

In the Land named Lender, there existed creatures that no one has ever heard about. Have you ever heard of creatures from one of its kind? One among the myths beings who are said to be the strongest of all? Who lives behind the shadows of humans, who are called the strongest from one side while the others called them immortal? They are not fairies, Vampires, Goblins, or Werewolves however something beyond them. They are called DeathLocks. It is a rare rumor about them that they are powerful and strong after being gifted with a natural mysterious source called a system. The system works well with them as it provides them necessary requirement from above what a normal human being struggled to earn. With this, they wage wars over numerous Kingdoms and conquered lands according to their own will. No one can stop them or battle against them. On the other hand, a common fact about their system is known that Human beings can’t see their system as for this the Deathlocks feel proud for it. However, everything slowly collapses when a young boy from the humans named Yutosai soon discovers a chained Deathlock who is trapped between survival for life and with the darkness of death. What’s worse both are quite close to each other. To turn the matter upside down, this Deathlock chooses Yutosai to be his slave in exchange for his freedom by providing him THREE systems at a time, with all different statuses and power which soon takes his life from the poor of slavery till meeting up with mighty kings. How does Yutosai’s life changes into a world where he sees mystery behind lands, finds cries behind voices, seeks evil behind the white, visits strong Kings and salutes Empires, met dark villains, and feels peaceful auras trapped around his land? With the blood of a slave running in his veins, find out his long journey around the land and how will he manage to finish the main quest line with one sentence to be solved as an order by his master: WHITE FEELINGS, BLACK HEART.

Ninestar619 · 奇幻
33 Chs

The madness of ordering.

An elevator was diving down through the dark hall: Level-3, level-4, level-5, and level-6.

This elevator was a glowing ball falling like a normal ball without any support but, just with an energy flow supporting it with an endless string, attached from the highest roof of the lab till the lower base. This ball had an electric meter, directing it to which Lab to stop by using their power energy to direct it. The destination of the ball was the Ninth floor lab, the last floor of the lab.

Inside this elevator three men were attending, the Captain Jennifer, Scientist Lee, the Secretary of the Forster family and the Scientist was leading it. Once, they arrived at the Level-8 floor, the elevator suddenly stopped opening its door,

“WAIT WHAT!” stunned Lee pressing the down red circle with his glowing palm in countless times, “Why isn’t it going further?”

“What’s wrong?” asked Jennifer stepping front.

“I don’t know. The elevator isn’t connected to the Ninth floor!” replied Lee still pressing the circle.

To his surprise, the ninth level appeared to be lost. It displayed that the level was gone!

It was completely unbelievable. The Secretary walked out of the elevator and stood in front of the wide hole, glazing down at the darkness which appeared in no sound from below. While staring at the black hole suddenly, he felt a sharp pain on his head that threw him back on the floor.

“MISTER!!” both ran to him and helped him sat up. “You okay?!” asked Lee while the man still holding his head.

“Is everything alright, sir?” contested Jennifer as the Secretary began to tremble.

“No, I am not. AH! MY head is aching as though something is nailing inside the skull!” cried the man in pain. “This atmosphere is ……freezing. It’s so cold. There’s some sort of energy growing within it. I can feel….. I can feel it heavily inside my body…AHHH!” he yelled.

Just as he was done speaking these words, the same sense of feelings caught the two brothers. They also felt as though a great power was taking over their stamina.

“What is this feeling?” asked the Captain to the scientist who was himself puzzled about what was going on, unable to reply an answer.

“Wait!” yelled the guest pouncing back on his feet. He was covered in cold sweats as his expression turned pale with his head going back in memories

“I know what this is. I am totally aware of this feeling. This power it’s completely well known to me” he rushed front astonished both as he stood at the edge of the cliff gawking below again at the black hole. “It’s coming from that way down” he asked as he could sense the energy flowing strongly into his body “It’s a very familiar force to me. I know it very well” he turned to the Chief Scientist “tell me how to get there?!”

“Am……mmmm” he wasn’t able to reply a word. This raised the rage of the man at a worse level that he grabbed Lee’s collar in his fist.

“HEY!!” shouted Jennifer from behind to stop this act but the guest was losing his temper that he pulled out a dragger threatening it on Lee’s throat,

“If you get any closer I will slice him off dead” he warned the Captain who stopped his feet from moving any muscle front.

“What’s the big deal?!” thundered the Captain on him as he could see his brother getting choked on the man’s fist.

“GET ME DOWN THERE!” roared the man in anger, His voice was in so rage that it collapsed the gentleness of a noble man. He was getting angry about something that both the men couldn’t predict perhaps, it was personal but, even though it was personal then why this level of threatening.

“Can’t you get the idea of the situation around here?!” shouted back Jennifer “the elevator isn’t taking us. There’s a strong wave of unknown energy flowing out from the location once called Level Nine Lab. We are stuck in here! There isn’t any way!”

“What nonsense!” the man at the Captain as he was pushing the Scientist to the corner “If it comes to jump off this cliff I say this should go first!”

“WHAT?!” shouted the Captain.

The crazy Secretary turned to the hopeless Scientist questioning “Is this the way down straight to the Ninth lab?” Tell me!” he shocked him. “Ah! Ye… Yes!” suffered the victim for a breath as he replied “ yes, either it’s to jump or a stairs bat the back door………. Unfortunately…… due to unknown reason those stairs are gone…… so I guess this is the one……”.

This drew a leer on the Secretary’s lips.

“LET HIM GO!!!” a voice called from behind.

He turned and found Jennifer pointing his gun straight at him with his glaring eyes “let him go or I will shoot…”.

However, horribly the Secretary laughed, his evil thin smirking lips replied “you know what Captain, aiming a gun towards a noble is a big crime you are well aware. I will report a direct message to the king of the family not just the lord”.

“Eh….! this shocked the Captain, lowering his weapon out of fear as he lost all the strength to continue. It was dangerous to do this. It could loss to his rank or his position and the end to everything. “However….” He heard and woke up at the creepy man “I will forgive you… like this…” he pushed off Lee’s into the cliff, throwing him straight down into the black void “AAAAAAAAaaa” his scream for help would be heard echoing the entire hall sadly it faded away in vain. “NO!” cried the officer running to the edge gazing into the dark as he could only see darkness with no voice or at least an echo to be heard. The black hole, not only absorbed the lower case but, also sucked in cries and agony of any object, thing or human’s fall. What was this darkness? Why was it here? Where did it come from? When did it come? Who made it and how did it appear? Whoever, viewed this black mist hole in complete darkness would question himself hundreds to thousands times about this void before even taking a step inside. But, for Jennifer he was filled in anger, trembling in rage with his fist tightened and clenched teeth he turned to the Secretary shouting “YOU…. YOU INSOLANCE!!

Why did you do this?!”

“I tell you about you own mistake… for lifting up weapon on a noble’s face. What I did now was a mark of showing that I forgive you. Aren’t you at least grateful” replied the man washing away his smirk into a gentle smile. ‘What’s wrong Captain? Why are you so aggressive about the fools fall? He is a just a mere Scientist working on human experiments. He doesn’t deserve such gratitude”.

There was no reply to him. What he didn’t know was this man was pushed off the cliff was his brother. He was his older brother who could cheer him during troubles and calm his steaming anger during temper’s but, now he was gone. He was thrown into that void. These two men kept a deep secret of their relationship between each other away from people, introducing their jobs at the front line due to which no one suspected them of their combination. But, um here at present this brother the young one named Jennifer began to shiver. His muscles, fist tighten, shoulders all quacked as thou he would faint any time with only one sentences screaming in his head, “HE’S STILL STANDING DOWN THERE! HE’S STILL ALIVE! HE’S NOT DEAD.”