
Which Side Will You Choose?

When you're Alex, the second son of Academia, an assassin family that takes any job no matter how dangerous and scary and you are next in line to be the leader because your brother passed because of a mission you were suppose to go on, but you can't morn because your father just wants to retire so you runaway and stay away for 2 years will you stay in the life you made for your self or will someone drag you back to the dark side.

Jenae_Woods · LGBT+
6 Chs

The Beginning: James pov

 I stiffen at his word I mean I would like to be with but I am not who he thinks I am I can't be in a relationship why I'm lying to him. So I pulled back for " I can'-" "Ring ring " it was my phone I picked it up and didn't check the number "WHAT". Academia: "You seem to be in a good mood". my eyes go wide " I-i-i " Academia: " yeah yeah well we just found out that Arrow is going after Alex and they seem to be outside his house so you need to get there now" and then the call ends. I look at the door and turn to Alex still on the floor I pick him up " what are yo- " we need to get somewhere safe we head to his bedroom and I lock the door at the time there is a loud "BOOM!!!" I look at Alex and he is shaking I take him and put him in the closet " stay here and don't leave until I get back" I whisper to him he is still shaking so I take my sweater off and put it over Alex I shut the closet door and leave the room locking it from the in side that would stop them for a bit if they came that way I go down the hall way and the first thing I see is my face with long hair my twin sister Kate why did it have to be Kate " Hey baby bro what are you doing here" I shake my head I hate it when she calls me baby bro we are the same age " I could ask the same Kate what are you doing here".

 " Dad said it was time to go in and get the chico académico in his words not mine he said I could take out two for two of the Académia ninos " of course he did he never trusted me to do anything well right fully so sense I am practically dating Alex "bueno yo llegue primero y el no esta" me and my sister are Puerto Rican from our mom's side so most times we speak in Spanish when we are together "oh he's not I could have sworn heard two people talking before I came in are you lying to me hermano bebe" I keep my calm but I know she is on to me Kate always stakes out her prey before catches it " well maybe Alex had company' she looks at me with a smile and I know she knows every thing " the thing is hermano bebe I have been here all day and the only one to come in and out except for the second son is you mi querido hermanito" I run to the room Alex is in I know I can't fight off my sister so I do this " ALEX GO TO THE FIRST PLACE WE WENT TODAY AT TELL THE WORKER WE SAW THAT I SENT YOU!!" at this time Kate was behind me but I wouldn't move " I KNOW Y-you are scared but please I will meet you there go Alex run" "OK" I hear Alex say and then a click like the window opened I sigh but it was far form over I still have to deal with Kate she might be better at almost every thing but I am still stronger then her, sense she was good at every thing growing up I trained and worked on my body so that I could at least be strong.


 I turn to see Kate about to head to the door but I grab her she tries to shake me off but I grab her arm and keep her in place " DÉJAME IR JAMES!" now I know she is mad she called me James but I know I can reason with her " listen Kate I know your mad" she scoffs at that which I understand "I know but Alex isn't with Academia he left over 2 years ago" she stands still " LO QUE ME MENTIO PAPÁ he said the chico académico had hacked in and taken down all the fire walls in our network" I looked at her shocked because I was with Alex the whole time.

There is some parts in spanish hope its not a problem if it is you can always translate it.

Jenae_Woodscreators' thoughts