
What If Naruto Had The Six Eyes & Limitless Curse Technique

What If Naruto Had The Six Eyes !!! This story is a cool mix of two popular anime, Naruto and Jujutsu Kaisen. Imagine Naruto, but with a twist - he's got the awesome powers of Gojo Satoru, like the Curse Technique and the Six Eyes, from Jujutsu Kaisen. In this tale, Naruto Uzumaki isn't just your usual ninja; he's got the incredible abilities of Gojo Satoru, a powerful character from another anime world. We're going to dive into how Naruto's adventures and challenges in his world would change if he had these new powers. It's a fun blend of two worlds, seeing how one character's abilities can shake up the whole story of Naruto. Let's find out how things turn out! Some Warnings : Creator Has Watched The Both Series But He Is Not Very Known To The Powers & The Jujutsu Kaisen Series !!! so any mistake he makes describing or writing 'bout The Six Eyes Technique, Advance Apology From Creator's Side what You can expect - Most Important Arcs Of Naruto Is Addressed !!! - MC Is Overpowering and Not Weak And dumb As Canon - No Harem anyways let's start the journey, stick with it **Special Note:** The authors of this story come from a non-English speaking background, so you might spot some grammar hiccups here and there.

hasnathh · 漫画同人
112 Chs

Flames of Truth [Edited]

The next day...

Team 7, including Naruto and Kakashi, set out on their assigned tasks. Similar to their first day, they were tasked with D-rank missions.

At first, Naruto showed his dissatisfaction with the simple tasks, but he soon came to terms with it.

And then, he remembered what the elderly man had suggested - perfecting the art of sealing jutsus demands intense control of one's chakra.

Post completing his tasks, Naruto walked up to Kakashi. "I have a request, Kakashi-Sensei," he stated.

"If you're going to ask for more challenging tasks for your group, remember that C-rank tasks are only assigned after successful completion of D-rank ones," Kakashi reminded.

"No, it's not about the tasks. I want to improve my chakra control. Could you train me and guide me?" Naruto inquired.

"Alright. Complete your current task first, then I'll instruct all of you on how to manage your chakra efficiently," Kakashi consented.

Naruto then returned to his task.

After they had finished their task, Kakashi started, "You both should understand chakra by now, correct? Learning to balance it is crucial to executing basic to advanced techniques."

Sasuke and Sakura responded with a nod of affirmation.

"Excellent. Naruto has expressed interest in improving his chakra control, and I thought it would be beneficial for both of you as well. Consider it a reward for passing my exam and officially becoming Shinobi," Kakashi suggested.

Intrigued, Sakura asked, "What's the plan, Kakashi-sensei?"

"We're starting with tree climbing," Kakashi responded.

Confused, Sakura asked, "Why tree climbing, Kakashi-sensei?"

The silver-haired Jonin clarified, "It's not just any tree climbing. We'll be using chakra to ascend, like this..." and with that, he confidently walked up the side of a tree.

"Try to direct a steady flow of chakra to your feet, and use that to climb the tree, without using your hands," Kakashi instructed.

He added, "Shinobi use chakra to climb trees. If the chakra flow is too weak, you'll lose grip and fall. Conversely, if it's too strong, you'll be pushed away from the tree, damaging it at the point of contact."

"Now, give it a try. Focus your chakra to your feet and stick to the tree without falling. Use your kunai to mark your highest point each time."

Following Kakashi's instructions, Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura started climbing.

Naruto and Sakura were able to reach the top of the tree on their first try by focusing their chakra. Sasuke, however, struggled a bit, using slightly more chakra than necessary.

"Sasuke, always feeling like he's lagging behind Naruto and Sakura. Desiring to be strong, yet struggling with controlling his chakra," Sasuke pondered, a mix of frustration and disappointment brewing inside him.

From his high position in the tree, Naruto shouted, "Hey, Sasuke! You're overdoing it with the chakra in your feet. Ease it a little, concentrate, and you'll nail it." He could plainly see that Sasuke was overusing his chakra.

Before Sasuke could respond, Kakashi stepped in, "Sasuke, Naruto has a point. Flooding your feet with chakra will only push you away from the tree."

After another quarter of an hour or so, Sasuke finally succeeded in reaching the top of the tree.

"See, you made it! Not that tough, huh?" Naruto beamed, pleased for his friend.

Sasuke looked at Naruto, wanting to express his thanks for his assistance but ended up giving a mute nod.

"Sasuke, you did it! I never doubted you," Sakura cheered, acting like a personal pep squad.

"Our upcoming lesson is about walking on water. Considering you've all mastered tree climbing with chakra, this shouldn't be a huge jump," Kakashi declared.

"Walking on water? How do we do that?"

"Follow me." Kakashi guided them to a nearby lake with these words. "Observe and learn," he said, casually strolling across the water surface.

"Wow, how did you pull that off?" A mesmerized Sakura asked.

"Ninja walk on water using the Water-Walking Technique. This technique demands the user to gather chakra in their feet and continuously release it. They must then adjust the output to correspond with the water's depth," Kakashi explained.

"Now, it's your turn. Focus on collecting chakra in your feet and maintaining a consistent output."

Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke gave it a try. Naruto nailed it on his second attempt. Sakura, although needing more tries than Naruto, eventually succeeded on her fifth try.

Sasuke was the last one to grasp it, but with Naruto's simple explanation and detailed critique of his errors, he also mastered the technique in time.

"These techniques are employed by ninja to enhance and stabilize their chakra control, which in turn helps in performing high-rank jutsus," Kakashi expounded.

"Are there other techniques to do this?" Naruto asked, his eyes sparkling with curiosity.

"There are several other techniques, but we'll stick with this for now. I must commend you three on your remarkable chakra control," Kakashi praised. "That's all for today. I have to report to the Hokage. We'll continue training tomorrow." With those, Kakashi disappeared in a cloud of smoke using the Body Flicker Technique.

After saying his goodbyes to his teammates, Naruto copied Kakashi's exit with his own Body Flicker.

At the well-known Ichiraku Ramen shop...

After a long day of mission and training, Naruto found himself at the comfort of the familiar Ichiraku Ramen shop counters.

He took a breather from his regular training with Team 10 as he had more pressing matters to attend to, more crucial skills to acquire.

In the twilight, Naruto was cooking dinner when a knock at the door disrupted him. It was Hiruzen, as he promised he would come to educate Naruto on sealing jutsus.

"Grandpa, you've finally arrived," Naruto joyfully declared.

"May I enter?" Hiruzen inquired, grinning.

Naruto welcomed him in and returned after shutting the door. Hiruzen took a seat at the table.

"Now, you expressed interest in learning sealing jutsus, but first, you need to enhance your chakra manipulation skills," Hiruzen began.

"I am aware. I requested Kakashi-sensei's assistance, and he instructed me on how to walk on water and climb trees using chakra," Naruto replied.

"Have you mastered them then?" Hiruzen smirked, as if he was anticipating the response.

"Of course, I mastered tree climbing on my first attempt and the water walking technique on the second," Naruto boasted, patting his own shoulder with a grin.

"I wouldn't expect anything less from a prodigy like you," Hiruzen replied.

"Alright, now let's get into sealing jutsus, or as you refer to it, Fuinjutsu," Naruto said eagerly.

"I am here for that, but first, let's enjoy this delicious meal you prepared," Hiruzen proposed, smiling.

"Oh, I completely forgot," Naruto commented, beginning to serve the food. As they ate, Hiruzen complimented, "Your cooking skills never disappoint."

"But of course, they say a genius should excel at everything," Naruto responded, proud.

After finishing their meal, Hiruzen said, "So, you've nearly mastered chakra manipulation."

"Nearly?" Naruto questioned, perplexed.

"Observe this," Hiruzen instructed, extending his arm. In his hand materialized a small, swirling sphere of blue energy that pulsated and emitted a distinct sound, akin to a loud buzz due to its intense rotation.

"This is known as Rasengan. If you can master this, then I'll instruct you in Fuinjutsu and sealing jutsus. Do we have a deal?" Hiruzen proposed, smirking.

[Ok ok ok, Let's talk about the Elephant in the room, If you are thinking that How can Hiruzen teach him Rasengan, as he couldn't do it the Canon of Naruto series. Yes he couldn't but here he can. Is it hard to believe that the god of jutsus who can perform so many jutsus is able to make Rasengan, I don't think so..]

Naruto examined the scene, "So, the chakra I'm manipulating in my hand becomes visible, huh?" He queried.

"Indeed. You could put it that way. The Rasengan requires a shinobi to swirl their chakra in numerous directions simultaneously, all while keeping it confined within their hand without the aid of hand seals. That's what makes it such a complex technique to grasp." Hiruzen clarified for Naruto.

"Got it. So, if I can pull it off, you'll tutor me in Fuinjutsu, right?" Naruto probed.

"You could put it that way." Replied Hiruzen.

"Alright, let's take it for a spin." Naruto decided to give it a shot.

"Be cautious about attempting it here, if you..." Before Hiruzen could finish, he spotted Naruto extending his arm, a swirling sphere of blue energy materializing in his palm.

"I've done it... Is it up to the mark?" Naruto posed the question to Hiruzen, his voice brimming with excitement.

"he's managed it on his first attempt..." Hiruzen marveled silently, utterly taken aback by the swift success.

[Are you shocked though ? Don't be his eyes let him see chakra flow in the nature so it's very easy for him to perform something like Rasengan.]

"Your kid's got the same brilliant mind as you, Minato," pondered Hiruzen silently.

"Good job, you nailed it," Hiruzen complimented, snapping back to reality.

"You've got to show me the ropes of Fuinjutsu," Naruto demanded confidently.

"Sure, sure, I'll get around to it," Hiruzen responded, lost in thought. "To think he mastered Minato's Rasengan at first shot... The term 'genius' doesn't suffice... he's beyond that," Hiruzen ruminated. "Should I let him in on the secret..."

His train of thought was derailed by Naruto's inquiry. "Hey, old man, where'd you go? I'm asking about the Fuinjutsu lessons," Naruto probed.

"Naruto, have a seat," Hiruzen commanded seriously, and Naruto, sensing the gravity of the situation, complied quietly.

"Alright, what's the big news?"

"Naruto, do you recall the time you inquired about your parents?"

"Sure do. You said you had no idea who they were. I can remember a lot from that night, but my parents' faces are a blank," Naruto replied.

"Indeed, that's what I told you, but it wasn't the truth."

"So, you knew who my parents were all along?" Naruto challenged, anger flaring in his eyes.

"Your father was Minato Namikaze, the 4th Hokage, and your mother was Kushina Uzumaki, the previous Jinchuriki of the Nine-Tails now residing within you."

Naruto stammered, "The 4th... Ho... kage was... my dad?" His mind was spinning, trying to take in the staggering revelation, a swirl of emotions dancing across his face as he struggled to find the right words.

"I get it, Naruto. You've got every right to be mad at me... But before I could..." He was cut off by Naruto's words.

"What should I even say... why was this kept a secret from me in the first place?"

Hiruzen laid out the facts for Naruto - the events of that fateful night, the reason behind Naruto being named Uzumaki despite his father being a Namikaze and all the intricate details.

"I figured I would share it all with you when you were ready to shoulder the burden that comes with it... And I thought you were finally equipped for it."

"My mom and dad... they're both the village heroes!" Naruto declared, an unwavering resolve in his voice.

"Indeed, Naruto, they were. They sacrificed so much for the sake of the village."

Subsequently, they spent some time reminiscing about Naruto's parents - their distinct personalities and their formidable strength.

"This Rasengan that I've just picked up from you, it's a technique my dad came up with, isn't it?" Naruto inquired, a tone of newfound respect in his voice.

"Indeed, Naruto. He crafted it with hopes of fusing the chakra's shape transformation with its nature affinity to create a jutsu that wouldn't necessitate the lengthy hand seals for control. But he ran out of time before..." Hiruzen's voice trailed off.

Naruto's expression hardened after taking in the information, but then he spoke up. "If that's the legacy he wished to leave, then I, as his son, will fulfill his dreams for him," he declared.

"That's the spirit. You should indeed uphold the legacy he left behind," Hiruzen encouraged.

"I will," Naruto asserted, determination etched across his features. "But, you mentioned something about a Flying Raijin technique that my dad was renowned for, how does that work?"

"Ah, the Flying Raijin is a space-time ninjutsu. It allows the user to manipulate time and space, enabling them to instantaneously arrive at their target location," Hiruzen elucidated.

"That sounds incredible! But did my dad also create this jutsu like the Rasengan?" Naruto queried.

"No, the 2nd Hokage is the one who created the Flying Raijin," Hiruzen revealed.

"I see. Could you teach me this technique after I master Fuinjutsu?" Naruto asked.

"Yes, but first you need to show proficiency in Fuinjutsu, and only then can we move on to the Flying Raijin technique," Hiruzen instructed.

"That works for me. I'll become as strong as my parents were and someday, I'll become the Hokage of the Hidden Leaf Village just like my dad," Naruto said, confidence resonating in his voice.

"With the rate at which you're progressing, you might even surpass the 4th Hokage..." Hiruzen mused.

"Do you fancy letting everyone in on the secret, especially your folks?"

"No way, not yet. I'm still not ready. I'll clue them in once I'm strong enough." Naruto responded.

"Smart move." Hiruzen commended.

"So, when does the Fuinjutsu training kick off?" Naruto queried.

"Well, tomorrow, after you've wrapped up your daily tasks, drop by my office. We'll discuss it then." Hiruzen instructed.

With that, Hiruzen rose from his seat and headed for the exit, "One last thing, now that you're aware of your parents' identities, you should have no issues claiming the inheritance they left behind."

"Inheritance...?" Naruto appeared perplexed.

"Yep, swing by my office tomorrow. I'll fill you in. Sleep tight."

As Hiruzen exited, "Sleep tight, Gramps." Naruto bid him goodbye.

Once Hiruzen was gone, Naruto's mind was a whirlwind of thoughts. He summoned a Rasengan in his hand and pondered, "So, the old man intended to fuse form manipulation with elemental affinity. My chakra leans towards wind, so I guess I should weave that in, if my hunch is correct.".

"I'll tackle it tomorrow, feeling a bit washed out right now..."

As per his routine, Naruto hit the showers before hitting the sack.

The following day, Naruto was up at the crack of dawn, got ready, had breakfast, and headed out for his regular missions.

Today, they were assigned D-rank missions again. But this time, Naruto didn't grumble. After discovering the truth about his parents and his father's legacy, he understood what it meant to be a Shinobi. Even the smallest task could contribute to the wellbeing of the village and its residents.

"Hey, Sasuke, check this out..." Naruto suggested while working.

Sasuke shot him a side glance, "What?"

"Something awesome!" Naruto said, generating a Rasengan in his hand, "Cool, huh?" he added, smiling gleefully.

Sasuke and Sakura were taken aback, "What's that?" Sakura queried.

"It's a Rasengan, a jutsu I picked up yesterday." Naruto revealed.

"That's... the Fourth Hokage, Minato-Sensei's technique..." Kakashi mused, watching the situation unfold.

"Naruto," Kakashi summoned Naruto, "How and when did you learn that technique?" he probed.

"Well, Gramps showed me how, yesterday." Naruto informed.

"You mean the Hokage?" Kakashi sought confirmation.

As Naruto nodded in agreement, "So, you mastered it in a single day?"

"Nope, nailed it on my first try, actually." Naruto bragged, grinning from ear to ear.

"First try...?" Kakashi was taken aback, "It's an A-rank jutsu, and you aced it on your first attempt?" he couldn't hide his astonishment.

"Yeah, it was a piece of cake... watch." Naruto said, creating another Rasengan.

"Do you know who invented this jutsu?" Kakashi asked.

"Yes... It's my..." Naruto paused, glanced at Sasuke and Sakura, and then said, "Well, it's the Fourth Hokage's technique, of course."

Sasuke interjected into the conversation, feeling once again overshadowed by Naruto. "Kakashi, I need you to teach me a technique that can rival his. I refuse to be outpaced."

Naruto gave a nonchalant shrug, prompting Sasuke to question, "What?"

"You're asking for a favor with that attitude?" Naruto retorted, earning a grin from Kakashi.

"Sincere apologies, Kakashi-sensei. Could you teach me a technique as well?" Sasuke corrected himself.

"Sure thing. I'll show you something once we wrap up the mission," promised Kakashi.

Everyone then returned to their respective tasks as their mission concluded ahead of schedule.

"Now, Kakashi, I'm ready to learn that technique you mentioned," Sasuke urged.

"Alright, we have some time. I'm going to teach you a technique that's similar to the one Naruto used. It's also an A-rank jutsu," Kakashi clarified.

Naruto conjured a Rasengan in his hand and attempted to blend it with the wind element...

His first attempt ended up exploding right in his face, sending him flying back.

Sakura, Sasuke, and Kakashi turned their attention towards him. With a concerned expression, Kakashi rushed over, "Are you okay? What were you trying to do?"

"I'm fine, Sensei. I was just experimenting with adding wind nature to my Rasengan and it backfired," Naruto explained.

"So, the Hokage informed you about that, huh?" Kakashi queried.

"Yes, he did."

"Be cautious, Naruto. Such experiments can be risky."

"Yeah, I'll keep that in mind," Naruto assured as he picked himself up.

Kakashi was with Sasuke, who was having a bit of a struggle with his technique. Sasuke was learning Chidori, Kakashi's own technique.

Meanwhile, Naruto decided to team up with his clone for safety, just in case there were any surprise explosions.

1st attempt - "Boom! The Rasengan exploded, taking out the clone."

2nd attempt *no good*

3rd attempt *no good*

4th attempt *no good*



37th attempt *nailed it!*

Naruto noticed four big points surrounding the core of the Rasengan, resembling a fūma shuriken. It sounded like a screech of a bird.

"Yay, I did it!" Naruto couldn't contain his happiness.

Sasuke and Kakashi joined him, "Did you get a handle on that new jutsu, Sasuke?" Naruto queried.

Sasuke kept his eyes on the ground. "Well, it's a tricky jutsu, but she's catching on pretty fast..." Kakashi replied, trying to boost Sasuke's spirits.

"well , That's great. You're really good at learning , Sasuke." Naruto said.

"That's it for today's training. I need to visit the Hokage for a mission report," Kakashi announced.

"In that case, I'll tag along. Old man wanted to see me after the mission," Naruto chimed in.

"Sounds like a plan," Kakashi agreed.

They bid their farewells to Sasuke and Sakura and headed towards the Hokage's office.

Once in the Hokage's office...





"Ah, there you two are," Hiruzen greeted them from his desk.

Kakashi handed over the team's mission report.

"So, are we going to dive into Fuinjutsu now?" Naruto asked eagerly.

"Fuinjutsu?" Kakashi echoed, surprised.

"Indeed," Hiruzen confirmed.

"Yeah, I want to master sealing jutsus like my folks," Naruto shared.

"Your folks..." Kakashi glanced at Hiruzen, who nodded, "Yes, I told him about his parents. I believe he's mature and strong enough to handle it."

"Alright, Hokage-sama, I'll take my leave now."

Kakashi exited the Hokage's office, leaving Naruto alone with Hiruzen.

"Have a seat, Naruto," Hiruzen instructed.

Naruto complied and settled into a chair.

"Let's discuss the assets your parents left behind. Minato had three safe houses, two of which were destroyed during the Nine-tails attack. The remaining one is now yours," Hiruzen began.

He went on to discuss the other assets Minato had left behind. "Lastly, your parents left you with 200 million Ryō."

Naruto's eyes widened in shock. "200 million Ryō?" he echoed.

[Well let's finish the chapter with that shock, I want Naruto be so powerful and Rich as well, that even without Kuruma he can compete with gods.

So , last chapter I asked about who you want to see as Naruto's Love Interest, and surely everyone who commented wanted Hinata to take that place.

But For this chapter , let's do something. I'll write the names as paragraph you comment on the name or character you want , the most commented name will be chosen as Naruto's Love Interest....

Comment for Hinata Here.

Comment for Ino Here.

Comment for Sakura

Comment for Tenten

Comment for Shizuka

Comment for Temari

Comment for Shion

I'm trying to take this series a little slow, because I don't want to write the most important moments of Naruto series with below average Writing. So I'll try improve with time by taking the things a bit slow. I hope I make sense.

Now If you find any mistake in writing, just comment below, find out loophole in story comment below as well at last

Drop some power stone and vote to get more Chapters and to motivate me to write more. Thanks..