
Why Does The Ship That I've Made Always Sink?

Li Yun - a fellow rotten green apple AKA a fudanshi has a curse?!! Every CP, every potential pairing, every semeXuke pairing he makes in every novels or dramas he watched reach a certain ending ... It always ends in tragedy. " What is the use of pairing? They always break or fell apart " One day he wakes up with a diamond inlaid silver ring slipped at his finger with a little paper inserted on it that said: ---What will you do to repair what you've done, Honey??? Once he read the note,the world he is in... turned to darkness. A mechanical flirty voice greeted him: This little one welcomes You,My Master~~~ I'm Mend The Ship System~~~ Please take care of me♡♡~~ If you failed to mend the ship,you will disappear in the oblivion forever...~~~~ As in ...*Poof* Teeheee~~~ Li Yun:The fudge!*splashes blood to the system at his mind* ----I will wait for you... ----I win and my reward is... ----Do I need to prove my love for you? ----Will showing my smile enough to melt you? ----Killing you??Not a chance!!!I want you...A.L.I.V.E. Li Yun: The hot chocolate fudge!!!!Please Let This Ship Sink!!! QAQ

CornyCorn_123 · LGBT+
36 Chs

Chapter 0.3 Ming Lan's Plans

" Li...Yun..!!! "

" Lan Lan, I really didn't mean it. Please calm down. "

Li Yun tried to apologized to the raging Ming Lan that's about to grab some books after the pillows with one reason in her mind.

It's time to retaliate to this fudanshi!!!

" Ah... Yun Yun, sorry I lost my cool. It's just... I really can't let you have your way! "

" Huh? "

Ming Lan dropped the about to be thrown books and gently sat beside Li Yun.

" Yun Yun, for the whole four years, I think it's not a coincidence anymore. Every ship you made in BL novels or dramas always end in a... not so good outcome. "

" En. Do you think it's connected to the matter about me being a fudanshi? or To be exact me being... a gay fudanshi? "

Li Yun's eyes reddened. He knew from the start the hidden struggles his friend suffers every time a ship sinks.

The joy of making a pairing, the hope for the couple to end together but here comes the so called curse that destroys Ming Lan's hope and she plunges to despair because of that.

Fortunately, ships that sink are nothing compared to their friendship.

" It's not that. It's just... something's not right. You've said in the early years of our friendship that you often made ships out of the GxB novels out there and it turns to be successful, right? "

" Y-Yes,that's right. It's before I found out that I'm G.A.Y. "

Li Yun firmly confirmed.He noticed that Ming Lan was gently nodding. Ming Lan's face brighten and this action didn't escaped his sight.

" What if you again try to make unlimited GxB ships? You will indeed make the ships sink but this time, it will have an opposite effect!  It's like fighting poison with poison. You will think the ships will sink but it will not! "

Ming Lan laughed, she continued: I'm reaIly a genius in this area, YunYun. Maybe, this time, this plan might undo your "blessing"? It's been four years but... "

Ming Lan happily suggested. Li Yun wiped his imaginary brimming tears and faintly smiled.

' Yes, if he can do it at the past? He can still do it at present right? There's no harm in trying, ba but what if he still fails? '

Ming Lan, like a old grandma that experienced trials and tribulation said to her grandchild with a full of positive energy:

" You and I... being able to make a ship in BL and watch that ship sail at high speed with no obstacles...  is a wonderful outlook in the future, Yun Yun. "

Ming Lan clutched Li Yun's hand. She's very optimistic in this breaking the curse plan.

The reality is... in whole four years she tried many various and strange ways to counter it.

If there's a file about it. This is what it shows currently...

File Name: Let The Ship Sail!!!

Planner: Miss Blue~

Plan A:

Buy some charms to counter the blessing. Attached to the said person in one whole year and wait for the good outcome.

Result: Failure

Plan B:

Visit a shrine and put a generous amount of money at the donation box. Add to your prayer about the certain person's blessing. Do it once a week in whole year.

Result: Failure

Plan C:

Let the said person bless many GxB ships as possible in whole year. It may exhaust the said person's prowess in blessing. Please hope for a good and happy outcome.

Result: Failure

Plan D:

Asked the person when the said blessing had taken effect. Use the said blessing with all your heart, let the person blessed the ships to sink. Wait patiently... and happily hope that the said blessing will have an opposite effect. 

Status: On going

Result : Unknown


"<< Zi Yuan x Lin Rong >>"

Li Yun made a ship. A GxB ship to be exact that will surely fail.  His friend Ming Lan suggested it to him yesterday. There's no harm in trying it. He even did some outrageous and funny things for the past three years that she suggested to him.

The feeling of your own house decorated with love and good luck charms (even his bag had it. Ming Lan put it. Even his book mark was a charm.),  the numbing of his feet when going to a very far away shrine on foot ( he was tagging along with Ming

Lan),  watching and making ship everyday then watching it being crumbled with your own two eyes ( He enjoyed making ship but his face was calm when he watched it sink except Ming Lan )...

And this year...

He, Li Yun will make unlimited ships with an aim to 'sink' them all. He's lying if he said he's not excited to break his so called cursed, you know?

" You've made a ship?! "

Li Yun heard Ming Lan voice behind his bedroom door. He suddenly felt that Ming Lan was a mushroom, sprouting and appearing out of nowhere. He hurriedly hid the body pillow he was hugging below the bedsheets and opened the closed door.

He thanked his subconcious locking- the-door behavior for saving his treasure.

" En. "

Ming Lan crouched down, grabbed the laptop's mouse and and scrolled down.

" Hmmm..."Husband For Hire". Not bad for an appetizer. What episode are you in? "

" Episode 20. Almost at the ending. I made a ship for the supporting character,  Zi Yuan and her bodyguard, Lin Rong. "

Li Yun explained. Ming Lan's staying here for whole three months. He accepted it but he feels cheated because she said its only three days but suddenly out of thin air, it's been extended to three months!

He wanted to freely be with his pillow anytime, anywhere...but with Ming Lan, he can only do it secretly.

Luckily, he hid his precious body pillow earlier or else Ming Lan will definitely will not let go of it once she fixed her sight on the pillow.

He won it at a raffle of a certain random danmei author last month. He can't even remember that he joined that raffle. He just came at his apartment and saw a package at the front of his door and its addressed to him!

The fluffy pillow was printed with an animated half-naked handsome man and it  was definitely a show stopper! (If its a real living person). The long silver hair flowing freely at his shoulder poked Li Yun's meng point. The man also had a pair of azure phoenix eyes. The longer Li Yun stared at it, the more he feel himself being sucked in.

If someone installed a pin hole cam at his apartment, he will definitely see a Li Yun who's hugging and dragging a body pillow all-around his apartment ( except for bathroom matters).

[ I hope this ship will sink, Yun Yun. ]

Translation: I hope this ship will not sink.

" E-En.. "

Li Yun stuttered. He's looking at the bulge formed by the pillow beneath the covers. He thought that if she noticed it... Ming Lan really was fated to meet him and if not...

" What are you looking at ? It's starting! "

She didn' t noticed!  You really belong to me, silver- haired hubby *cough* anime guy!

Li Yun thought happily and returned his gaze at the monitor.


The author has something to say:

Yun Yun obssessed with a pillow. (*≧▽≦)ノシ))

Well...it really pokes his meng point so... ╮(╯▽╰)╭