
Chapter 14: Out of Control


Alissandra Cadence

     If this is actually real, I'd rather live this one, with my sister. Even though things got changed, I've learned to appreciate it, for the best. Few days have passed and I spent a lot of time with my sister, which is what I normally did in this timeline but I don't know anything about it.

     "Hey, Alissa? Aren't you going to school today?" Rebecca asked.

     It feels weird waking up with her but it feels good too. And yeah, I don't feel like going to school today, but I still have to. I am saying this a lot of times already but I just couldn't believe it, though I couldn't act that much because she thinks that I am kinda weird. I also couldn't tell her because I don't think she'll understand, the fact that also me myself couldn't understand all of these either.

     "I am, I'm coming downstairs."

     I went downstairs and she's currently having breakfast while on her phone. I realized that we're totally the same. The attitude, the preferences, the style, favorites, and everything. That's why we get along so well. She even told me that we haven't even got into a serious fight before, only petty quarrels which I totally didn't believe at first but it already makes sense.

     And also, she looks really pretty, though we look almost the same. She's just like me, but a redhead Alissa. Yes, our hair is the only difference that you could see from afar. Our face is almost the same but not totally. We're both white as hell and absolutely fair. She's a bit taller than me which is kinda annoying but hey, little sisters always surpass their older siblings' height, right? She's a lot more humorous than me, which is good because I was never like that. She's more social than me, that's why she's kinda popular in school that's why she's always on her social media.

I made myself a bowl of cereal and sat beside her.

     "How long have you known Elijah?" those words randomly came out of my mouth.

     "You mean Dwayne? Don't you remember he hates it when he's called Elijah? And yeah, he's our childhood friend, and now my boyfriend. You're acting like you were just born yesterday," she then shook her head as she took a sip of her coffee.


     "Hey, you okay?" she asked.

     "Yeah," I said then nodded.

     "You seem bothered and weird these days, you know that you can tell me everything right? No secrets, just like what you said," she said as she stared at me in the eye and clasped our hands together.

     I did?

     "Oh, yeah. I'm okay, really," I said.

     "Okay, I'm gonna go shower first."

"Sure," I replied.

     "So this is our school, in case you forgot," she introduced then pointed at the school.

     We do attend the same school.

     "Duh, University of Montreal, how would I forgot?"

     "Good," then she grinned.

     We went out of the car and kissed dad on the cheeks.

     "See ya later, ladies."

     We just waved goodbye to dad and already walked inside the campus.

So in this timeline, I am back to the first semester of 12th grade. I also don't mind doing it all over again, so.

     My last class just finished and I'm ready to go home now. I also realized that I don't have any classes with Jason nor Jessica in this timeline. Which is - fine? I guess.

     I went to Rebecca's building and hopefully, she's done chit-chatting with her friends. I suddenly felt an intense headache, like I could feel the nerves in my head pulsating then I passed out.

     "Alissandra Cadence, you've been so special to me. And I've tried my best to be there for you-"

     "If I'd ever gonna propose to someone...This is the perfect place-"

     "It's a first. And I like having my firsts with you-"

     Please, don't take me back... Don't...

     "What the hell is this? Liss? When did you ever like drinking this? What if your parents finds out?"

     "D-don't leave! Don't leave...me...alone-"

     "I... wanted you to stay... because, it's hard to run away..."

     "And you know what, you may be the unluckiest woman in the world."

     The things around me started to become clear as I was taken back. I looked at my arms as I was sitting in the corner right beside his car.

     "No, no, no," I panicked. "NO!" then I started to cry.

     "What's happening? Why am I here all of a sudden?" he asked with his arms reached out but I ignored him.

     I hit my head on his car "Please. Take. Me. Back!" I said each time I hit my head.

     Jason approached "Liss! Stop! What are yo-" I pushed him aside and he stumbled into the bushes and wounded his neck.

     I hit my head for the last time and I passed out.


     "Excuse me, miss. You cannot go any further."



     I slowly opened my eyes and all I saw was a bright glowing light. I turned my head and I saw my mom and Rebecca sleeping while sitting on the chair. I sat on the hospital bed and my head suddenly ached.


     Rebecca twitched and was woken up by my voice.


     She suddenly hugged me tightly. I stroked my hands on her back as we hugged each other.

     "Are you okay?" she asked.

     "It's just a migraine, I guess, but kinda worse."

     "Yeah, that's what the doctor said, they said there's absolutely nothing to worry about, and good thing someone caught you when you fell after you hit your head on the handrail."

     "Really? Who was it?"

     "I don't know either, but we'll find that out later."

     "Oh, my girl, Alissa, you scared me," mom said as she woke up and approached us. "Are you okay???" she asked while she looked at me in the eye and her hands are on my shoulder.

     "I am, mom..."

     "Hello? Yes, Stacey. What's the matter? Oh, Alissa? Yeah, yeah, she's fine we're heading home now. Are you okay? Oh, is he? Jeez, good thing he's not around here, huh. Yeah, okay, I'll catch ya later, bye-bye."

     We're already on our way home and I'm feeling a lot better. I was just resting my head on the window like what I normally used to do in every car while listening to some music. Rebecca's laying her head on my shoulder while on her phone.

     "Hey!" she then removed my left earphone.


     "I found the guy who caught you earlier, someone was doing some video project around so they had captured what happened and took a screenshot of the exact moment you fell,"

     "Really? Lemme see."

     "Can't you already see?" she asked.

     "Gawd, with these shitty eyes of mine, Rebecca?"

     "Aight, here," then she put her phone close to my face.

     "I can't even recognize him, all I can see is his back," I said then I rolled my eyes.

     "Oh, yeah, but they knew who he is, this is his picture," she swiped her hand and -


     "You look like you know him, eh, is he your crush?" she then poked me with her elbow.

     Oh, so I don't know Jason in this timeline? Okay, I just gotta act up.

     "He just looked kinda familiar, I may have seen him around already, that's why, but I don't know him.

     "Oh, okay... He's kinda cute, those perfect jawline though," she said.

     "Yeah, kinda..." then I peeked at her phone and squinted. "Are you stalking him right now?"

     "No! I was just - curious, y'know," she said then grinned.

     "I'm telling Dwayne."

     "Nawwww! Fine, fine, I'm out of his social media, happy?" she said sarcastically.

     "I'm telling 'em."

     "I hate youuuu!"

     "I love you too, sis."