


I was crouching near the window of the room where I came out when a small hand-pulled my coat to get my attention.

—They found you, we have to go —says a dark-haired girl with a red sweater.

—Did they do that to your sister? —McCreery asks as he watches the girl.

—Nod your head.

—Okay, we have to get out of here —McCreery says as he gets going.

—There they are! —The bearded man screams as he approaches.

—Please don't do it, Ruby, you have to let it go —the lady says in a tone of supplication.

—Leave her alone, we know what they did to her sister —says McCreery getting in the way

—You don't understand, she was the one who did it —says the bearded man

—Silence, I didn't give you permission to speak. We'll all go into the house —the angry girl sass.

—You have to go or she'll kill you like he did her! —The lady warns.

At that moment some species of tentacles came out of the girl's body and beheaded her mother, I was stunned by what happened.