(A/N: I have posted a new auxiliary Chapter, answering some of your doubts and addressing some of your problems. Take a look if you are interested.)
After I and Alex sailed away from the Island and were a distance away, Alex turned to me and asked.
„So what really happened in the center? And whats with your new sword?"
„Well, I nearly died. When I came upon the center of the island, everyone was already dead, like I said. And the only thing that was left was this sword here on my back. Since I'm a swordsman myself and this sword is obviously of high quality, I wanted to take it, but who would have thought… as I drew nearer the sword already attacked with ist own initiate Sword Force and its Bloodlust, but this wasnt really that big of a deal.
Well until, I grabbed the sword, it exploded with a very sudden and strong impulse of Bloodlust, stunning me for a moment. It then used this moment to somehow, lock me inside my mind. And while I was locked inside my mind, it began to suck my blood and flesh out, and because I was locked inside my mind I couldn't really retaliate. Resulting in me nearly dying.
Luckily I managed to breakthrough my Sword Realm, and creating my first real move of my own Core Technique, allowing me to break out of my mind. Afterwards I drew the sword out of the ground, gaining its acknowledgement and then it gave me back my flesh and blood, even slightly refining it, making me slightly stronger.
But that wasn't the most interesting, but what happened when I drew the sword out of the ground…"
I then told Alex, what stood on the Poneglyph that appeared from the ground.
„Sigh, such an interesting encounter and you enjoyed it all by yourself."
„Gorararara, don't say it like that, if you were there you wouldn't have been able to do anything anyway, and you little playtime with Nina, was way more interesting for you I bet."
I think I shouldn't have said that. Alex looked a bit angry, and she was pouting, even hitting me on my head. But wasn't this the truth?
„Why would you hit me? I only tried to console you. Anyways, what did you and little Nina do while I was away? You for sure weren't shopping for clothes the whole time, right?"
Alex threw me one more time the stink eye and then told me what happened while I was away.
„Nina showed me around the town a bit at first, and I must say, its really beautiful even though Noone was there anymore, but this let me appreciate all the decorations and such even more, as if there would have been a huge crowd traveling around. I also went through all the shops, and refilled our storage, and I also brought some new spices and bed linen back to the ship, of course I left money for all these wares. Well not that the owner would be able to get my payment now.
Anyways, I also took some resources, to make provisional repairs to our second mast. All while being followed by Nina, and talking to her. She really is a lively girl. I hope she's gonna be alright. Well the marines should take good care of her.
Ah yes when I transported our supplies back to the ship, I saw some ships in the distance, but they seemed to came from the east of the island, and were sailing away. Probably tourists, like us, but once they saw Noone there, they quickly left the island. They should also have alarmed the marines already.
And after we repaired the second mast as best as we could, we went to the clothes shop, and not even ten minutes later you showed up. And the rest you already know."
I glanced at the second mast, which got destroyed in the previous battle, I could indeed see, that it got some makeshift repairs, but I can't say anything, as I wouldn't have done any better. How I didn't notice this, when I first walked onto the ship, eludes me.
Doesn't matter.
Alex is really reliable, if she hadn't done all this, then we would have run low on supplies, before reaching our next destination, and would have to make a small detour.
I totally forgot about that, as I was too focused on the strange happening other island.
Our next destination, was already decided, and it was rather far away from Firewind Island.
The Doxtor Kingdom on Doxtor Island
It was a rather famous kingdom in the East Blue, as it was situated on an island, completely in gold, the trees, stones, beach, and even every blade of grass was golden in color. It was very beautiful, and as the season on Doxtor Island was unchanged all year round, it constantly attracted tourists.
Legend had it, that Doxtor, was once the home of one of the wealthiest merchant family of the entire world. And most of their riches were on the island, invocing soon the greed of all kinds of people, Pirates, nobles, royals and other merchants.
Then one day, as if they had it planned already, all the greedy people sailed towards Doxtor and laid siege on the island. The local merchant had bought all the newest defensive means of that time, since he knew that such a situation would be inevitable. But he still somewhat underestimated just how many people would come to get his treasures, and after only a few hours his defenses were breached, allowing the attackers to come onto the island.
But what the attackers didn't expect, was the last line of defense of that merchant. He set a trap for them inside his treasure room, where he kept nearly all his wealth. Explosives. So once most of these people were near the treasure room and were already arguing and fighting over the treasures, the wealthy merchant, then set those explosives off. Resulting in a massive crater and all the gold and other treasures, melting down and coming down on the island as rain. A rain of gold.
The gold then seeped into the ground. Where it was dissolved and absorbed by the flora and the rocks of the island changing their color forever.
The first time the legend appeared, was 300 years ago, and it took people 100 years to finally find the island.
Many people who believed the legend, then started to move onto the island and begun to dig the ground for the remaining gold, or even took the now differently colored trees, grasses or rocks to the sea, trying to make it into money, but it was all useless, as even though the flora and rocks were golden colored, but that was all. They simply looked like gold, but weren't real gold, just normal rocks and plants with a different color.
Soon the excitment went away, the only real proof was the big lake in the middle anyways.
Many then left the island, disappointed. But some stayed, these people then settled down and slowly built their own village, which over the years got bigger and bigger. From village to town, city and finally kingdom.
This was also the origin story of the Doxtor Kingdom.
Well, now that I knew that the legend of the Firewind Island, is real, maybe the legend of Doxtor Island is real too? If so, then I could gain a massive amount of wealth, sure I don't currently lack money, but it would be really difficult now, that I have company, to resume my old job as bounty hunter.
So I'm now an adventurer, for this world pirate, but I myself see myself as an adventurer.
I got it.
„Gorararara, Alex, I've got it. Since the world sees us as Pirates, but I myself think of us more of adventurers, then how about we call our little group the Adventure Pirates!"
Though Alex was a bit surprised by my sudden outburst, but hearing the name for our little pirate group, she smiled.
„Yeah, I think it is indeed fitting."
3rd person PoV.
Grandline, Paradise, Marine Headquarters.
Inside of a small office, we're currently 3 people, one muscular man, with a scar running from under his left eye to under his left ear sat behind his desk and discussed something with a tall man, with afro in front of him. Besides the afro man sat a man with black hair, that had some Grey patches here and there and a big half moon shaped scar besides his left eye.
They were current Fleet Admiral Kong, Admiral Sengoku and Vice Admiral Garp.
Suddenly there was a knock on the door.
Fleet Admiral Kong stopped what he was saying and turned to the door.
A tall nameless marine Commodore entered the room.
„Report. Yesterday on Firewind Island, in the East Blue, happened a massacre, every local and tourist, that were present died. After hearing the report of the only surviving local, and initial investigations, it seemed, as if the legend of the island was true and a beast was sealed on the island, but we couldn't deduce where it went. Additionally when our team reached the scene of the crime it found a newly made mass grave. They also found one of those strange stones, a Poneglyph. Additionally, we found out, that ‚Freedom Sword' together with the marine traitor Alexander Ridfield, seemed to have stayed for a few hours on the island, what they did there is still under investigation."
The muscular man and the one with the afro frowned heavily.
„OK dismissed."
Kong waved his hand, dismissing the Commodore.
After he left the room and closed the door.
„What are your thoughts Sengoku?"
„This is very bad. And if not handled carefully, we could loose the trust of the populace of the East Blue. So we should carefully investigate. For one, reporting the findings on the Poneglyph to the world government, and request that we can get a rough outline of what it says, since it's our current o ly real lead of what happened.
And two sending one of our Rear Admirals, or even a Vice Admiral into the East Blue to capture ‚Freedom Sword' and the marine traitor Alexander Ridfield. Maybe they know something too. Are their bountys out already? If not then increase them even further."
Admiral Sengoku glared a bit at Garp.
„If you just had captured that youngster, back in Loqutown, Garp! Nothing like this would have happened."
„Bwahaha, relax Sengoku, this brat shouldn't be the reason for the massacre, as he was only there after it happened."
But Garps answer didn't quell Sengokus anger at all, he wanted to hit him, but not now. He first had to finish his discussion with the Fleet Admiral. But later.
Fleet Admiral Kong ignored the two in front of him bickering and thought about, what Admiral Sengoku said.
„You are right, I will send the request to the world government, but knowing them, we shouldn't expect too much. We should better focus on the second point. So send a Vice Admiral. Who to send and how high you raise their bounty is up to you Sengoku. You will sooner or later now sit on this chair, so I will trust you with these things. I will talk with the government. Meeting adjourned."
„Yes Fleet Admiral, I will do my best!"
After leaving the office with Garp, Admiral Sengoku thought about his task.
‚Who to send? Kizaru and Akainu are still needed in the New World, the same for the loafer besides him. There were some unrests there, now that the Great Pirate Age is still relatively new. Aokiji is still in the West Blue busy with that and even afterwards, he's needed for the New World, too. So they are a big no. And also was bit overkill. But then who to send? A new Vice Admiral. Who? Hmm. Vice Admiral Heizer, should be a good choice. From the reports, this Freedom Sword, is a very highly skilled swordsman, so Heizer with his devil fruit should be a good counter. As for their bountys…'