
When people have dreams

Imagine the world where all people live like they want to live, where people work in their dream - jobs, where they don't have to struggle with their unwanted jobs and do what makes them unhappy. Just imagine the world where people can easily reach their dreams... What about this book? Here is the answer... The man whose name is Skyemoone, who can't love or be happy, lives his own life and spends his days by writing and talking to his students. He has a good life. But one day, he gets tired of everything and he writes a book. The book which will change the whole world. Why it will change the world? Because after people read it, they suddenly understood that they were living the life which they didn't dream of. Suddenly, everyone leaves their jobs. Stops what they were doing. And for what? To make their long forgotten dreams come true. Now, everyone begins to live how they wanted to live but never had a courage to get up and reach their goals. People became free and everything is possible. No one can't stop them. They can commit crime, do many things and nothing can stop them. And all because Professor Skyemoone opened their eyes and showed them that Person should live and achieve his or her goal no matter what. To live like you want to live. And no one will stop you. Isn't it happy world? And now answer, do you think you are strong enough to dream and live like your heart tells you? Because in the end, everything changes so quickly that people can not control their dreams and who they have become.

Leon_Kingraph · 现实
120 Chs

Difficult question

"What is your dream?"

He was a middle-aged man, but he looked much older than his age. He was wearing a grey cap and a plaid shirt with frayed jeans. There were simple red sneakers on his feet.

His face was tired. Dark blue eyes expressed nothing but emptiness. The tense lines of his lips, as well as the rapid movement of his eyes, said that it was difficult for him to answer this simple question.

Luca looked at him and repeated his question, "Sir, you just have to answer my question. So, what do you dream of?"

The man rubbed his palms against each other. His gaze wandered from one thing to the next.

Finally, he said, "Cook, I dream of opening my own cafe and being independent."

"It's a very good dream," Luca said, and began to type into a computer. "And what did you do before?"

The man straightened his shoulders and raised his head. Now, the sun's rays reached his face.

"I worked as a builder."

"So, you've built houses?"

"Yes," he said.

"Tell me, wasn't that the life you dreamed of?"


"Were you unhappy?"

The man covered his face with his hand and suddenly laughed softly. "What are these strange questions?" he asked, and looked directly into Luca's eyes for the first time.

Luca smiled and said, "These are the most common questions. Those are the same questions that many were afraid to ask themselves. Am I happy? What do I dream of? What do I really want? And I want you to answer these questions so that I can help you."

The man looked up and began to look at the bee, which was sitting on the window. "I worked at a construction site for many years. Since I was very young. Of course, I wasn't happy. It was very difficult work. But in the beginning, I thought it was all temporary. That I'm not going to work in this place for so long. I thought all youth was ahead. I still hoped that I would achieve my dream. But as you know, parents, life, all this changes you whether you like it or not. And I had to give up my dreams. And I ended up getting married and becoming a father. And I kept working. We had enough for bread. But sometimes, I still remembered myself when I was young. Those times when I dreamed, when I thought about my life. But over time, it's just a thing of the past. I had to work to live, but not to live my life."

"Have you always wanted to cook and open your own cafe?"

"Yes. I've always been good at cooking. Open my own cafe and enjoy every day, that's what I wanted," he said and asked, "Are you really helping people to achieve their goals?"

"Yes. And I'll help you, too. You've been miserable for too long. It's time for you to start living as your heart tells you," Luca replied and handed him the paper.

Seeing what was written on the paper, the man exclaimed, "It can't be!"

"I think that's enough for you. Following how much money it takes to open your own cafe, I think that's enough for you."

"It's not true. What's the catch? They'll tell me later that I have to get it all back?"

"No. It's a gift. From Professor Skyemoone," Luca said and smiled. But noticing the lack of joy on the man's face, he added, "Don't worry. Believe me, there's no catch in this. Now, dreamers rule this world."

Gradually, a glimmer of a smile appeared on the man's face and tears gathered in his eyes.

"Sir, I am immensely grateful to you. To hold a check for such a large sum, it is already happiness."

"I wish you a good life," Luca said.

"Thank you and the Professor," the man said, and now, fully happy, he left the office.

Well, Luca, smiling knocked on the table with his finger and said, "Next!"

When the echo of his voice subsided, a girl with a frightened face slowly entered the office.

She had long brown hair, and the yellow dress slightly touched her knees.

Luca, looking at her, said, "Good afternoon. Please sit down."

Tensely, insecurely, she looked at him and sat down on a chair.

Clutching her bag in her hand, she put her hair back and raised her black eyes up.

Luca for a while, was silent until she first asked, "Are you helping people?"

"Yes. That's right."

Now, she stared intently at him and in her eyes, he could notice the confidence with tiredness.

Not daring to take her time, he immediately moved on to the question, "What are you dreaming about? What do you want from this life?"

To which the girl immediately replied, "I want to leave and start over. I want to be free of everyone."

"You're a student, right?"

"Yes. But I spent quite a lot of time on something I didn't want to study at all. And all because my mother never listened to me."

"It often happens. Sometimes parents want to change their children's dreams, and sometimes they do it."

She looked at him and now, her expression was tired and lost again.

Luca, tapping a pencil on the table, continued, "So you just want to go abroad and start over? What exactly do you want?"

The girl sighed and said, "I want to paint. And I also want to live so that in old age, I never regret anything."

Luca, nodding his head recorded something in his computer.

Then, writing on piece of paper, he proudly said, "Here, the necessary amount that will take you out of here. And that's enough money for you to go to another university, or open your own gallery. Just be brave, and remember, for the dreamers, this world is now full of possibilities."

She eagerly took the check and exclaimed, "Thank you!"

"Don't thank me, but the Professors."

"Of course!"

"Good luck with your life," Luca said goodbye.

Lazily, he got up from his chair and went to the window. He combed his curly hair back, and they still returned to their former place.

He looked at the crowd of people waiting for their turn.

A tinge of malice, gloating and happiness ran on his face. But perhaps he didn't know what he was feeling when he looked at the fact that his plan worked the way he wanted it to.

After all, his "Dreamer" Foundation worked flawlessly. And these large sums of money he invested in every person, was like a game to him.

"Sir, Professor Skyemoone has arrived," someone said.

Turning, he shone with happiness. Once again, combing his hair back, he hurried to open the door and at the sight of me, he grabbed my hand and led me to the window.

"You look at them. Isn't that true happiness?" he asked, hugging me slightly.

"I still don't know how you do it. Where's all the money coming from and why doesn't anyone stop you?"

"Professor, sit down. Maybe you want fresh apple juice?"

"No. I'm fine."

"What's your face? You're so famous and great. Why are you so sad? Or did my brother offend you?"

"I just wanted to ask you about him," I said, recalling the searches I made last night after I returned from work.

Luca came up to me and quietly asked, "What happened?"

"I want to ask you. Have you seen him? He didn't call you?"

"No. What's going on? Has he disappeared again?"

"He has not been anywhere since yesterday. He didn't come home today either, he's nowhere to be found."

"Don't worry. He's fine. Leon, the mystery of the universe. So, get used to it. He'll be here soon."

"He often disappeared like this? And where did he go?"

"Professor, I don't think it's time to think about my brother. Look at this!" he exclaimed and pointed to his computer screen.

"What's this?"

"These are stories. And you know that, today, several people have become rich and free."

"Where do you get all this money from? Is there no catch in that? Are you really just giving them any amount just for answering what their dream is?"

Now, I couldn't think like a philosopher, reality scared me too much, and I wanted to understand what I had created myself.

Luca sighed and put his hand on my shoulder. Now, I saw him as a resemblance to Leon. Although they were completely different.

Leon was sunny day, Luca was the dark night.

"Moon, where is your great mind? Don't you get it? People have become happy! And why? Because they have money. They have dreams and a new life ahead of them."

"Yes, but don't you think that's the way people are going to be too brazen?" And besides, your money won't be enough to fulfill everyone's dreams."

"Professor, believe me, I'm a magician. Just like Leon," he whispered. "Don't worry, just watch people change. And anyway, answer my question. Professor, what's your dream?"

"Today, Leila came to me, and she said that everyone is leaving their posts. And that soon, there will be a shortage of doctors, teachers and workers in the world."

"Well, yes. It's natural. After all, these doctors and teachers are now free. They have money and a long-forgotten life. Just think, almost everyone, all this time was so miserable. And all because of dreams. The reason is very romantic and ironic."

"Is this all a game for you?"

"Professor, just live, write, create. You're the one who paved the way for a new world. Don't worry. It's better to be happy like everyone else."

"If you see Leon, tell him to come home," I said, and in those words, I didn't recognize myself.

"Is he so dear to you?"

"It's time for me to go."

"Moon, don't leave."

"I have to go. I'm going to have a lecture."

"So, you're working at the university again?"

"Yes. People can now afford to pay for their studies, thanks to you. And now, my students are those who have always dreamed of studying philosophy."

"You can see! It's beautiful. You're just a great man, Professor!"

I looked at his shining eyes and said nothing.