
Where I am ?

A bewildered being wakes up in a room that he himself does not know. Where I am? What was he doing before? That he should...? *Ding* "Welcome soul N°57212, in a coincidence of destiny you have been selected by my goddess to be a worthy candidate for our experiment. Now become the most Outstanding being of this reality. Welcome to the Ikemen System"

Nashi103 · 漫画同人
131 Chs

Chapter 77: Subject Located

*The Next Day*

*First Recess*

We were all eating together. 

As expected, the conversation revolved around my presentation from the previous day. 

Not just within our group but throughout the entire school. 

This was also reflected in the system. 

Every so often, I received a notification. 


[You have charmed the heart of a young teenager +0.1 Idol Points] 


[You have greatly influenced the decision-making of a businessman +0.2 Idol Points] 


[You have given a young rose lover the courage to come out +0.1 Idol Points] 

This situation repeated every few minutes. 

Gradually, I accumulated a small number of Idol Points, alleviating some of my worries about how to gain more. 

Putting the system matters aside, I smiled happily at seeing my lovely Shouko chatting cheerfully with her new friends. 

Over the course of the week, Shouko had managed to defeat Netsuno-Senpai, who decided to become her friend and sports rival. 

She sat close to Shouko, talking about the temperature she emitted when she was defeated. 

Meanwhile, Amami and Eiko were chatting animatedly, and Maeda was talking with the trio of idiots. 

Our group was gradually growing larger. 

Lost in my thoughts, a piece of Karaage touched my cheek, pulling me back to reality. 

Looking at the owner, I saw Kaede smiling gently. 

Kaede: "Come on... say Ahh..." She said with her characteristic kind smile. 

Seeing no reason to refuse, I opened my mouth. 

Tadano: "Ahh..." 


Kaede: "Does it taste good?" 

I nodded. 

Kaede: "Right? Nene's cooking is amazing... Hehe" she said with a giggle. 

I rolled my eyes. 

Kaede stuck out her tongue playfully and started picking from my Bento. 

Turning my head, I saw Nene with a relieved expression. 

I smiled and pulled her closer to me. 

Tadano: "Too shy to try it yourself?" I asked. 

Nene: "Not here, we're in front of everyone..." she said in a low tone, trying to pull away. 

I could see she was trying to hide her blush with her hand, which I found amusing, so I decided to push further. 

Tadano: "Then it's okay when we're alone∼" I said flirtatiously, giving her ear a quick lick. 

I saw her shiver and quickly cover her ear. 

Her face turned completely red, showing a mixed expression of embarrassment and anger. 

This only fueled my desire to tease this always reliable older sister figure. 

So, I took my chopsticks and grabbed a piece of omelette from my Bento. 

Tadano: "Come on... Say Ahh ∼" I said, bringing the chopsticks to her mouth. 

She tried to resist and look away, but seeing I wouldn't give up, she eventually opened her mouth. 


Tadano: "Is it good?" I asked. 

Nene nodded and then took an octopus-shaped sausage from her Bento, offering it to me. 


Tadano: "Your cooking is amazing..." I said, then leaned close to her ear, making her shiver again. 

Without giving her time to react, I whispered softly. 

Tadano: "You'll make a great wife and mother∼" I said, then pulled away to continue eating my Bento. 

Nene stayed still for a moment, then seemed to explode with embarrassment, laying her head on the table for a while. 

It was fun watching her reactions. 

The group had long noticed our interaction. 

The guys were about to say something, but a quick glance from me made them wisely keep their mouths shut. 

The girls, on the other hand, seemed conflicted and embarrassed. 

Kaede tugged on my clothes, wanting me to feed her too. 


*Second Recess*

*Stairs to the Rooftop*

Tadano: "It would be good for Shouko if you introduced her to those friends you're always with. If I remember correctly, their names are Kishi Himeko and Onigashima Akako, right?" I said to Yamai, who was kneeling in front of me. 




Licking her lips and adjusting her breathing, she responded. 

Yamai: "There won't be any problem with Himeko-Chan, and she might even get a bit obsessed with her... The problem would be Akako. She tends to get aggressive when she's angry. But with Komi-Sama's temperament and special aura, I think things will go well..." she answered seriously. 

She would look fine if she didn't have that "thing" pressed against her face. 

Tadano: "Then let's do that for now... you've been very helpful these days, so this is part of your reward... but I'll give you something else. Think about it and give me your answer later. If you continue your good work, your treatment might even improve..." I said, holding her chin, my thumb gently rubbing her cheek. 

She seemed to melt, her breathing became heavy, and a familiar pattern of hearts started to manifest in her eyes. 

Shinomiya: "However... Make one mistake and the consequences will be beyond what you can handle," I said coldly, my hand quickly descending to her throat and squeezing tightly. 

Yamai quickly paled and clung to my arm, trying to free herself. 

The cold look on my face didn't disappear. 

Tears began to form at the corners of her eyes, and with a hoarse, broken voice, she responded. 

Yamai: "I-I p-promise... I-I won't... disappoint you, master... please... forgive me," she said in a helpless, miserable tone. 

I nodded at her response and let go. 




Yamai suffered a coughing fit while trying to catch her breath. 

Tadano: "Alright, let's finish this quickly. We have to get back to class, and later we need to go to the publisher to check on the progress of my manga," I said, pulling Yamai towards me. 

Quickly, the sound of flesh slapping filled this part of the stairs. 

Luckily, there was no one around to hear us. 


*End of Classes*


I was practicing my drawing skills. With a week's effort, I had raised them to the Advanced level, but I still had some way to go to reach professional level. 


Letting out a sigh, I frowned and reluctantly bought the second volume just in case. 

"There go 100 Idol Points..." I thought to myself. 

I hoped to recover them in a few days if the point rate stayed like today. 

Turning my attention away from the Idol Points, I looked at my two companions. 

Yamai and Agari were dressed in business suits that accentuated their figures. 

I raised an eyebrow, noticing Yamai's figure had improved a bit. 

Her breasts had become larger, and her hips had also widened a bit. 

My interest lasted only a few seconds before I turned my gaze away from her and looked at Agari. 

I nodded in satisfaction. 

A sexy secretary appearance with large breasts. 

Tadano: "Thank the gods for letting me be alive..." I thought. 


[The Lady of Luck appreciates your devotion.] 

[[The Demonic Fire Judge] nods in satisfaction at your devotion] 

[[The Corrupter of the Sacred] gently smiles at your devotion] 

[[The Arrow that Pierces Hearts] happily smiles at your devotion] 

[[The Trickster of Chaos] offers you a real candy for your great devotion to her] 

[[The Musician of Paradise] plays a serenade with his harp at your devotion] 

Shinomiya: "..." 

Tadano: "..." 

Ignoring my spectators, I spoke to the girls in front of me. 

Tadano: "How's the search going?" 

Yamai: "I have all the information you requested, and I've already given it to Agari. As for the woman named Miyako, I still don't have any subjects that match the description you gave me," she said submissively. 

I nodded and looked at Agari. 

She trembled for a moment but then took a deep breath and gathered her courage before speaking. 

Agari: "Saitou Ichigo is currently a music teacher at Shuchiin Academy. He worked as a publicist and wrote multiple articles for gossip and entertainment magazines. According to our information, he seems to be planning to resign from his position at the academy and start his own entertainment company... but so far, nothing is clear, and it's all just speculation..." she said in a firm and severe tone while flipping through a folder of documents. 

Tadano: "Good... I'll talk to my father to get into Shuchiin Academy tomorrow. For now, I want you to compile a document with the information on this USB," I said, tossing it to her. 

Agari clumsily tried to catch it, but it ended up landing between her breasts. 

She gave me an embarrassed smile for her clumsiness, looking nothing like the serious and sexy secretary from a moment ago.

Author's Note: "Alright, here's today's chapter, enjoy! And in case you're wondering, yes, I still hate Yamai. For those asking, yes, I will give Ai a good ending. I wouldn't let a diamond in the rough vanish just like that, plus she'll be the MC's biggest asset for his entertainment company. As for Aqua and Ruby, I'm not sure what to do with them yet. Leave your comments on how I should introduce them; there's still time, so I'll read them. If I don't find any, I'll do the best I can with what I have at the moment. Putting that aside, remember to drink plenty of water and know that I love you very much. Sincerely, your favorite depressed author."

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