
White Dragon Lord

Staff: anshi (Translator) , LordCeraz (Editor) Sypnosis “Wings that obscure the blue dome of the heavens, breath that freezes the soul,” or so the troubadour sings of the legend of the dragon and his eternal will”. One fateful day, Xia Yu dies after falling into an open sinkhole while he tries to avoid a speeding truck …. Not the most ideal way to die. Reincarnated as a white dragon —considered to be the weakest and dullest kind among the evil dragon race. He embarks on his journey in a fantasy world resided by countless races, where danger lurks at every corner along with his brother and sisters to dominate the world. Come along to join him in his adventures and witness the Saga of the White Dragon Lord.

GodOFGames12 · 奇幻
110 Chs


Nowadays, there were not many high-level professionals in White Castle, but monsters with high-level combat power were not so scarce.

After the systematic training from Amos, the strength of powerful followers such as ogres and trolls had been greatly improved. Many of them had broken through the middle-level fighters and coupled with the natural biological level, they had the combat power comparable to high-level professionals.

Therefore, Amos's vision had also improved. If the Forgotten Adventure Squad couldn't complete the mission, then he would switch to another team.

After dealing with the matters of the Forgotten Adventure Squad, Amos set out to find the flag again.

The overseas archipelago was formed by the subsidence of the mainland. Few civilized races set foot here, maintaining the primitive style of towering trees, entwined green vines, and dense mountains and forests.

Amos was wandering around among the mountains on the seashore, placing chess pieces that would collect information on the magic fish. They should not be too far from the coast, otherwise, the movement of the devil fish would not be observed, nor too close. The magic fish were amphibious creatures. In case it found someone peeping on the shore, and if one was not strong enough, it would go ashore and be wiped out.

Along the way, Amos found many qualified monster tribes, including kobolds, jackals, goblins, and lizardmen that they had never encountered before.

Compared with humanoid monsters, there were more kinds of extraordinary beasts. These beasts were roaring in the mountains and back waters.

Amos could not help but sigh that the overseas archipelago was indeed a wild land.

The white dragon ignored the worthless beasts, but for humanoid creatures, he never refused them.

He found a tribe of humanoid creatures that met the conditions, so he directly flew down, pressed a scale on its leader's forehead, and left the task to him. Anyway, these cheap chess pieces were not too many.

Half a day later, Amos made a total of eleven chess pieces. Just as he was about to leave, he found rows of unusual bird nests in the middle of the cliff in the distance.

These huge round bird nests were built on cliffs, and it was impossible for non-flying creatures to reach them. Around the bird's nest, there were humanoid creatures with wings flying in and out.


The eyes of the white dragon lit up. The harpy was a savage humanoid. All of them were females and had the beauty of an elf, but their hands were replaced by wings. Below the knees were skinny eagle claws. They could fly freely, and their eagle claws were the main weapon of hunting.

Because they were all females, their way of reproduction was very special, which was, to capture males of other races, and then use their seeds to have children. Once these unlucky sexual blessings lose their value, they would be used as their feast.

The Harpy's natural creature level was 3. Although its strength was limited, it could fly fast and has sufficient intelligence. It was an excellent scout unit and had always been one of the flying followers that the white dragon wanted.

The white dragon flew straight to the Harpy's lair.

Harpies also found the white dragon approaching, and immediately panicked. For the weak races such as goblins and kobolds, the Harpies certainly didn't mind showing their evil and brutality. On the other side, for the giant dragon, even with immense courage, they didn't dare to take a step beyond the thunder pond.

They wanted to escape, but the speed of the dragon was incomparable to that of ordinary creatures.

In an instant, the mighty dragon came, and the Harpy felt a huge boulder on her body, and immediately lost her ability to move, she curled up in her lair and shivered.

"I am the great real dragon – Amos Aldridge, humble Harpies, you will be honored to be under the command of a real dragon."

Amos arrogantly announced his decision, and also determined the future fate of the Harpy Tribe.

To these savage humanoids in the chaotic and evil camp, it was extremely stupid to talk about being gentle from the beginning.

Because it was their nature to advocate strength and to bully the weak was their instinct. If he behaved politely, they would think he was weak and could be bullied.

Only when he showed great power and enough evil, would they fear him from the bottom of their hearts, respecting him and obeying his will.

The white dragon scanned the Harpy who became timid like a chicken. Soon, he found a powerful individual with blood-red feathers in a huge nest.


[Name]: Della – Blood Feather

[Level]: Level 8 Banshee Level 3 Witch

[Strength]: Tier 2

[Faction]: Chaotic evil

[Introduction]: She is an adult Harpy, the chief of the Blood Feather clan, an outstanding individual among the Harpies. She is good at using wind magic, agile and cunning, evil and cruel, and moody. Her biggest hobby is, after squeezing the males dry, eat their XX in front of them.

Harpy's natural creature level was 3rd level, while Della Blood Feather was 8th level Harpy. Her evaluation of a pink-colored outstanding individual was well-deserved.

The white dragon flew over the chief Harpy, took out a scale, and pressed it on her forehead.

Under the painful roar of the banshee chief, the scales gradually merged with the skin on her forehead, leaving only a small white scale in the end.

Della was transformed into a follower.

White Dragon, who was originally like a mountain, made her feel very humble.

"I, Della Blood Feather, would like to follow in your footsteps forever."

Amos felt her intent, and nodded slightly: "Are there any other Harpy banshee tribes nearby?"

"Answering master, there are two Harpy tribes nearby."

"Then you have two missions, one is to conquer other Harpy tribes, to strengthen the Blood Feather tribe, and the other is to let your tribes monitor the movements of the coast and explore the benthic magic fish. The specific location of its lair, and the strength of its sea beasts."

"But remember, don't deliberately track them, and don't get too close to the sea, otherwise, with the powerful spiritual power of the benthic magic fish, it will be enough to control you instantly and break my plan."

"The Blood Feather tribe follows your will."

Regarding whether the Harpy could complete the task, he was not worried at all. After the transformation of the dragon veins, Della Blood Feather's strength had improved a lot, and there was no reason to fail against other Harpy tribes.

There was no more suitable person to monitor the benthic magic fish than the Harpy. Their main source of food was the fish in the sea. They had been active in the coastal areas for a long time, collecting intelligence while hunting would not arouse the benthic fish's suspicion.

The chess pieces were perfectly employed, and Amos happily embarked on his way home.

In the blink of an eye, half a year passed.

With the arrival of the cold wind from the Great Glacier, Nordhill officially entered winter.

The overseas islands also ushered in the first snow in winter.

Amos stood on the balcony on the second floor of the White Castle and looked into the distance.

The ink-colored sky was deep and heavy, the goose-feather-like snow swirled and danced, the heaven and the earth were vast while the sea in the distance had begun to freeze, and the nearby forests were also covered with thick snow. From time to time, there was snow that crushed dead branches, making a clicking sound.

The extremely cold winter of this year seemed to be a herald to something.