
Monopoly Jump Build

Origin: Monopoly Man

Location: Unknown

Play Piece: Golden Toilet


Go Already [-200 CP] – You heard me! With this, you can return to Go and collect $200 whenever you roll double sixes on the dice! Isn't that simply grand? Lucky, aren't you?

Rolling In The Go [-400 CP, requires Go Already] – What's this, then? Now you can go to Go whenever you roll double sixes OR snake eyes? That's certainly convenient!

Cash Advance [-300 CP] – Well, now! Those three extra $500 bills you're starting with seem useful!

Rainy Day Fund [-600 CP, requires Cash Advance] – Hohoho! I say, dear fellow, it seems you've started with double the money you normally would! Surely that will count for something! I dare say your economic ventures in the future will be twice as successful as well!

Savings and Loan [-500 CP] – It seems the other players trust you enough to let you act as the Bank! This also means you'll be more trusted with money wherever you go – only gross misspending will break that sort of trust.

The Landlord's Game [-400 CP] – Any other player will now sell you any property they have, regardless of strategy, provided you offer 1.5 times its value. Useful, isn't it? I dare say this would work wherever you went...

Home Field Advantage [-500 CP] – My word, you've already got Park Place in your pocket? Who knows, perhaps you'll have a nice place to yourself wherever you go from here as well...

Trust Building [-600 CP] – No one, it seems, is willing to come after you to purchase a full set of properties or Railroads. I can't say why. Perhaps you could even get away with deals like that in the future…

Fast Track [-100 CP] – Ah, here we are! Once every five turns, you can simply hop over to the nearest Railroad, and you can buy it if nobody owns it yet! This will almost certainly make it easier to acquire transportation!

Riding The Gravy Train [-900 CP, requires Fast Track] – Not only can you now hop a Railroad once every two turns, but if it isn't yours, it becomes yours when you get there!

Winning When You Lose [-700 CP] – Well, now! It appears you can even collect revenue whilst incarcerated! This is a useful trick regardless of where you are!

Get Out Of Jail Free [-300 CP] – Ah, this one's always a wonder! You'll be starting this little game(each jump) with one of these handy Get Out Of Jail Free cards! As you know, incarceration is a very real threat in these parts, and by gum, it's a nuisance!

Fashionable Restructuring [-100 CP] – Ah, it appears that the board and pieces are now from your favorite variant edition of this game!

Victory Prize:

1. Free Dog

2. Advice Of The Monopoly Man

3. Dignified Pocket Watch

4. All Funds Become Transferable Between Jumps

5. Gain Properties Related To Held Game properties Between Jumps

6. Free Parking For Eternity


Irritable [+100 CP] – It seems you simply don't suffer fools as well anymore, nor do you take well to waiting. Surely this won't drive you to forfeit... will it?

Annoyance [+100 CP] – Dear me, one of these players is quite irritating.

Ankle-Biter [+100 CP, requires Annoyance] – Oh. That's why. Such a cacophonous youth, isn't he?

Drunkards and Draughts [+300 CP] – Why in the world did you think it was a good idea for everyone to play this game whilst inebriated? That was when I made some of my worst decisions!

Just Make It Stop [+200 CP, requires Ankle-Biter] – Aha! This game is fun for the whole family, inattentive older sibling, complaining younger sibling, and forgetful great-uncle alike! Oh. Oh, this isn't very fun for you at all, is it?

Only The Dead Can Know Peace From This [+300 CP, requires Just Make It Stop] – Oh. Oh my. That aunt of yours seems... overly enamored with the hound piece. That might explain the costume she's wearing... and was your older sibling always that rotund, wearing that unfashionable and ungentlemanly headgear, and covered in the debris of snack foods? This is... somewhat uncomfortable, isn't it?

More Of Them [+200 CP] – It seems you have more company... two more players, in fact.

Too Many Cooks Spoil The Soup [+300 CP, requires More Of Them] – Oh. Oh dear. Three

more players, and they don't seem happy.

Embarrassment [+100 CP] – I understand that this is your least favorite piece you have to play as, but compared to everything else, this can't be that bad, can it?

Free Parking [+200 CP] – Oh, my! It seems that everyone can sneak a bit of change from that one parking space... except for you.

Go Directly To Jail [+300 CP] – Oh, dear. The law has its sights on you! You're now twice as likely to land on Go To Jail or receive the Go To Jail card from the Chance pile!

Do Not Pass Go [+200 CP, requires Go Directly To Jail] – Well, now. It seems you end up in Jail after every five turns spent out of it due to one made-up charge or another! This is bothersome...

Do Not Collect $200 [+300 CP, requires Do Not Pass Go] – How have you gotten yourself stuck in Jail after every two turns that you spend out of it? This is madness, I say!

Stop Right There Criminal Scum [+400 CP, requires Do Not Collect $200] – Oh. Oh dear. It seems like Get Out of Jail Free cards don't work for you anymore! (Cannot be taken with Revolving Door Jail)

Shrewd Fellows [+300 CP] – Ah, I do say, these opponents of yours seem to have some business savvy to them! You'll need to do a bit more if you want to win!

Strictly Business [+400 CP, requires Shrewd Fellows] – Oh, my! Playing against professional economists and trained financiers? Daring, aren't you? I like it!

Trust Buster [+800 CP, requires Strictly Business] – Ah, you've chosen quite the difficult climb to victory! Your three opponents shall be selected from the greatest tycoons in all of history! I hope you've prepared yourself well, because they'll certainly show no mercy! (By default, these are J.P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, and Andrew Carnegie. These can be switched out for others, or added to with the "More of Them" Drawback.)

Total CP Used: 5,600 CP