
where no one knows us

Lavender Chang young ambitious and a hopeless romantic Setting out to figure out her new love interest Amids it all truths are uncovered and the battle to stay together Is a tough one Family rivalry Hidden truth and lies And a place no one knows them At what cost.....

mel_mariyano · 现代言情
7 Chs

hangovers and ice cream sundaes

the first thing that registered was the blinding light behind my closed eyelids my dry throat and parched lips and let's not forget the pulsing throb on my temple.

did I possibly get hit by a truck groaning I sat up but something squished my entire body I groaned louder and the thing squishing me groaned and moved I ended up getting a mouth full of black hair that smelled like Lillies, just then ling lings face emerged from under the covers we both moved and looked at each other we both looked so wrecked for the first lings hair looked so unruly and teribble her make up was smudged and her usually small eyes looked even smaller than usuall .

I climbed out of bed and went to use her bathroom and what I saw in the mirror gosh it was horrible my hair looked as if it was electrocuted my face looked sleepy and sleep debrived I stripped and went ahead to take a shower , while bathing somehow the events of last night came rushing back like a hurricane the dancing the drink I mistaken for ordinary coke the stupid babbling and lastly the worst one of all me kissing the blue eyed boy who's name I now know as parker.

so screamed and hit the walls while water hit my body riding it of all yesterday toxins but unable to rid the memories of kissing a boy I hardly new and who made me angry most of the time basically he stole my first kiss that idiot oh when I get my hands on him ill

what will you do my inner voice said you can't hurt a fly let alone a tall muscled boy .

I left the shower feeling slightly better lucky for me ling ling left me some tinol a glass of water and some clothes to wear I drank the pills and put on a pair of blue bottom bells and a purple halter top with black converse i tied my hair into a messy bun and went downstairs, where I help ling ling make breakfast we settled down I talked about last night's events I cringed when she brought up the kiss .

after eating ling ling looked at me " so you wanna go get so ice cream and walk in the park we haven't hung out together in a while " agreeing I let ling ling drive is i still felt sluggish but she looked so fresh you couldn't tell she was hungover while we drove I texted my parents so they wouldn't worry they ask so many questions which I answered back with yes or no .

we finally made to milky lane we went and ordered my favorite rocky road ice cream and ling lings dark chocolate with chips, we then walked to the park and settled on the bench , after a couple of seconds ling ling turned towards me with a look of determination " so what's going on with you and that boy "

" I don't know we met recently I can't help but get angry and make stupid mistakes hes so infuriating yet so handsome "

" oh girl you must have a crushbi mean you did kiss the guy"

" me crush that's insane I kissed him because I wasnot i my right state of my mind " this earned a laugh from her.

" oh sooner at later you'll see any how's your art project coming".

we spent the rest of the day talking about school and family we later ate lunch and parted ways to go home as we head school the next day when I got home mom was already starting dinner with Mario our cook while jangmi did homework with Lisa our help

dad was in his office working so settled in finishing some homework and assignmentsand taking a quick nap before dinner.

when dinner started we ate but dad looked unhappy about something " is something the matter dad " he looked startled by my question but gave me a small smile

" it's just the Collins again don't worry about it " sighing i went ahead and ate my father was at odds with the Collins the never got along always trying to out do each other we were never allowed to interact with the Collins who by the way I'd never met .

it probably started after I was born when my father's business got richer the Collins and the Chengs had a disagreement which lead to years of rivalry and competition.

when I went to bed my phone buzzed and an unknown number appeared.

unknown:{ I've got something of yours you might want back Parker}

how he got my number I don't know but then I tried thinking of what he could have that I wanted back then it hit me i never came back with my cat keys , just then another message pop up.

parker:{ if you it back meet me at 6 am at the woodland park don't be late ;)