
Intense Battle Part 1

With the Green Pounce from the Green Cheetah, he could generate explosive power and speed that was double that of his actual explosive power and speed, and then he could use the Ice Claws to take down Elizabeth.

Once he did that, they wouldn't have anyone to heal them, and Adam would pick them off one by one and find their weaknesses.

However, he had underestimated the leaders, who were all in sync and much more capable than they were the week before.

A wall of ice was formed to block Adam's path as he pounced towards Elizabeth, but Adam could still use his energy as he pleased and wasn't restricted to only using the features and Special Traits of the creature he was transforming into.

That was what made the Body Transformation Unique Skill so amazing, and Adam used the Burst Movement Skill to manoeuvre past the ice wall and ice spikes that were being fired toward him by Angela.