happening.

The system is keeping me off the edge, but a system can only be a system, right?,… Ah! I remember that H.A.E mode, let's try it out,

"Activate H.A.E mode "





'Oh! Quite convenient. So, as for the physical body….' I thought about it for a second, as a lewd smile crept out on my face, I gave the specifics;

"Female body, but with the strength that can increase like me by leveling up, oh! But it's already maxed out, right? Well, next is..., with some smoking curves, a tender body, and hehehe…" I started laughing, but paused, realizing I looked like an old pervert.

'Ahem.., and as for EGO's attitude' -

" Loyal, and...hehehe" I again chuckled… a hysterical laugh?

"...Tsundere with a haughty attitude, the type who hides her true intentions, has kind feelings but shows fewer hints and...., well you can read my mind, so you might have gotten the idea, now then begin EGO and BODY materialization"

[Characteristics input complete…., changing system mode to H.A.E mode...]

Radiant particles whirled in front of me. They combined, flashing my eyes close as the light intensity increased.

After a moment, the light vanished as I squinted my eyes open.

And what I saw can simply be called a holy exhibition of a female body.

A stunning beauty comes forth from the golden light, not a single article of cloth hiding her features.

Her fair complexion, round eyes, tiny face and blond hair fell down to her waist. Tender flesh, her scrumptious 'bubblegum' lips, and tiny nose. Perfect! They were perfect for an intense course of action, a long one.

Her informative curves and her ideal iszed assets, with delightful taffy-colored tips adorning their presence over them, suggested something. They were offering me to do something to them, something with my hands and with this salivating mouth of mine. My breathing was fast. I wanted a close up…. I wanted to feel them.

Her beauty was on a level so terrifying that at a single glimpse, Kurt could feel the urge. An intense yearning to enjoy her to his heart's content. He had already started panting heavily and was walking towards her like a hungry beast who's about to catch his prey. But she just looked at the beast mindlessly.

The wolf was about to pounce on her, but paused abruptly, as an image of a familiar girl flashed in his mind.

From the perspective of another party, by seeing the wolf's actions, one will not be able to make anything out of this scene other than assuming getting eaten by the beast in a moment. But the newborn EGO, or to say the lady, was not so simple. She knew the intentions of the creature in front of her, but did nothing.

She stood there without moving an inch, NAKED! Kurt's heart was beating crazily, eyes still glued on her figure. Seeing the wolf's eyes constantly lusting and visually ravaging her body, she clicked her tongue:

"tch!..." making a sick expression of that beautiful face.

'I was in my daydreams looking at her, when I heard a displeased expression- "tch!"?

I looked at her, a face which displayed revulsion. It took me some seconds to realize the reason behind the disgust. Lowering my eyes to the ground and backing off, I promptly said,

"I-I'm s-sorry, I-I was just thinking about... something."

"At your service!", She kneeled like a warrior, giving off an aura of dominance. But her eyes carried resentment.

'First, I was shocked to see her kneeling in front of me, as I have given no input to the system resulting in such behavior, though I'm not really unhappy about that. Maybe the system tweaked this idea from my mind, I guess.

But then why does her resentment feel so real? Isn't she a tsundere, or did I subconsciously ask for something else? Why is this going the wrong way? Well, she sure seems loyal, so it's alright in the end, but a harem of two was not a bad idea.'

As Kurt was in his thoughts, she was still kneeling in front of her. Seeing the wolf not paying any courtesy to even allow her to be at ease, she stood up, and with a wave of her hands, black clothes materialized on her body.

The clothes were so tight that even air could not find its way in, which highlighted her curved body-line even more! It seemed easy to move in, and was a material resembling leather texture, but surely something else.

Seeing her wearing clothes, Kurt was somewhat sad, which she easily noticed and again clicked her tongue;

" Tch!" she looked into my eyes, and with a bow continued;

"Apologies for showing such rude behavior. I stood up without your command. It was dusty around, so I had to wear some clothes at least. But it seemed like your highness was thinking about something 'VERY IMPORTANT'. So, I didn't want to disturb. Is that right, your majesty?"

ahe apologized with a fake smile, sarcasm openly hiding in those words.

Her expression made Kurt shudder. He never expected to encounter such a reaction. She was showing clear bitterness towards him.

But it was also his fault for getting distracted like that, so he didn't want to follow up.

He was again lost in his world, thinking about something with a serious expression on his face for straight 10 minutes and after some time he said;

"Your name will be Eva; I think it'll suit you "

"I thank you, for your benevolence, your majesty." she said plainly, showing clear disinterest in the name.

'Now, I'm really pissed. I never thought that it would become something like this, or else I would have specified her every characteristic myself. She was not even giving a genuine smile.'

'Sigh, anyway, I have other problems to deal with right now. I need the system, and I have to work with her to put my plan in motion.'

"So, Eva, you are another mode of system, right?"

"It is, as you said, your majesty," she spoke with a dull tone.

"So, if I have anything to do with the system, Do I need to ask for your assistance every time?"

She sensed the reason as to why Kurt was asking her that and answered-

"Your majesty need not ask for this servant every time you wish something to do, the system is still linked to your majesty, monarch just needs to think in his mind like before."

"As I'm only a manifestation of the system with ego, I may have the same emotions as a human, but the fact that I'm created might make my existence despicable in your eyes. I'll try to keep away if that's what you want. I will try not to interfere with your work as much as possible.", She bows down and starts backing off.

"wha-what? No... why? ". 'Of course, she's created, so what? Everything has a beginning. We are all created from non-living molecules. It's just that humans develop emotions while I gave her those rude emotions. In the first place, it's all my fault that she has those emotions.

If I knew she felt like that, I would never have made her.

"N-no I didn't mean that"...and I realized I did...I was also thinking of deleting her later on. I'm really wretched!

"I'm sorry" I said." I just... I want you to know that you're also a human, no more nor less... I'm really happy that now I have someone to talk to."

"You are really important to me now, you see...." I said, and it was the truth. I know that I need her. After a moment, I realized something,

'Since when was I so bold, to talk to a girl?'

'What the heck? Why did I say all that? Ahh! In the heat of the moment, I blurted that shit out, I wanna die..... I'm so embarrassed, I wanna die, I wanna die, ahhh!!.'

'I saw her staring at me...and I stared back too....and myself being a pathetic existence, I couldn't speak another word to her.



.....(awkward silence for 2 minutes)
