
When Pokémon Meets Naruto

After waking up from the mother's womb, only to find that he has become Uzumaki Naruto? Where did the nine tails in my body go? How did you become Arceus? Wait, why is the thing I channeled not a toad? What the hell is an elf? Pikachu, I beg you, don't eat it, you will become a fat mound if you eat it again, look at your skill table, high-speed movement has been replaced by Mount Tai. Charizard, can you be more courageous? You are a flying dragon, not a ground insect. How can you be afraid of heights? Miao Frog Seed, if you use the cane whip, use the cane whip, you tentacle play, let alone the enemy, even I can't stand it! ! !

Poison_Rage · 漫画同人
55 Chs

Chapter 36

  Facing the suddenly rising Kehu, Naruto fought with both arms, and ran behind Pichu and Lalu Lasi without hesitation in the next second, timid and afraid? It doesn't exist, he's just retreating strategically.

  But it's strange! How did that guy, Huhu, become stronger all of a sudden? Although it is bald, isn't that natural?

  Before Naruto could continue to study, Huhu crawled out of the crater unsteadily.

  However, after seeing the other party's appearance, Naruto was surprised again. He saw that the tortoise shell on the other party's body had been kept intact, but it had become tattered. Naruto saw the hope of winning.

  Maybe he knew why Huhu suddenly became so perverted.

  Power Trick, a skill that swaps a pixie's attack and defense.

  The advantages are outstanding, but the disadvantages are equally deadly. Take Juhu as an example, his original 200+ defense has become 200+ attack. It can be said that, in terms of attack alone, he is definitely among the best among all elves, even Chaomeng x can't compare.

  But his own weak and pitiful attack has been replaced by defense, that is to say, it is no longer a meat shield, on the contrary, the current pot is very fragile, otherwise it would not have fallen into this state due to a little impact.


  After getting Naruto's accurate information, Lalu Lasi made a decisive move.

  She first used the body-fixing method to restrain Huhu's movement, and then, at the moment Huhu was restrained, she led Pichu to appear behind Huhu by teleportation.

  Pichu, who had long been resentful about the sturdy tortoise shell of the pot, didn't say anything at this time, and slapped the carapace on the back of the pot directly.

  With the scream of the pot, a sunken palm mark appeared on the fragile tortoise shell, and at the same time, fine cracks also spread on the shell of the pot.



  Clap clap! ! !

  Accompanied by countless slaps in a row, before Huhu made a new attack, he could no longer stand the torture, and turned into two light clusters and merged into Pichu and Lalulas.

  After the pot disappeared, Naruto wiped the sweat that appeared on his forehead, and while he was relieved, he couldn't help complaining from the bottom of his heart.

  Sure enough, if you want to live a decent life, you must keep in mind the word "gou". The Hu Hu just now is the best example. If you are doing well, he might leave if you don't.

  But who would have thought that it was going to die, and wouldn't stick to it. No, Tianhu's card in his hand was smashed by a power trick.

  Just when Naruto set himself a code of conduct that would allow him to follow his heart, follow his heart, and never be in the limelight, the flat ground under his feet suddenly began to shake, and not long after, another passage leading to the next floor appeared In front of Naruto.

  Looking at the dark tunnel, a bright smile appeared on Naruto's face. Although he didn't know what would be on the next floor, he believed that the value would not be lower than the previous skill machine.

  Rubbing his hands, Naruto hugged Pichu and went deep into the last layer of cave with Lalu Lasi, ready to pick the last fruit.

  However, unexpectedly, Naruto did not find half an elf on the third floor, as if there were only a few of them in the entire third floor.

  As Naruto continued to go deeper, they saw a set of murals.

  There are four elves painted on the mural, namely Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, and Arceus, the creation god who made him resent deeply.

  Why do these murals of divine beasts appear here, and he feels that Arceus on the murals is a little different from his impression?

  Staring at the three powerful beasts that worshiped Arceus, Naruto's gaze became more and more hollow, and even without his knowledge, his entire consciousness was sucked into the mural.


  "Strange, where is this place? Lalulas, Pichu,

Are you all there? "  Naruto, who was sucked into the mural, was completely panicked facing the dark space in front of him.

  Where exactly is this place? Wasn't he just observing the mural? Why did it appear here in the blink of an eye?

  Naruto's call didn't get any answer, not even the spirit illustrated book gave a response, only a pair of unknown eyes silently watched Naruto's every move in nothingness.

  A long time later, as Naruto walked aimlessly, he suddenly saw a beam of light in the distance.

  As if seeing hope, he hurriedly approached in the direction of the light source.

  A moment later, as Naruto's body passed through the light, he saw a completely different picture from what he had imagined.

  There are elves everywhere around him, including the kettle he just defeated not long ago, the hermit crab sleeping under the dark rocks at this time, and groups of iron ants passing by in front of his eyes, flying cockroaches. Big butterflies, green caterpillars hanging on the branches, giant pincer mantises who keep exercising, and ancient giant flies hovering in the sky.

  Everything shows that this is the paradise of elves.

  And here, Naruto can only see the insect-type elves, not the common elves like Little Lada or walking grass.

  What the hell is going on here.

  While Naruto was full of doubts, the originally clear sky suddenly darkened.

  For some reason in the distant sky, a big fireball with the same size as the sun appeared, and this big fireball was getting bigger and bigger, even making Naruto feel a little scorching hot.



  The elves who were originally at ease became flustered in front of Naruto. There was a mournful cry from their mouths, and they began to escape in all directions, and elves like pot pots or rock palace crabs, whose shells were thicker and slower to run, shrank into their back shells and remained motionless.

  Just when Naruto was still thinking about whether to leave here too, a scene beyond his imagination happened.

  Accompanied by the neighing of a horse or the deeper roar of a dragon, a strange elf that looked like a centaur and a unicorn rushed out from nowhere.

  Naruto recognized the other party at a glance, it was Arceus who was lost in his family.

  And the wheel on the body is not the usual golden shape, but dark green, indicating that Arceus at this time is not an ordinary type but a bug type.

  Arceus didn't seem to notice Naruto and the elves fleeing around, and rushed directly to the huge fireball in the distance.

  Seen from a distance, the halo on Arceus' body was emitting dazzling light, and as the energy continued to gather, a light ball of energy that was constantly shining with light appeared between the two horns on his head.

  That should be the exclusive skill of Arceus to sanction light, right?

  As if confirming Naruto's guess, Arceus hissed, and then threw the energy light ball above his head towards the huge fireball.