Yasushi Futakao lives in Ginsukimura, a city where snow dominates eight months of the year, leaving the remaining four blisteringly hot. This young man, carrying the memories of a past life riddled with regret, struggles to correct his ways. His efforts often fall flat, but everything changes as he begins his second year of high school.
One day, a new transfer student arrives. She bears an uncanny resemblance to Jingliu, a character from the gacha game Honkai Star Rail. Her aloof demeanor and distant behavior draw attention, leaving Yasushi wondering about the mystery behind her guarded nature.
Over time, the walls between them gradually come down. What starts as a budding friendship slowly transforms into something deeper. Yasushi, however, begins to sense something unusual about the world around him. Strange occurrences happen, making him question whether the supernatural might actually exist. With his parents and others exploring advancements in quantum technology, the line between science and the inexplicable starts to fade.
Follow Yasushi’s journey as he navigates through the difficulties of love, self-discovery, and a world that may not be as it seems.