
When will Yumeko-chan ever stop suffering!?

"TOP", is it medicine to cure a deadly disease or a weapon to bring absolute world peace. That is what Yumeko-chan, Princess of the formidable kingdom, Deamwittz, and the daughter of the almighty King Delulu go on a journey to find it out, after getting dumped by his boyfriend for a very.... interesting reason. Despite the relentless efforts and sacrifices, Yumeko made to work her way through to reach the "Top", people in her surroundings will turn her life upside down. Even her magical diary will only show her the unfortunate event she will encounter just one minute before the disaster will occur. Some like to see her suffer because it turned them "ON", some... just want attention from her...while most of them want her to remain a sadistic girl. Therefore the question arises..... When will Yumeko-chan ever stop suffering?! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- P.S. Check out my first novel, Ravenfalls for fantasy-action theme which is also filled with comedy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: The cover page is a temporary one and it doesn't belong to me. Credit goes to the owner who made it. Tell me if you want to be taken down.

abyssallock · 奇幻言情
11 Chs

Message in a bottle.

Yumeko slowly slid into her room without making any noise and straight went to her bed. The room was still lit it up with lights, the litter was all gone even the messy bed she left behind is also fully adjusted neat, and clean. Perhaps the maids must have taken care of it while Yumeko was going through an epic breakup.

After reaching her bed She then collapses into it with her face bumped into the pillow. She stays in a dead fish posture for a while then she moves her face left.

"What am I even doing....." Yumeko softly muttered as she stares at the empty corner with her face hanging down and with no sparks of life from her pretty blue eyes.

My birthday has been ruined...I have been dumped on the same day...and my father doesn't want me to be alive...what should I even do...everything I look forward to has been crumbled into pieces.

Pining her face inside the pillow, Yumeko tries hard not to cry out loud...

"sob...what have I ever done to deserve this...ha..this is not fair..just not fair at all...I just-"

Unable to hold in the emotions, Yumeko finally gave up. She starts crying again for the 1245678th time today with her tears flowing down from her face and muzzling herself with the help of the pillow.

"Mom I am really sorry[pants]... if it wasn't for that incident[sob] you will be by my side today cutting my birthday cake [sob] I am really... really sorry... I missed you...mom" Yumeko starts quavering loudly.

I want to see your smile again, Mom..I want to listen to your stories in your lap...God, am I asking too much?


Yumeko's 10th birthday.

Little Yumeko with an excited face unwraps the gift she received from her mother in front of her.

"Ah..a book..." Yumeko face glimmers down as her present turned out to be a book.

She picks up the book and stares in amusement.

"Mom..this is just a book. I wanted the new barbie doll for my birthday.."

"Ara...Yumeko. Aren't you happy with my present?" Gorgiana asked with a smile.

"Mom! I don't want this. This is just a book. I wanted toys and a dress for my birthday" after complaining, Yumeko stands there with a pouting face.

"Even aunt Bubbly, Ria, and others gave me the bag, pen, and other kinds of stuff..maybe they don't like me anymore..."


"Ouch..." Litlle Yumeko rubs her head at the area where her mother hit her with a light chop.

"No, Yumeko. No. You must never complain especially when you are receiving gifts from others. that is a very bad habit" Gorgiana stares into Yumeko's eye to make sure her words are properly conveyed.

"From next week, you are going to school, So aunt Bubbly and others wanted to make sure that you have everything you need for you to study in school. See, they really care for you.."

"[rubs]..umm..tch..boo boo.."

Gorgiana slowly picks up the book and then presents it again to Yumeko.

"And..this is not just an ordinary book, Yumeko. It is a magic book"

Hearing those words, Yumeko eyes starts to glitter in sparkles. "Magic~"

Yumeko grabs the book from her mother and flips the pages in excitement.

"Ehh...there is nothing written there. Mom are you trying to fool me again by giving me a diary.."

"Haha..as I told you before it is a magic book. you can always write a message to me in this diary. Even if we are separated far away...really far away. I will always reply to your message through this diary, Yumeko" with a beautiful smile on her face Gorgiana explains to her daughter.

Yumeko stares through the empty blank pages with an innocent look.

"It is like a message in a bottle," Gorgiana said

" a message in a bottle...But you will reply to me, right? Even if we are realllllllllllllllyy realllllllllly far away."

"haha, of course, Yumeko. no matter what happens, I will always get back to my darling daughter"


Yumeko pulls out a drawer under her study table and sees the diary that her mother gave her on her birthday, lying inside.

She slowly picks it up and stares at the cover of the book.

"A message in a bottle..." Yumeko muttered.

She comfortably sits down in her study chair and with a pen in her hand, Yumeko starts writing something on the dairy.

Narrator: For the first time in 7 years, Yumeko decided to open the book. It might be because of the lukewarm feeling churning inside her repeatedly that Yumeko decided to put a wish on the book.

"I miss you, Mom. When can I see you again?' Yumeko writes down on the first empty page of the diary.

She stares at the words she wrote, waiting for a miracle to happen.

Yumeko with her eyes solely focusing on the dairy stares there in silence. But 10 minutes passed and nothing happened.

Feeling dejected, Yumeko brings her head down and lets her eyes be covered by her bangs.

"Mother..you liar.." saying that Yumeko closes the diary. She slowly gets up and went to her cupboard to change her beautiful gown that she work hard to wear today before she go to sleep.

Narrator: Deep down inside Yumeko she knows what her mother told her was a bluff to make her happy. But feeling desperate and hopeless, she just wanted to try out if writing in the diary is the only to communicate with her mother in a coma.

Yumeko turns off the lamplight beside her bed and then snuggles inside the comfy blanket. She then turn side away feeling restless and with her eyes open as she recalled what her father said while leaving.

[In that old article..it says that the person needs to awaken itself from the bottomness after manifesting the power.....

.....The name of that power is called Top. A power that can bring world peace and can cure any form of the disease on the earth.]

Top..so dad has been researching about it for a pretty long time now. I guess he also wanted to become a top to save mom.

Everything falls into pieces now, the land where Alice went to become a top exist.... and the name of that place is called zombie apocalypse. The entrance to that land is unknown.

Grandma said the door is hidden somewhere close to our kingdom border. I wonder which direction is it.

Yumeko brings up the blanket to her shoulder as she tries to think more about the Top location.

in the southwest, it is a border that separates us from the kingdom of Cilly. it can't be there since the path is spread over mountain ranges. tch... Jack is going there...I hope he trips and falls down from the hill. The Southeast border is just plain barren land.

The leaves north direction, it has been almost forever since I went there with Charice for hunting. No one hardly ventures that direction since it is covered with deep-grown trees and marshes. Even my dad hardly goes for meeting with countries that lie beyond that border.

"Ahh..all this thinking is making me unable to sleep. I hope there is some kind of evidence or anything in the library tomorrow that tell me something about the location of the top." Yumeko expresses everything with a serious face.

Even if there is a tiny hope that can save my mother. I will do anything. Just you wait...mom...I will save you... definitely." Yumeko eyes sarts to drool down and she starts murmuring instead as sleepiness starts kicking in.

"I will ...sa-" after the final murmuring, Yumeko eyes finally closes down and she fell into a deep sleep.

Narrator: From the exhaustion itself, Yumeko fell into sleep while murmuring.

Meanwhile, the diary which was lying on the desk all of a sudden starts to levitate. it starts to vibrate as if there is something inside trying to come out. Suddenly, the diary opens slowly by itself.

The message that Yumeko wrote on the first page to her mother, slowly vanishes.