

Nadi_Banda_0458 · 现代言情
9 Chs

I'm better off dead than alive... mafia is in my blood.

"Sir! We have gotten rid of the body no need to worry"a man said

"Alright,good job I know I can always count on you"another deeper manly voice said on the other side of the phone call.

"I've made all the necessary arrangements for your flight to the USA tonight at 10 PM sharp"

"Okay be careful and alert the police is highly alert lately"

And the phone call was cut.

Present day.

"I can't believe you're here, wow I can't wait to see you!"A Girl said with enthusiasm.

"Malia!!!come into the kitchen right now…. you're already running late."

"Coming Mom!!"she shouted and cut the call.

"You're always talking on that phone of yours. Did you already find a suitor?"Alex said with a smirk.Malia rolled her eyes and walked past him and joined Eva and her mom on the dining table.

"So what's up did Dad call? When is he coming to visit us here?"Eva said and Malia rolled her eyes

"He called and he told me to greet all of you,and about his return I'm not sure if he can make it" Mom said with a faint and unsure tone.

"Really wow I'm not surprised to hear the same story every morning"Malia said and looked elsewhere.

Eva's face was now filled with anxiety and doubtfulness.

Mom's eyes shifted from Eva to Malia who was munching on a piece of beacon,"what's your damn problem? can't you just say something positive for once?"she yelled.

Alex got his lunch pack and went out to the car, Malia didn't say a word after her mom yelled at her,Eva left the table and went along with Alex.

After a few minutes of silence mom finally said"dear sorry I overreacted don't get mad at me I just didn't want your sister to feel bad"

Malia kept quiet and gave her mom an assuring smile and went outside to the car.

The driver drove the kids to their respective schools.


After arriving at school, Malia and Alex went to the school administration so that they could get their timetables and schedules.

'knock, knock'

"Come on in!!"a lady said and the two teens entered the office.

"Ma'am,Sir we would like to collect your termly timetable and schedule,we are newly enrolled students here are our admission forms' 'she handed the lady the forms.After the lady went through the forms she glanced at the man in the chair and grinned.

"I'm Mr Charles,nice to meet you Malia and Alex,so how's your father?"the man in the chair said with disgust as he mentioned 'Alex'.

Malia and Alex looked at each other,"his okay I think"Malia said as politely as she could be.

Mr Charles winked at Malia and said"you actually remind me of a beautiful and extravagant woman,do I know you from somewhere?".

Malia remained quiet and then Alex said"Sir we'll be leaving now Ma'am thank you very much for your help!"

Alex held Malia's hand and left the office.

He walked Malia to her first class which was supposedly Chemistry, her favorite subject."Are you alright?"Alex asked with so much concern.

"Yes I am, don't worry about me!"

"You literally just spaced out from nowhere and you expect me to believe the fact that you're fine?"he exclaimed.

Malia gave him a quick hug and entered the classroom.


The class wasn't full so Malia sat at the back seat of the class.After a minimum minutes passed,A Lot of students made their way into class and the teacher immediately after the students settled down.

"Good Morning class?"the teacher said with disgust and some girls chuckled under their breath.

"Madam we've got a new face,she's at the back!"a girl exclaimed leading all eyes on Malia,she immediately waved and glued her eyes on her notebook.

"Well if she doesn't like attention why should we force her to introduce herself?

Let's concentrate on our previous topic…..hey newbie sit with someone who always attends my classes so that you know what's happening"

Malia scanned through everyone and she didn't like all the students.

"Hey come sit with me!!"a girly voice said and she looked at her left hand side.

It was a blonde girl with big hazel eyes,a nicely shaped face,beauty spots on her cheeks and a big wide smile.Malia felt at ease after that.

The teacher explained the molecular weights of all the elements and gave the pairs questions to research on.

After class, Malia went out of the class and stood outside trying to decide where to go next.

"Hey"a familiar voice said and she felt tranquility and calmness go down her spine,she turned around and found Jade grinning from one ear to the other.

"Hey what's up do you need something from me?"Malia said.

"Not exactly…..let's go to our next class. We have the same timetable so I guess we need to stick together right?"

"Really?okay though I don't think I want to hang around a little goodie two shoes"Malia said while rolling her eyes.

"How rude!...watch your tone okay ...I offered you my company and this is how you repay me?"

"Did I ask for it?"Malia snorted and left Jade dumbfounded.

"Come on, let's go to the next class, Jade!!"

Jade looked furious as she walked past Malia and went ahead to class.

After the two ladies arrived at the classroom door,they found it locked.

"Dammit this is your fault!!!"Jade cursed under her breath.

"Oh please!...let me handle this"

Malia knocked at the door but no one answered. The classroom was quiet as a still river at dusk,"what happened isn't your plan working??"Jade said while laughing.


The door flew wide open, everyone in the classroom was amazed and surprised at the same time.

"Who did that?" a woman asked with rage and anger.

She wore a black lifeless dress,she had a beard, and she was Bald.

Malia burst out in laughter upon seeing the woman.

"Sorry it's just that y..yo…..yo...you have a great Beard"she said in between laughs.

"Detention now!!!!!!"the teacher yelled and gave Malai a red pass which meant that it was extreme detention for her.

After all the classes scheduled for the day were done, Malia and Alex met up at the cafeteria and sat near the lunch ladies.

"I heard you got detention,"Alex said in dismay.

Malia laughed her lungs out and said"yeah it's no big deal!!"

"Of course it is…..look you're giving mom problems"

"Look, I can handle my problems alone and I don't need your lectures!"

Alex had a defeated look on his face and tried to wipe off the anxiety off his face.

10 minutes later

"I'm done here, I have to go now... detention is calling see you later bro!"Malia said and left the cafeteria.

At the detention chamber,was a man in a black working suit.

"Hello,this is the detention chamber right??"Malia asked.

"So what is a cute girl like you doing here?"the huge well built up handsome man said.

"It doesn't concern you!"

"Show me your card,what color is it?"

"It's red!!!"she exclaimed

"RED!!!!!........ seriously wow I'm amazed...okay enter be careful though"

"Okay thanks for the heads up"

Malia entered the building,it was full of empty desks and some were occupied by badass students.

Malai quickly made herself comfortable and sat in the front row,after a few minutes the detention master entered the building and recited the rule's to be followed in the chamber.

A huge built up handsome guy entered the building,he immediately set his eyes on Malia,he winked and walked past her though she actually didn't notice his action.

1hr later….

"Time's up!!! Everyone get out of my building!!!!!"the detention master yelled.

As everyone was walking out the building Malia bumped into a guy and a notebook dropped down,the guy didn't bother picking it up.

Malia saw the notebook,she picked it up and opened it the first page was as follows

Hey Tristan!!!

I wanted to let you know that the meeting place is the same.

Don't be late be punctual and alert

We will bring the secret package as agreed upon.

Downview ally…... Riverdale's street.

Malia finished reading the note and packed the notebook in her backpack.

' At least God hears my prayers,I've got a new adventurous mission now hurray 'she thought to herself.

She set off down Riverdale's street…

Ten minutes later Malia arrived at the well known Downview ally.It was dark and terrifying but that didn't stop her from walking into the street.

As she got closer to the middle of the street,she noticed some weird shadows of men.Their faces were blurry and she couldn't see anything,so she decided to move closer enough to them.

She hid behind a group of tankers of oil,then from nowhere someone held her mouth to keep her from screaming.

"Leave me!!!!!"

She said under her breath after biting the strangers hand,the stranger told her not to say anything and keep quiet.

She looked at his face and it looked familiar,he was the same man who stood by the detention chamber at school.

"Aren't you the same man from school???"she whispered.

"Yeah I'm Tristan and you're Malia right??"

"Yeah!"she said and moved away from his grab on her waist.