
Chapter 114 A Stimulating Journey

A moment later, a smile appeared on Wang Xiaoshuai's face.

This time, it was his turn to lean in close to Zhang Mingwei's ear and whisper, "Chief Zhang, your problem is not a small one. First, you must drink frequently, as there seems to be some issue with your liver.

Then there's the kidney; it's so weakened it won't last much longer. You must control yourself from now on, or else there could be serious trouble. Have you been feeling that the duration has shortened recently, and afterward, always experiencing a faint pain?"

Hearing Wang Xiaoshuai's words, Zhang Mingwei's jaw dropped open in surprise.

Because what he said was spot on; he indeed had been feeling that way.

"Chief Zhang, what exactly did Dr. Wang say to you, was his diagnosis right or wrong?"

Zeng Lili, who was watching curiously nearby, couldn't help but ask Zhang Mingwei.


The next second, Zhang Mingwei suddenly burst out laughing.