
6 Dance

Our time at first is spent going over the dog eared pages of the contract and I make all the necessary notes in the margins of this one. In my haste to get ready, I forgot my notepad. The appetizers come and we enjoy them as we work on the contract. I do my best to keep us working on the contract, but we keep talking about the food as we sample it.

"Jackson, let's focus here." I giggle as his eyes water from the hot pepper sauce that was served with our appetizer.

His voice comes out scorched, "I'm trying to. He said it was spicy, not liquid lava."

I hand him the glass of water that's in front of us and do my best to suppress my laughter behind a hand.

Once he's downed the entire glass, my lips thin in trying to refrain from smiling, "Better now? Should I get you some milk or something?" I offer.

"No, I'll be fine." He says panting lightly, patting his forehead with a napkin.

I can't help the snort of a giggle that escapes me that I try to cover with a cough. "Okay, so moving on..." We continue on, even as food arrives and Jackson has them take the spicy sauce away and asks for a small glass of milk. I can't help the grin the spreads across my lips as he sips it. We eat our meal still going over the contract, until it's done.

"Wonderful! I believe that all of these changes will not be an issue, it's mainly just wording and clarifying the responsibilities of each of our companies and contractors that we may employ. I'm sure if there is an issue, I can contact you on Monday." I smile closing the folder and setting it down to the side.

I pick up my drink and take a sip. It's watered down some but still tastes good. I smell alcohol though, but it doesn't smell strong. A little bit won't hurt I guess. I must have said the wrong name after all.

Jackson smiles, "I hope that you'll contact me on Monday, regardless of IF there are any issues."

His smile warms me up, my toes curling as the butterflies in my stomach go crazy again. I take a bigger gulp of my drink to try and alleviate the sensation. I just smile and nod as a response before the waiter comes to ask us about our dessert choices. As another waiter takes the dinner plates away, we're shown an array of desserts, from fresh fruit to frozen delights.

"I'll take the chocolate torte and what would you like Lita?" Jackson turns to me.

"I think that the raspberry and rose cheesecake sounds delicious." I let the waiter know, who hands us each a plate with our option after cutting us a piece.

"This is absolutely divine!" I exclaim after taking a bite. The raspberries and rose petals are an interesting but complimentary flavor and the cheesecake takes the tartness of the raspberries and gives it a milder and creaminess that is heavenly. I dive in for another bite and look up with a mouth full and am caught in Jacksons gaze with him smiling intently at me.

I smile behind my hand, picking my napkin up to make sure there was nothing on my face. "Sorry, that was unladylike of me. This is truly delicious though." I say once I swallowed and carefully dabbed at my mouth.

Jackson's relaxed demeanor sets me at ease as he shrugs, "I could tell. The way your eyes lit up when you took that bite was all that needed to be said. The chef who made that would have felt deeply humbled you thought so highly of it."

I flush in embarrassment that I was so obvious, "Well, he deserves the recognition." I take another swallow of my drink, noticing it's tasting better and better as I get farther down.

"So Lita, How did you end up working for DD Corp.?" Jackson asks as I finish my drink and he motions for the waiter to bring another.

I sigh, knowing that now was the time to 'catch up as friends' and I need to be careful what we talk about. I don't think I'll be able to talk about that day with out ripping him a new one.

"Well, I was working part time in the mailroom there while taking my college classes. When I graduated I applied for a entry level position in the legal department. I found some issues in a contract and it was brought to my boss's attention and they promoted me because if I had not found those, it could have cost the company a lot of money. Eventually, I caught the eye of the higher ups and they saw my potential. The company paid to have to me go back to school for further education and I was able to have a flexible work schedule around my classes. All of those long nights and long days has brought me to where I am now." I sit up a little straighter since I am proud of my accomplishments.

I playfully gave him a haughty demeanor as I inquired, "What about you, Mr. Jackson Morgan of Morgan Corporation?"

The waiter comes back with another drink for us and I take it, happily. It did taste very good and didn't seem to be a strong drink. I take a couple of drinks before I hear the band start playing a song I loved.

"Oh, I love this song!" I grin looking at the dancers that started to join the floor.

"Would you like to dance?" Jackson offers me.

My jaw lowers in surprise, but the thought of getting to dance to this song excited me that I didn't care about my reaction. It made it better that it would be with Jackson.

"Yes." I take another gulp of my drink before taking his hand that he offers to help me out of the booth.

He pulls me into his arms and we're soon swaying and moving around the floor, at a slow and comfortable pace.

"So Mr. Morgan. What did you do before becoming who you are today?" My hand slides a little higher on his side as he clears his throat softly.

"I worked for my uncle mainly. He had me taking classes and learning how to be just like him, so I could take over since he had no children himself. He figured that he might as well make me useful. His words." He laughs it off, but I see the flicker of hurt deep in his eyes.

"He taught me quite a bit, made me earn my way and I'm grateful for that. When he died five years ago, I was able to smoothly take over and ensure the board that I was just as capable as my uncle, if not more so. He would be livid to hear that I'm doing more for the company than he felt comfortable with."

I raise my brows at that, "Sounds like you like to take risks then." I state my thoughts out loud.

Jackson chuckles, "Some would say that, but I know a good thing when I see it. Sometimes it's worth the risk to acquire the greater reward."

His words seem to have a double meaning and I search his eyes to see if I can figure it out. While I search his face, I prod him a little bit about my main concern.

"So do you think that DD Corp. is a good thing for you or is it a risk?"

Jackson chuckles and spins me, before bringing me back closer to him. "Now, now. We're done working for the night. This is just about having a good time with each other."

I roll my eyes, "It was just a question but as you wish. What would you like to talk about then?"

"Do you still like lilies?" He looks over my face as I'm caught off guard again.

He remembers this stuff?

"Uh.. Yes. I do. You remember that?"

Jackson nods his head, "Yes. I also remember your favorite color is teal but eggplant purple is a close second. You love it when it rains and the fall time. Halloween is your favorite holiday and you love sweet potato pie more than pumpkin."

I laugh, "Wow, you have a better memory than I could have thought." I tightly smile at him as the music ends and I motion for us to return to our seat. I don't know why him remembering that stuff touches and pisses me off at the same time. How confusing is this man?!

No actually, I can't believe this asshole! He remembers all those things about me but couldn't remember that he promised to help protect me and was not there?! He could not remember me back than OR to call, or write, or ANYTHING for the past 18 years!?

I take a deep breath to try and calm my emotions as we sit back down. I finish my drink and set it down. I pick up the contract and try to smile as I suggest we leave.

We get to the car and it takes everything in me to remember that I need him to sign this contract. "So what do you do for fun when you are not working, Mr. Morgan?"

He scoffs and rumbles, rubbing his face next to me in the back seat of his car, "Lita, please call me Jacks. Everyone else calls me that and I would prefer you to not treat me as everyone else does."

I turn in my seat, quizzically, "My apologies, Jackson, I was merely teasing you. I was unaware that it bothered you that much."

The car grows silent, awkward and tense until his driver comes over the intercom, "Where to, Mr. Morgan, sir?"

Jackson looks to me, "Where would you like to go, Lita?"

I shrug, "I thought you wanted to spend time with me tonight to rekindle our friendship? Where would we go to do that? Dressed as we are?" I motion to my dress to emphasize the point.

Jackson chuckles and presses the button to speak with his driver, "Take us to Claudel's Place."