
Who is Perri West?

Perri West, a girl growing up in Camden Maine thinks things are going pretty good in life. She is a senior in high school. Her and her best friend Mallory work together at 'For the Love of Sweets' bakery and plan on heading off to college together. Yes, her mom is overbearing, however aren't all moms? When a new family moves into town slowly Perri starts questioning things around her. Why doesn't her mom want her tutoring, Colton? And when she meets Colton's older brother Eric, why does it feel like she's known him before? And why all the interest in her locket? What does it all mean? When she comes face to face with the truth will Perri confront her mom? Or pretend she never found out the truth.

Emy_Rodriguez_9549 · 青春言情
32 Chs

Chapter 12

Suddenly Mallory jumped up and she started yelling along with half of the crowd temporarily making me take my eyes off my locket.

"Come on 13! Go Colton! Run!" she was screaming.

Eric and I stood looking out onto the field. Colton was about to make a touchdown. We started cheering him on with the crowd and as he crossed into the end zone. We all jumped up and down cheering as the announcer yelled "touchdown!"

 I didn't realize how quickly time had passed. Before we knew it the game was over, and the players headed for the locker room. The scoreboard read Purple Panthers-22 Windjammers-36. We won!

 "Oh, here. I almost forgot I was holding it" Eric said as he held out my locket.

 "Thank you!" I said as he helped me put it back on. The brush of his fingers on my neck was warm and almost felt familiar. How can this be?

 "Come on let's go wait for Colton so we can get going to Drew's." Mallory saved me from my crazy thoughts.

 We headed down the bleachers to wait for Colton. As soon as he came out, we loaded up, and took off for Drew's party. Colton decided to ride with Jayden and his brother while Mallory climbed in with me.

 As we drove up to Drew's house I was stunned. Mallory had already been here before but, this was my first time. His house was gorgeous! It was a large white two-story home with a wraparound porch. There was an awning in between the garage and the house. Hanging from the awning was the cutest wooden swing. We parked the car and headed into the back yard. We rounded the house and the whole backyard was lit up with mini lanterns. There was a stone patio which ran the length of the back of the house. At the far end there was a large hot tub which held around twenty-five teens. Then was a large patio set including several chairs and two couches which also were filled with kids from school. They had a built-in brick grill with a mini bar which made a half circle with two long tables behind it covered with burgers, hotdogs, chips, drinks, and other snacks. In the center of the yard was a firepit which lit up the area around it where a group of teens were hanging out.

 "I see Ashley I'll catch up with you guys later," Colton said as he took off in the direction of the


 Mallory and Jayden headed for the food tables. I wasn't hungry so I decided to go for a little walk.

 "Hey, Perri, wait up. Mind if I join you?" Eric asked as he caught up to me.

 "No, I don't mind. I'm not sure where I'm going though."

 "It's alright I'll just keep you company. Try to get to know at least one of the 'older chicks' my brother talks so much about."

 "Oh, my goodness! Is he still talking about that?"

 "Oh, very much so. But it's nice that he has some positive influences around him. Before we moved, he was hanging around with this group of kids that he kept getting in trouble with. I felt like I was so far away I couldn't help my mom out much and Dad has been so busy with the company nothing was working. That's part of why Mom and Dad moved here. Dad and his partner decided to expand the business and an opportunity arose here, so they moved. It was a good idea for everyone. Especially Colton he is doing so much better here and he is happier. I have to admit, it's nice having them live closer to me. I've really missed them. Just tell Colton, he will never let me live it down that I need my little brother around." Eric laughed lightening the mood.

 We found ourselves towards the front of the house and decided to sit on the wooden swing.

"Well, I'm glad your parents moved here. I know I already said it but having Colton around is like having a little brother. I've always wanted siblings but after my dad was killed Mom never remarried. She hasn't even dated as far as I know."

 "So, Perri, you know about us thanks to my brother. What about you? Have you always lived in Camden?"

 "No, we moved here when I was twelve. Mom and I lived in L.A when I was younger. One day after Mom picked me up from school we came home, and our apartment had been broken into. We walked inside and my dad was lying on the kitchen floor. There was blood everywhere. Mom always said he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. A break in gone bad. Ever since then though she has been very overprotective and trusts no one. She about had a heart attack the day Colton showed up for my first day tutoring him." I laughed at the memory now. Even though it had only been a few days ago I can't ever stay mad at my mom. Especially when I think of all she has been through.

 "Wow. You have been through a lot. I'm sorry about your dad."

 "It's ok. It was a long time ago and I barely remember him."

 All of a sudden, I was grabbed from behind and I let out a loud squeal.

 "So, this is where you ran away too. I was worried you left before the party even started. Come on, Perri, let's dance!" Mallory said as she tried to pull me up from my seat. Mallory was so excited I came I couldn't deny her a dance or two. I was a little surprised she was ditching Jayden, and a small part of me felt bad about leaving Eric.

 Mallory and I danced to several songs before I needed to take a break and get something to drink. As I approached where the drinks were located, I was excited to see they had cans of Dr Pepper. I grabbed a can and started to make my way to one of the patio chairs. As I squeezed my way through the crowd, I heard a familiar voice. I couldn't quite make out what he was saying so I looked around trying to find where the voice was coming from.

 "You need to ask her about it, Eric! If it is her, she deserves to know the truth! Wouldn't you want to know if it was you? Don't you want to know if she is Christine?" Colton was angry.

 "It's not that easy Colton, I want to know more than anything. But I have to think about her too. I would be coming into her life just to turn her whole world upside down. And I have to think of Anthony and Miranda as well. Too many people have come forward claiming to be their daughter. I can't hurt them again either if we are wrong." Eric sounded defeated.

 I felt bad for eavesdropping on their conversation, but I couldn't move. It was like my body wanted me to hear what they were going to say next.

 "I guess you're right. I understand we need to be 100% sure about this. But you saw the locket right Eric?"

 Suddenly they were interrupted by Jayden. The locket? Were they talking about me? And if they were, what did they mean I needed to know the truth? And who is Christine? I decided I am all partied out. If I ever go to a party again it will be too soon. I sent Mallory a quick message telling her I was feeling sick, and I was going home. I didn't make it there though, on my way home I passed a sign for the lookout. I quickly turned into the parking lot. Not even taking my keys out of the ignition, I got out and ran to my cave. I needed to think and the best way I knew how was to bring out my emotions through drawing.