
Who are you ?

(Both male and female lead are from different countries. They both living their lives . Male lead is south Korean kpop idol, name "jeon jeonkuk". and female lead is from India from middle class family, "Kanika kher" then story begins)

(Male lead is practicing with his other member)

Jeonkuk:- today is so hectic .

Jimin ( band member):- let's eat something.

Jeonkuk:- sorry I'm not coming I'm going to sleep bye.

Jimin :- ok I will come and bring something for you.

jeonkuk:- ok.

( then he went to his room and started thinking )

jeonkuk:- ( in mind) I need break but I can't do anything , oh God can I will ever get a chance to live normal life . ( and slept)

( female lead in India)

Kanika:- mom please give me some food I am hungry.

( shouting)

Mom : - shut up every time you just eat, sleep and eat again .

Kanika : - mom what is this you always shout at me.

Mom: - you deserve it.

Kanika:- oh God no one loves me and I just hate my family I need someone who cares for me, who loves me not shout all the time.

( went on the bed started crying and slept after that)

( in Korea)

Jimin :- jeonkuk where are you I got something to eat for you.

( after 2 hours jeonkuk open his eyes )

( jeonkuk in shock)

jeonkuk :- who are you ( in Korean)?