
When all three came back

“You too..?” As I hold my eldest daughter in my arms My youngest gives me the confirmation that it too had happened to her The tears that had already poured out turned into waterfalls as I held both my daughters thanking whoever granted me my wish …… After a while… [wipes tears] “Now” [looks resolutely at both girls] “You guys know about what to do” [nod] [nod] [looks out Window] “We have a 1 day left, let’s do better and survive longer this time” [holds their hands] ………. Author here, when I wrote this synopsis I didn’t know what to write for my second part and now I realized that my synopsis and my story don’t match so please don’t think you were scammed even though I think you were…anyways I have no clue what to say but I think the story is much better than this tiny snippet that doesn’t connect at all lol

Xio_Morey · 现代言情
7 Chs

The very start

*screams everywhere*

*gulps* "Just what is that thing.?"

Young man to his friends

Young man-"should be at least an A-rank in the process of becoming an S-Rank…"

Friend 1-"….and at most?" [pauses to look at the Calamity]

Young man-"….S-SSS-rank"

Friend 3-"if it's rank truly is like that, can you tell me why we are standing here instead of running away like the others"

As if a light bulb popped in their heads, the group of friends started dashing with the crowd

Meanwhile in the Taegu

"Folks close to the City of Gumi, please evacuate and head to the emergency shelter in XXX XXXX"

"There is believed to be a calamity with the measured strength of an SSS-rank, however it could very possibly be above that"

"Do not stay in your homes, I repeat do-"




Seok Hyejin-"Got it! Mom you too!"

Mom-"don't you think I know that already?! Hush and pack"

*Frenzy mode*

Mom-"Is your sister still sleeping?"

*peeks into room*

Seok hyejin- "uh yes"

Mom-"Wake her up. Drag her by the ear if you have to"

Seok hyejin-"gladly"

Seok Mi na-"I'm up"

Seok hyejin-"??? Pack up what is important, do not go for things that won't have value in the long run"

10 minutes later

*finishing up*

Mom-"Are you sure everything that has value has been packed? I better not find valueless things when we get to the shelter"

Seok Mi na-"uh-huh"


The family of three head towards their building's parking lot and go towards a fairly new jeep

After arguing about who will be in the passenger seat, the two teens decided on the fair game of Rock Paper Scissors.

Seok Mi na takes the passenger seat leaving behind her older sister to curse her in the back seat

20 minutes later

The crew have arrived to their destination

Mom-"here" [passes over ID]

Guard 1-[makes side by side comparison]

"Alright Seok Hae won are these your daughters?"

Seok Hae won-"yes"

Guard 1-"alright you will be permitted to enter after everything is made clear"


Guard 2-"alright you all can enter now"

All three-"thank you" [slightly bows their heads"

Guard 2-"hmm"

Seok Mi na-"wow there are not many people here..how surprising"

Seok Hyejin-"That's because it's 3am, many people are sleeping at this time, wait a bit more and you'll see how crowded this place will become"

Seok Hyejin-"with that being said, mom we must secure the best spot before it gets too overwhelming in here"

Seok Mi na-"let's go to the farthest"

Seok hyejin-"? I think the corner's the best"

Seok Hyejin-"…..Rock Paper Scissors?"

Hence the battle of oblivion commenced

Who will win?

The previous winner, Crown princess Seok Mi na

Or the fallen noble, Seok Hyejin

Seok Hyejin and Seok Mi na-"Rock.Paper.Scrissor-"

Seok Hae won-"guys get over here. I've secured a spot"

The teens-"???"

Seok Hae won-"get over here, I won't repeat myself"

The teens-*sigh*"okay…" [downfallen]

Seok Hae won-[sees girls pouting] "haha cmon you guys it's in the back AND it's a corner. It's a win-win"

Seok Hyejin-"yeah I guess that cool and all"

Seok Mi na-"Yeah it's ok"


Seok Haw won-[laughter dies down]

"On a more serious note, do you guys think that the hunters will be able to deal with that calamity?"

The girls-"…."

Seok Hyejin-"Our country is tiny compared to America, Japan, Russia, China and the others but don't you know the saying?"

Seok Hae won & Seok Mi na-"??"

"The tiny chili pepper is packed with power!"


Seok Mi na-[shakes head]

Seok Hae won-"where did you learn such a thing?! If I hear you say that again…"

Seok Hyejin-*gulps*


[everyone looks towards the entrance]

Guard 1:"as I've already repeated before, you must show ID for authentication, otherwise you will not be permitted to enter. And to give people like you leeway, although you can't enter through the main entrance you can go 1 mile away which is a shelter for people who don't/can't show ID"

???-"no I must go in here! There is far more protection here!"

Guard 2-"Please don't make us escort you out"

???-"T-Truthfully my daughter is in there, a-and she is just a little girl of about 2 years old"

Guard 2-[thinking] "hey Jinseok, go check if anyone fits that description"

[goes off]


Guard 1-"no one hyung"

Guard 2-[turns back to the woman]

"Need I say more?"

[woman walks away to the direction given to her earlier while grumbling]

Guard 2-*sigh*" we really don't get paid enough for this"

Guard 1-[nods]

Back to the family of 3


Seok Hyejin-"people like that are really shameless, if you don't have an ID, then don't bother getting pity, you're just wasting people's time…seriously"

Seok Mi na-"you don't know everyone's situation, we shouldn't judge before knowing the truth"

Seok Hyejin-"there you go again with your self righteousness again. If you were in a desperate situation, I just know you wouldn't have this sort of mindset, especially with how the world is nowadays"

Seok Mi na-"but we should always give people the benefit of the doubt"

Seok Hyejin-"benefit of the doubt means shit in today's world"

[Seok Hae won stays quiet the entire time, letting the girls work it out themselves]

Seok Hae won-[glances back and forth]

Seok Mi na-"I was just trying to show empathy….[downcast]"

Seok Hyejin-"look it isn't exactly a bad thing, i never said that. It's ok to have that mindset as long as you don't push. You're right, sometimes we should give people the benefit of the doubt, but we must also know when to stop."

[takes her hand]

Seok Hyejin-"Do you understand?"

Seok Mi na-[reluctantly nods while pouting]

Seok Hyejin-"Good girl"

[Seok Hae won smiles]

Seok Hae won-"are you girls not tired? Waking up so early and bickering back and forth?"

Seok Hyejin & Seok Mi na-"I stopped feeling tired a long time ago"

Seok Hae won-"is this the power of youth? [jealous]

"Well, if you guys don't feel like sleeping, allow me"

[lays down and gets comfortable]

Seok Hyejin & Seok Mi na-[confused]

Seok Hyejin-"aren't you the mother? Shouldn't it be the other way around?"

Seok Hae won-"excuse you, mothers are humans too. Anyways don't disturb me anymore"



2 hours later

"I'm getting sleeping Hyejin"

"Same here"

[looks at their mother who is peacefully sleeping]

Seok Hyejin-"let's take turns keeping watch, can't ever be too safe"

Seok Mi na-"rock paper scissors?"

Seok Hyejin-"[looks at her ambiguously]

Seok Hyejin-"no, I'll take the first 2 hours, I know you sleep around 12 so it must've been hard waking up at 3"

Seok Mi na-"who are you and what have you done with my sister?"

Seok Hyejin-"*tch* go to sleep before I change my mind"

Seok Mi na-"yes your highness"




And just like that, the two girl took turns every two hours. And with how stingy both were with their time, not a minute was wasted when they dragged the other up from sleep.

Aka they resorted to pinching, biting, hair pulling, Slapping and pulling of the ears and nose

Seok Hyejin-*whispers* "dammit you bastard stop! I get it. Stop pulling my hair! *winces* dammit stop! Lemme tell you this, people don't condone child abuse, but do they give two fucks about siblings beating the crap outta each other? Think twice before acting Seok.Mi.Na"

Seok Mi na stops

"I'm glad you understood"

"Hit the floor"

1 hr and 24 minutes later

"Mom wake up! Nana wake up!!"

[shakes them vigorously]

Seok Mi na"what? [checks alarm] it even isn't time yet! You-"

Seok Hyejin-"STOP! Wake mom up"

"Did something happen?"



Seok Hyejin-"are you being serious right now? Wake our mother up first please before you start asking questions"

"So bossy…."


[loudly shouts in her ear]

Seok Hae won-"damn you ingrate! I raised you and this is how you repay-"

Seok Hyejin-"mom this isn't the time for that, look around you"

[looks around]

Seok Hae won-"w-where did everyone go?"

Seok Hyejin-"outside mom, there is something happening outside. I saw a person go outside, come back in 3 minutes, grab their stuff and leave. People soon started doing the same thing"

Seok Hyejin continues-"I don't know what's going on since I don't dare to step outside by myself"

Seok Hyejin-"mom I think the shelter isn't safe anymore, the guards…they didn't even stop people from leaving…they encouraged it"

Seok Hae won-*ponders* "alright I'll do as you say"

Since they hadn't unpacked it didn't take long before they dragged their stuff with them out the entrance

Once they reached the outside they found out what the reason for the series of events happening

Seok Mi na-"woah…is that the body of the calamity? It's huge from a distance but it's ginormous from up close"

They all marvel in how their tiny country managed to kill that disaster class calamity

[Seok Hae won's smile fades away]

"Wasn't this calamity in Gumi? How'd it get here? And how did it die here if we saw no hunter around the body?"

Seok Mi na-"I mean we live very close to Gumi so it isn't weird for it to arrive here. And obviously if not the hunters who killed it, then what?

Seok Hyejin-"I think the hunters left for a bit, but they most probably will be coming back"

Seok Hae won-"but if it arrived here from gumi we would've felt the tremors on the ground and the outside doesn't look destroyed at all"

As if the girls developed a brain they too started questioning it

And they weren't the only ones questioning it

Guard 1-"crazy…although there are tall walls we would've still seen the humongous thing…but it was just like it teleported here Hyung….."

Guard 2-"indeed…we might have to report this to the bureau"

Seok Hyejin-"Oh well, it's over with. Now, I just wanna plop onto my bed and sleep forever"

Seok Mi na-"agreed"