

In the Land named Lender, there existed creatures that no one has ever heard about. Have you ever heard of creatures from one of its kind? One among the myths beings who are said to be the strongest of all? Who lives behind the shadows of humans, who are called the strongest from one side while the others called them immortal? They are not fairies, Vampires, Goblins, or Werewolves however something beyond them. They are called DeathLocks. It is a rare rumor about them that they are powerful and strong after being gifted with a natural mysterious source called a system. The system works well with them as it provides them necessary requirement from above what a normal human being struggled to earn. With this, they wage wars over numerous Kingdoms and conquered lands according to their own will. No one can stop them or battle against them. On the other hand, a common fact about their system is known that Human beings can’t see their system as for this the Deathlocks feel proud for it. However, everything slowly collapses when a young boy from the humans named Yutosai soon discovers a chained Deathlock who is trapped between survival for life and with the darkness of death. What’s worse both are quite close to each other. To turn the matter upside down, this Deathlock chooses Yutosai to be his slave in exchange for his freedom by providing him THREE systems at a time, with all different statuses and power which soon takes his life from the poor of slavery till meeting up with mighty kings. How does Yutosai’s life changes into a world where he sees mystery behind lands, finds cries behind voices, seeks evil behind the white, visits strong Kings and salutes Empires, met dark villains, and feels peaceful auras trapped around his land? With the blood of a slave running in his veins, find out his long journey around the land and how will he manage to finish the main quest line with one sentence to be solved as an order by his master: WHITE FEELINGS, BLACK HEART.

Ninestar619 · 奇幻
33 Chs

Werth of Captain.

Under the rainy storm between the wet path of mountains in the cliffs region, 50 large containers were pulled separately by four horses, a long in charge with forty nine horsemen in guard them. The military horses galloped beside the carts as all ran in straight path.

Naturally, under the stormy weather, natural disasters occur due to the high volume of rain water. Here it took place, the huge silent mountain in the left were attacked by land sliding and falling rocks.

"All soldiers! Give everything you have and protect the wagons!" ordered the Captain in rage.

The galloping horses headed bravely towards the landslide when three soldiers jumped ahead with charging swords and swiped a huge red color power slash at the landslide blocking it's way from interrupting their path. A huge red wall shaded over the caravans smoothly passing below the whole group of horsemen with no causalities or the risk of getting buried under the soil.

"Keep moving! we are almost there! Make sure all the containers arrive at time!" thundered the Captain galloping ahead.

Travelling for thity one miles between mountains, taking a turn straight ahead an abnormal mountain stood in front of their path in the shape of a fortess. No one panicked instead increased their speed ahead.

In a green glow t the center, the two rocks glowed into two line and divided opening miraculously like a door. All the horsemen along with the containers entered it, leaving the door shut from behind.

Crossing a hard, dark tunnel, in a flash of bright light all horses stood inside a huge hall filled with white coat men waiting for their arrival.

As all the carriage stopped, A young man with blue hairs and black eyes, seem young with active potential, seen to be the chef among all by his ribbon that he wore around his shoulder till the waist, stepped forward as the Leader's horse stopped in it's place.

"Welcome welcome Captain. How was your journey, sir?"

"All soaked" replied the Captain getting off his horse.

"So, what is all this Captain Jennifer?" he asked getting his glimpse on the 50 containers as they were getting unloaded from the commodities. Slaves were lining out. All faces seem hopeless and pale. Clearly, they knew they won't survive here to see the next sunrise, this was the last day of their life.

Upon lookong at their faces, Jennifer, the Captain's name ignored and replied him while standing by his horse that all were for the weapon experiment which has to be shifted into the war zone after three days.

Mister Foster, one of the Top Royal families ordered to start on all of them and bring out the successful oneswith no care of anyone wad or alive.

"I see then I will get started right away!" he turned moving out "people, shift all in different storage."

Using gunmen, all the slaves separately were forming line quietly and listlessly followed each other into a mental door without any argument or causing trouble.

When the boy's car opened, Captain Jennifer 's experrsion turned pale, drew out his sword autering towards the container leaving the Cheif scientists perplexed behind. He ordered a guard "take everyone out expect that chained boy".

"Sir?" puzzled the soldier asking if everything was alright.

"I just need to deal with him" was the reply.

While the boys were getting out, Yutosai struggled to stand when suddenly he got a thrust and dropped on the floor. He looked up and saw a soldier glaring down at him ordering "stay down boy, there's a business to be settled with you by the Captain".

"A business?" wondered the boy perplexed as the soldier left walking out.

Footsteps, to paces, ambling, all passed by him from everyside into the wide light as he sat in the center with his head hung. He tried to understand what exactly was going on around but, nothing was coming clear.

Few minutes later, he was left all alone in the steel box sitting with boulders of questions in his head. That's when a heavy boot person climbed into the container wadding straight towards him. A beam of sharp blade flashed swiping his sight as a keen sense of killing gathered around the surrounding. This sensing caused terror in his heart but, he gluped his throat, held his courage and looked up to see with own very eyes who was the cause of this.

A white coat, military dressed man stood in front of him.

Yutosai was small but, still he didn't back down and glared back at this to soldier.

"You are nothing but, a prisoner slave" said the white coat man in a high authority glaring back down at him. Threatening his sword at the boy's neck he added saying that he had no mercy for any prisoners no matter the type.

"Unlike you, who is quite different from all. I can judge you from your glaring."

The boy didn't say a word. What he instantly learned that this man was someone from high rank. Probably a leader of the group that interrupted into the slave house.

This was Captain Jennifer.

"By the way, what is your name?" asked the Captain. Still, this boy shut his lips not even ready to reply this introducing question.

The man leer replying, "Why would a slave have a name? Names are given to only valuable people, not trash of your kind." He insulted him more saying your life was useless and it deserves to be ended but, before that there was a small settlement. He lifted up his sword on Yutosai watched and said, "Back there. It was because of YOU that we had trouble to face. A perious slave...." his sword swipe straight at Yutosai and strike him on his face, dropping him into his mouth.

A deep scar was opened on his right check bleeding a lot. This act of the Captain was similar to a slap. He didn't wanted to dirty his hands from slapping a dirty creature as slave which is why he used the harsh way. The blade was lacquered with the blood of the boy, dripping from the edge on the floor.

To his surprise, the boy still sat up guises of him with his head hung.

"HOW DARE YOU?!" yelled the Captain and kicked him hard on his chest, throwing him far and hit his back on the iron wall, vibrating the whole box with the force. Shivering in agony, the boy vomited a mouthful of blood and coughed.

"How dare you stand in front of the mighty Captain! Know your place slave! Dirty prisoner! Perious! Humph! Don't even know what does perious means! Show off!" he swirled away, stamping out of the container, leaving the wounded slave sit like an idol at the end of the box. Coming out he gave out a special order, "The prisoner inside! Get him to the Core experiment. Start him from there itself! That's what he deserves!"

This shocked all.

Everyone knew this Captain was cruel, serious and arrogant in giving orders. But, why was he burning up in rage only on that small slave.

Okay, it would make sense if it was a young teenager or an adult but, why a child?

Just as he passed by the Chief scientist, an unexpected scene caught this man's sight. The moment Captain passed, he called "Captain!"

"WHAT?!" roared the raging man that he won't back up his words.

"But, that's not the concept, sir" interrupted the Chief scientist before any arguments begin, pointing at the sword in the Captain's hand, "sir, you didn't notice? Why is that blood on your sword deep black in color?"

"Huh?" shocked a man shattering his anger. He lifted his sword and noticed the chance.

Yes, it was black!

And on the weirdest part that black blood was moltening the blade of the shiny sharp sword.