
Why I hate Middle Class Women

"I endured this pain day after day, drowned in the ocean of tears that weren't allowed to leave my eyes. I held on for long, but they didn't love to see that, they stepped upon my head, content to watch me drown in the emotional mess they caused." Seven relationships and all were doomed from the start. The same issues and the same outcome, all the girls he loved left him, cheated on him, stabbed him in the back. Was he hexed? Was he really the problem? Why did they never last? Chang Wu didn't know. All he knew was that, they were breaking his heart to smaller pieces every time they walked out of his life because he couldn't 'afford' them. He'd tried everything to the extent everyone called him a simp for women who wouldn't even do half of what he'd done for them. 'Why were all middle class women the same?' Why hadn't he met one that wouldn't push the burden of financial responsibilities on his shoulders. The more he thought of it, the more he bore hate, until he decided to give up on them, and aim for something higher.  Dating a rich woman was his next step. As impossible as it sounded and difficult to achieve, he thought the woman on the magazine cover that caught his attention would actually love him, not because of money because she already had that. There were problems, he had to live falsely to catch her eye and watch out for potential threats to avoid the truth from getting exposed, but how long would he pretend to be the opposite of what he truly was? How long would he lie? How long would he continue to live in fear? And most importantly, how would he put an end to the facade without getting his dream woman hurt?

SofarLunar · 现代言情
152 Chs

Part V

"Just kill yourself…why not just kill yourself?... just die. Die Jin... I want you to die… Put an end to your miserable life once and for all" Lijuan recalled everything she said to Jin before he left. Thinking about every word she said gave her goosebumps, and she wrapped her arms around herself "what's my life turning into."

So many people called, Jessica included, but she wasn't In the right state of mind to answer any. The news stations went on and on about the number of victims, both in the building and outside that were affected by the blast. 

Lijuan was thinking of how to compensate the family of the victims, and be the aid for the civilians that survived but had to undergo surgery and treatments in the hospital. Stocks were dropping rapidly, and she already received a notice that the investors had withdrawn from her company because of the state of her father who people rumored to be dead.