
A well-spent Night

For Battle craved Tenji and Sauren, it was a simple decision to make. They looked at each other and chortled smugly.

Nuve was confused by their behavior. He wanted to ask but he restrained himself to see how the situation plays out.

After a few hours, they were walking outside towards the market, roaring with laughter. In the hands of Tenji was a pouch of gold coins with which he was playing. 

"Seriously, For…...for a second. I thought you...you were going for…..for a fight"

Nuve said while smiling.

"What fighting? They were banned from the public arena and also have to pay some fine to us. That is way better."

Sauren clapped his hand in laughter and said, 

"It was worth watching their faces when you asked for the first option.

They were so sure that you will choose to fight them again. They were so shocked, that you could fix an egg in their open mouth."

"Hahaha " Tenji laughed while Nuve chuckled remembering their looks.