After being given the chance to reincarnate with a gift, watch as our MC changes the fate of the world. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (Irregular update, secondary story that I suddenly had the inspiration to write. One chapter a week, if that.) Obligatory notice of me not owning anything.
"Who is it?" asked Tobias' mom after she pressed the intercom.
"It's me, auntie, I'm here for Tobias." answered Kyoka.
"Oh, Kyoka-chan, hold on let me open the door for you." she said before opening the door.
"Good morning auntie. Sorry for intruding." said Kyoka.
"'Morning Kyoka-chan. Tobias is still sleeping. Have you eaten breakfast yet?" she asked as she walked into the kitchen.
"I already ate, thank you. Where's uncle?" asked Kyoka not seeing Tobias' dad.
"Oh, he had to go to work early. Some projects the company's working on. Let me go wake up that damn kid. The first day of school and he's going to be late. Probably stayed up late playing with those cards of his." she said.
"I can wake him up, auntie. It's the least I can do for bothering you so much." said Kyoka.
"Please, bothering me, you could never. It feels so nice to have another girl in this house. Not to mention my son is so lucky to date a girl like you. Has the same luck as his father you know." she said, making Kyoka giggle before she went to Tobias' room.
Opening the door to Tobias' room, Kyoka saw his figure sprawled out across the bed with cards laying all around him. She had been inside his room before but she had never woken him up. Deciding to wake him up with a bang she took her phone out to record before she moved her jacks to his neck and buzzed him awake.
"Ahhh! Jesus what the hell was that?!" yelled Tobias looking around his room for the culprit only to see Kyoka laughing with her phone out.
"Oh come on, again. How many embarrassing moments of me do you have on that phone?" he said while stretching.
"Too many. It's almost time for us to leave for school, I don't want to be late." she said before walking out of his room and into the kitchen.
With her gone, Tobias walked into the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror.
'I know I got Twisted Fate's abilities, but to think I would look like him too.' he thought before getting ready. Tobias looked like a slightly paler and Japanese version of Twisted Fate, minus the beard. He was also tall just like TF, he wasn't 6'1" just yet, but he was 5'11". According to his mom, he got that height from her side of the family since her sister was 6'4".
After quickly getting ready, eating some breakfast, and getting a kiss on the cheek for good luck from his mother, Tobias and Kyoka were out the door and on the train.
"I still can't believe you got first place on the practical test. And you even got rescue points that no one knew about." said Kyoka as they were walking to U.A.
"What can I say? I'm just too good. Aren't you lucky to have me as a boyfriend?" he teased.
"Please. If anything you're lucky to have me as a girlfriend. What other girl would put up with you besides your mom and me?" she said rolling her eyes.
"You make it sound like my personality is terrible. I just like to be carefree, you know. I wasn't lying when I made that speech at our elementary graduation. I want to experience life and all it has to offer so when I die, I do so with a smile on my face. I don't want to waste time bogged down by societal norms that make no sense. I would rather spend that time with my family, you, or my cards." he said to her.
"Hm, maybe your personality isn't all that bad." she said with a smile.
"I told you. You better be careful or other girls might realize how great I am." he said before being hit in the ribs.
"Tch, always know how to ruin the mood." she said before blankly continuing to walk to school.
As we arrived at the entrance of the classroom, we noticed we were some of the first ones there. The only other people that were there were the glasses guy and a girl with a long ponytail.
"Hey, we're early. Nice. Do we sit anywhere we like?" wondered Tobias aloud.
"Probably, let's sit near the back." said Kyoka walking in.
"Ah, it's you! The one who had his feet up during the presentation." said the glasses guy standing up.
"Oh, glasses guy we're in the same class." he said.
"Glasses guy? My name is Ida Tenya. I only caught your first name last time you introduced yourself." he said adjusting his glasses.
"Oh right. I'm Fukushima Tobias, but you can call me Tobias, Tenya-kun." said Tobias before being elbowed by Kyoka.
"You can't call someone you just met by their first name unless they say it's okay. I'm Jiro Kyoka." she said to Tobias, before introducing herself.
"It seems you two are familiar with each other. Nice to meet you both, I hope we get along." he said before returning to his seat.
As they were about to sit anywhere, the ponytail girl came up to introduce herself.
"Yaoyorozu Momo, nice to meet you both." she said with a smile.
"Fukushima Tobias, Jiro Kyoka, you can also call me Tobias. Nice to meet you, Yaoyorozu-san." said Tobias.
"Nice to meet you both, but I also wanted to come to tell you that we do have seating arrangements."
"Aw, man. Guess we won't be sitting together Kyoka." said Tobias.
"You don't even know what seat you're sitting in yet." she said looking at him with a blank stare.
"Oh right. How do we find out?" he asked looking at Momo.
"It's on your student ID." she said with a strained smile.
"I'm seat 7. What about you Kyoka?" he asked.
"12." she said before walking over to it.
"Hey, we're right next to each other. It's fate." he said before plopping down on his seat and taking out his cards.
"Can you refrain from using your cards in class please?" asked Tenya.
"Oops, my bad, force of habit." he said before putting them away and leaning his chair back.
At that moment more students started coming in. The first one that came in was a guy with a bird head who just went and sat at his seat without talking to anyone. Then it was an average-looking guy followed by a blonde boy with sparkling eyes. A girl that looked like a frog, a boy with red hair, a boy that had multiple arms, and so on.
At this point, Tobias had already taken his cards out again and was playing around with them. Then a yellow-haired boy with a black pattern on his head walked in and yelled greetings to the whole class, which put a smile on Tobias' face. After that, he started walking toward Tobias before sitting in the seat behind him.
"Hey, you're the one who kept responding to Present Mic." said the boy.
"Hm, oh right. What's the point of life if you don't have fun? Everyone was too quiet, I felt bad for the guy. Fukushima Tobias, just call me Tobias." he said.
"Kaminari Denki, you can call me Denki. Hey, you got some cards, let's play while we wait for class to start." he said looking at Tobias' cards.
"Are you sure? I'm pretty good at card games." said Tobias with a smirk.
"Tch, I'm pretty good too you know. Hey, how about you join us?" he said turning to the red-haired student behind him.
"Sure. Kirishima Eijiro, by the way." said Eijiro before standing up and gathering around Denki's table.
"Denki, Tobias. Nice to meet you. Now, let's play." he said, excited.
"Nice to meet you. What do you guys feel like losing in today? Blackjack, poker, Texas hold 'em, old maid, bridge, go fish, Egyptian rat screw?" he said while shuffling the deck.
"Uhh, what's Egyptian rat screw?" asked Denki which Tobias gladly explained.
"Sounds fun, let's play that." said Eijiro.
While playing Egyptian rat screw more students began filing in, all of whom looked at the three boys playing cards with a confused expression, until someone interrupted them.
"I win." said Tobias with a smile.
"Ugh, are you cheating? You've won every single time!" said Eijiro confused.
"I told you I'm good."
"Oi, you're the one that got first aren't you?" asked a new voice, which made Tobias turn around only to see Bakugo.
"I am, I'm Fukushima Tobias by the way."
"Bakugo Katsuki, I'm going to be first from now on!" he said before walking back to his seat.
"Whoa, talk about dramatic." said Tobias before noticing that Midoriya had just arrived and was talking to the girl that helped him and Tenya.
"If you're gonna be hunting for buddies do it elsewhere. This is the department of heroics!" said a yellow caterpillar that was on the ground behind Midoriya.
"Cool, a caterpillar hero." said Tobias before the caterpillar stood up and showed a human face, "Oh, not as cool." he mumbled before being hit on the arm by Kyoka.
"It took 10 seconds for you to quiet down." he said, now out of his sleeping bag, "I'm your homeroom teacher, Aizawa Shota. Pleasure to meet you."
"Put these on, immediately. Then go to the P.E. grounds." he said pulling out a uniform.
"A quirk apprehension test?" said most of the class.
"What about the ceremony and guidance counselor?" asked the girl who Tobias now remembered was named Ochako.
"If you want to be heroes, we don't have time for niceties. The school has a reputation for freedom on campus that extends to us teachers as well. Softball pitch, standing long jump, 50-meter dash, grip strength, endurance running, sustained sideways jumps, upper body exercises, seated toe-touch.
These are all exercises from the physical tests you all have done before, except you couldn't use your quirks. Bakugo, how far could you pitch a softball in middle school?" he asked.
"67 meters."
"Use your quirk this time. As long as you don't leave the circle, anything you do is fine. Don't hold back." he said before Bakugo got in the circle and got in a pitching stance.
"You got it. DIE!" he yelled as he used his quirk to launch the ball.
"So edgy." said Tobias.
"705.2 meters. Before anything else, one has to know what they're capable of. That's what these tests are for." he said showing us the distance on a machine.
"That looks fun!" said someone.
"Fun, you say? So you were planning on spending the next three years having fun instead of training to become heroes? All right then. The student who places last will be deemed hopeless, and be expelled." he said with a serious face.
"Another edgy person, what's wrong with this class?" mumbled Tobias.
"Welcome to the Department of Heroics!" he said.
"Wait, that's not fair. The last place getting expelled is too unreasonable!" said Ochako.
"Villains, natural disasters, unexpected calamities. Japan, the world, is full of unreasonable things. And it's our job as heroes to reverse it all, and restore reason. If you were counting on a friendly chat at the local Benny's after school, that's too bad. From now on, for the next three years, all you can expect from your life at U.A. is one hardship after the next.
This is "Plus Ultra." I expect you all to overcome these trials and climb to the top. Now, it's time to step up to the plate."