

"Hey old man, you're scaring my friend there," Adam said as he tapped the great family head of the Su Family on the back.

With incredible speed he turned around and unsheathed his blade, slashing Adam with incredible power, however when he did, despite feeling physical contact with Adam, he disappeared.

Then Adam appeared at the end of the corridor with a smile on his face.

Using the Clone Skill he could confuse his opponents and it was almost impossible to have two physical bodies that are just as capable and intelligent as each other, but that is exactly why his Unique Clone Sill is so incredible.

He was yet to use it much in reality because of how amazing it was, but against a man like the great family head of the Su Family, if he approached him with his actual body, death awaited him.

"So it's you. Liao Wei. The one they call the dark horse that is in a relationship with Su Lan."