
25. Idiot

„What do you think you're doing cadett? Are you really ignoring me to such an extent? Wanting to quitt the marines and joining a pirate right in front of me?"


„Shut up! You pig, every second word that comes from you is always how great you are! Do you know how annoying this is, how much I endured these last two years."


The first voice was Rear Admiral Horin, and the next was Alexander. He seems pretty passed to me. Sigh Just why would he be this angry?


Just kidding, of course I know. It's because of my misunderstanding.


After shouting at the Rear Admiral, Alexander, then jumped towards the ship and sent a punch towards his face.


The power and speed were pretty good for the East Blue. But he was still a bit behind the Rear Admiral, as although he was an idiot and indeed weaker than the Headquarter counterpart, but being the chief of the Marine in the East Blue, he still wasn't a complete weakling. As such he met Alexander's punch with his own, and although he didn't have as much momentum, he still shot him back.


To my ship.


If he crashes, my ship would be damaged. But since I was currently on a journey, I couldn't have that, as such I quickly stepped behind Alexander and catched him.


„You sure are powerful, if you hadn't turned to the dark side, then you could have one day become my second-in-command. But now? I can only apprehend you together with that pirate."


Rear Admiral Horin roared and jumped from the marine ship towards us and punched towards Alexander, who was in my arms.


I quickly threw the man who I caught behind me and drew my sword to slash at the Rear Admiral. At the same time I also used my Constriction Domain, in order to slow him down.


Seeing me swinging my sword to block his attack, Rear Admiral Horin sneered and punched my sword with his bare hand.


Although I was a bit surprised, but I didn't think too much, just continuing to slash my sword towards his fist, intending to cut his arm in two. One shouldn't underestimate the sharpness of my sword, even if it is only a graded sword.


But something unexpected happened, when our attacks crossed, instead of cutting of the arm of my enemy, it simply produced a sound, as if it met another blade.


Looking closely, I could see some scales, that appeared on his hand, where it met my sword.


The next moment, I could suddenly feel an enormous amount of strength suddenly transmitting through my sword. As I looked up, I could see Rea Admiral Horins arm suddenly swelling and completely covering in scales. The same happened to his other arm. His head elongated and turned into the head of an alligator. Then there was a ripping sound, as a tail grew out of his back.


Sigh. And another zoan user. I feel like I really run into them a lot. Of the hundred or so opponents I met in the last two years at least 40 had devil fruits, and from these 40, 30 were zoan fruits. Of course only normal zoans, as the only ancient Zoan I met was that captain of the Black Ogre Pirates.


„Hmpf I met many swordsmen in the past and all were unable to put even a scratch on me. Most of them were even older and stronger than you. Do you think you will be able to put a scratch on me?"




Sigh. Why do I always meet such idiots. Ah! Who cares. Let me show him what I can do. But first let me anger him a bit.


„Yeah? And I met many idiots like you before, who thought they were so great. But really were only some small fries."


Pretty crude I know. But it seems to have worked, as the alligator in front of me snarled and rushed towards me. He again used a simple punch at my face.


I used the wide side of my sword to slightly redirect his punch and with a small movement from me, I dodged to the side. I then swung my sword diagonally at his torso. And as he was currently in the air, as he had to jump in order to reach my face, he had nowhere to dodg and could only block. I would then be able to smash him across my ship and hopefully into the sea.


I even used the Gravity of my Constriction Domain, in order to restrict his movements further, to maximize the power of my attack.


But it seemed I was a bit too naive, still. As I forgot one thing. I'm current,y facing a Rear Admiral of the marines. And sure he was only stationed in the East Blues but how could he not know the Supreme techniques of the marines, rokushiki?


He used Geppo, and dodged my slash midair.


We then had a small staredown, and looks like my opponent had called down again from the shock of nearly being blasted off the ship.


Sigh. Not a complete idiot I seems.


He took a deep breath and looked at me varyly.


And suddenly vanished.




Even though I slightly lost sight of him, but I could still sense him through my domain.


Behind me.


I didn't bother turning around and used my sword, to defend my back, but I was still slightly too late. This Rear Admiral, sure isn't all that bad, and I underestimated him a bit. Even in my Constriction Domain he was still so fast. He hit my back. I could still defend a bit with constricting my muscles, but I was still blown away. I spun a few times and crashed into the back of my ship.




That hurts. I crawled out of the small crater I left in the wall and stretched my upper body a bit.


Good. Although it hurts, but nothing is broken.


I looked at the Rear Admiral that stood where I was previously and sneered slightly.


I really underestimated him.


[Double Domain – Constrict Domain – Cold Domain]


I used stacked an extra Cold Domain on top, I order to slow him down even further.


Something I found out, is that my Mist Domain is very ineffective against Zoan Fruit users. Although their sight is heavily restricted, but with their other heightened senses they would still be able to find me when I'm inside a certain range of them. Sure it would be useful to hide but in frontal combat it isn't that useful, at least against Zoan Users.


Feeling the rapid drop in temperature, the Horin frowned a bit. Looks like this is even more Useful than the Constrict Domain.


Ah yeah.


Aren't alligators or reptiles in general, cold-blooded? And are in colder weather less active?


But before I could think further I suddenly sensed danger from my back again. This time I again tried to block with my sword at the back.


This time it somewhat worked, but just barely, and I still got blasted away. This time I landed somewhat steadily and didn't get hurt really, but looks like I still have the bad habit of getting distracted in a fight.


Anyways, I focused now fully on my opponent. My sword ready.




This time he again appeared behind me. I again simplymoved my sword behind me to block the attack.


This time Bing fully ready, I could block the punch, but I still staggered a few steps forward.


But Rear Admiral Horin, didn't let up this time and again sorued towards me, now from my side, and punched again. I blocked. But again only barely and got shot off again.




Am I really so weak? Even a Rear Admiral from the weakest East Blue could suppress me to this degree?


[Triple Domain – Constrict Domain – Cold Domain – Defense Domain]


Just as I added the next Domain on top, Rear Admiral Horin appeared agai  and punched me again.


There was no time for me to move my sword. I could only use my Defense Domain, to form a small air pocket in front of the attack and tense my muscles in the area his punch will hit. But this time he won't get away scot free. I swung my sword with all my might behind me. Using my Second Realm and sending a wave of Sword Force out.


His hit connected, but I was not sent flying, but only forced a few steps back.


Rear Admira Horin on the other hand was sent flying a few meters. His Hand, with which he blocked my Sword Force was all bloody, I could even see a finger or two missing from it, looking at the place of our last clash.


I could indeed see two bloody fingers, alreadyback to normal human ones. A pinky and a ring finger.


The Rear Admiral grunted slightly and roared in anger.


„You Bastard! I fucking kill you! How dare a lowly pirate cut of two fingers off the hand of 5he mighty me?"




„Yeah yeah, if you were so mighty, then you wouldn't have lost two fingers."


I mocked.


It worked. The half Alligator,  half human rushed at me with red eyes. Punching with all his might at my face. Without using Soru.




Now without his speed advantage, he really wasn't anything special.


[Embryotic First Move – Swallow takes off]


An upwards slash, which had all my might behind it. Like I wanted to set off and fly away.


My slash, containing Sword Force, traveled from down below Rear Admiral Horin with unbelievable momentum, and all my strength, first through his lower left waist, through his whole body and out his right shoulder. Bisected him.


Killing him.




Such an idiot, he was way to fixated on his prestige, flying into a rage whenever he felt it slightly blemished. If that wasn't the case, and he stayed calm through our fight and continued using soru, to flash around me hitting me, then all I  old have done, were either continue defending passively, or trading injurys.


I thought as I watched the two halves of the Marine Rear Admiral falling to the ground.




Just when did I become so numb to killing, that I can now calm watch this gory scene, without feeling anything?


Totally different from my first time. And also was only around one and a half years ago. I was challenging Pirates like usual. And it was one of the times I won, which was fewer times, than I lost. An d this time was also pretty close. As I only wonder to my reach advantage. But this pirate wasn't really content with his loss, especially one due to me being bigger, and having a longer sword than him. As such he attacked me when I turned to leave. Successfully injuring my leg. A few centimeter more upwards and slightly more to the right, and he would have hit my little brother. This enraged me.


In my anger I exploded with my whole aura, knocking all his crew out, and even the captain himself was struggling on the ground, as I attacked out of anger, splitting his head in two. Making his brain splash everywhere, even on my face.


Feeling this, I came back to myself and watched the gory scene before me, making my stomach extremely upset, as I directly puked ist whole contents on the floor.


I was really traumatized, seeing the scene every time I closed my eyes, making me want to puke again for three whole days. That time was really shard for me, as I could eat nearly nothing, as I had that constant urge to puke.




But now? Now I feel nothing watching this. And it was even more gory, as I could see all his organs spilling out of his two halves.


I really got used to it fast. Should be the world. At least that's what I hope. That it's normal in this world to feel this way, and not because of me, because I have the tendencies of a psychopath. To like killing people.




Just how often did I sigh today?


Anyways, what do I do now?


I looked at the marines on the warship, making them Sha,e in fear,some even fainting without me doing anything.




What a drag.


Ohoh I get some Nara Clan vibes there.


Well doesn't matter…at least for now.




I first looked at the marines and let my Concerous Haki loose, knocking them all out, then I threw the two halves of the dead Rear Admiral on the marine ship before sailing away.




I have a feeling I forgot something.


„Cough, Captain, you still didn't answer me, can I join you crew?"


I heard a voice and then remembered.


Right that guy.