
16. Hope Feelings

In time between food to come Max discover a new function that can help him talk to the system even when he was with someone without any hinderence.

That function like Burst link but only for his mind. So he can talk to system without anyone noticing Max blackouts when he talking to system.

"System activate Burst link." Max give command to system for to see how it's work.

The moment his voice fell it's like his surroundings stopped moving altogether and he lose his control over his body. Max couldn't move his body in this state at all.

"Host first of all its name is not Burst link and second it's recommended try not to move your body in this state cause your body is not locked but relative to you got slower in ratio of 1:3600."

System reminded Max surprisingly in cute voice.

"Ohh come on system the name you suggested is very lame Burst link sound way cooler."

Max now understand that as long as he doesn't do anything that harm/hinder him from becoming strong system do not interfere not even able to read his thoughts. (Except for his convenient system can "read" his thoughts.)

He know this from when he thought about retaliating to system in future, system doesn't notice it. Even was happy so he come to this conclusion.

"Host my name for it more accurate then Burst link." System also try to explain but it also know that name it suggested is lame so it use different excuse to defend it.

"Forget it system, please show me Hope affection for me." Max stop bickering with system and wanted to know Hope affection for him for his next plan.

And why Max started his plan? simple because the moment this duo appeared system give him mission.

[Make Hope yours

Requirements : Let Hope affection for you reach 90.

Reward : School pass

Penalty : None]

Although there is no penalty but Max wanted to do this mission cause two reasons.

First one is he felt pity for Hope ok who am I kidding he just like her for body and heart. I already said her body and her heart same as Grace can do anything for love.

Second one because that School Pass reward, He can't figure out what is that for and system won't answer it before he get it. So he made plan for Hope on spot, That 135 IQ is not for show.

[Host Hope affection for you is 76 over love below only one .]System still said in cute voice, maybe it eat some wrong medicine or something.

"That much affection. How come Hope have this much affection for me? We just met and there isn't any titles or effect suitable for her other then milf lover but that increase sexual attraction not affection."

Although 135 IQ is not for show but there something have to be logical. You know without Max like skills most people only able to reach 70 to 75 in there entire life.

"System why Hope affection so high?" In the end Max asked system.

[Ohh this is because she triggered Prince Charming title host.] Maybe system broken cause that voice become more cute now.

"What? Prince Charming title? Aren't that only work for virgin girls how she triggered it?"

Max brain started running faster , Although there is novels where Mother (Heroine) is still virgin even after giving birth but Max know that Hope "forced to" sleep with that guy on her wedding night and become impregnated from that.(This CEO type Novel Heroine's are more fertile then volcanic soil. Also her "ex-husband"drugged on their night.)

[Host you might be misunderstood, system have more standards for what you consider virginity, Oral and Anal virginity also count as virginity, This explained before when system give rewards.] Now that cute voice start to turn into little seductive one.

Max now ashamed cause he did not read it when system showed to him but in his defense no one read that type of useless things.

But now Max realize why Hope have that high affection for him on first meeting cause Although her Vaginal virginity is gone but there is still Oral and Anal virginity remaining enough to trigger Prince Charming title rising her affection for him go 76.

"Ohh this Prince Charming title more broken then I thought, Anyway this make my plans more easier.", Max now little relax cause with this favorability, he able to reach 90 affection or more maybe this night.

[Hope affection for that guy is 85 host, That would be triggered when she see him again.] Here system come to pour cold water on Max with more seductive voice.

"*Sigh* I know she have high affection for him but this high? Forget it, it's only triggered when she see him right?" Max know how heroine's are in this CEO type novel, So this much affection doesn't surprise him, He just have to not let her see male lead before her affection for him surpass obsession.

"System are there any way to know male lead affection for her?" Now he know Hope affection for male lead, So he also wanted to know his affection for her.

[ Host male lead affection for her currently 20, and that will increase when he know about incident which happened at their wedding night.] System now crossed the line, it's voice now becoming more and more seductive and sexy.

"Ohh just 20, Then it will be OK. System close the Burst link." Max couldn't bearer this system voice that igniting fire in him, So he just wanted to stop talking to it.

[OK host because it was your first time using Burst link the body moment you commanded during link will be stopped to avoid injuries.]System voice now evolved from cute to seductive sexy voice.

After hearing system voice Max know that if he can able to feel his body he can sense goosebumps on him, Its not that this voice is scary but it directly scratching his heart.

After system voice fell Max surrounding start moving again normally and surprisingly Max doesn't felt weird when he go back to normal time.(Obviously system interfere also surrounding never stopped but from his perspective is moving so slowly that appears to be stopped.)

"Max what do you think?" Grace asked Max all of sudden.

"Huh what?" Although its not problem to come back to real time ratio but because of that Max attention not on the conversation.

"Max are you listening? I said do you like to have wine with lunch?" Grace little annoyed when Max not paying her attention.

"Oh sorry Grace I was thinking about something, Also I love to have wine you recommend for me." Max also know that Grace helping him cause both Grace and Hope can't handle their alcohol at all.

"Then it's OK, how about you Hope?" After asking Max Grace asked Hope.

Why she do like this? It's simple you see if she asked Hope first she might be denied it giving excuse but if she asked her after Max agreed to it then in peer pressure she will definitely agree.

"Yeah ok but only little I have to drive with Neo." As Grace guessed Hope agreed to her request but more or less reason might be Max agreed to drink and she doesn't want to disappoint him.

"Don't worry Hope even if we drink more Max have driver to take us home." How could Grace agree to her request so she put Max in front so she could drink little more.

After all she can feel Max want to get her and if she can help him, He will be happy that's all she wanted.(Obsession of her is given type as long as she can make her loved one happy, She will do it (Hinata is good example but minus shyness) )

So Grace also order wine with food for adults and apple juice for Neo. (They don't know that Max age is 17 because his mature clothing and temperament normal 17 can't have also his charm slay every woman.)

After food came they started eating in harmonious way, They where talking, joking, laughing, etc everything is was wonderful even Max at some point let go his guard and start having to have fun.

Hope seating next to Max also very happy in long time. She time to time take sneak peek of Max face. Her face also have light blush cause there is scent on Max that really attracts her more toward him, So without her realizing she come so close to him that, now there arms touching each others.

Max also notice this, can tell the reason might be his Lust Aura passive where there is scent that release from his body to attract opposite sex.

"ECCHH AAAAHH" But suddenly Neo choked on small chicken bone. seeing this both Grace and Hope stunned not knowing what to do.

Max is first one to act on it, he quickly come to Neo and bend him forward and hit it on his back in middle of shoulderblades with heel of his hand.

Although its not recommended to do this cause object might me go further down in but Max have advanced medical knowledge so he know exactly where to hit for him to be safe.

"*Hack* *Ahem* *cough*" With that hit bone that choking Neo coughed out, but Neo still coughing for some time. tears come out of his eyes while coughing.

Max used his ecstasy hand and massaging skill to smooth his back, After this Neo quickly calm down.

Hope really wanted to go and hug Neo in her arms tightly but stopped herself wanting to give Neo time to stabilize his breathing. Her face also stained with tears and her whole body is shaking because of fear.

Neo is the only one she live for in her life if something happened to him she doesn't know what to do.

"Are you ok?" Max have very gentle caring voice that instantly calmed fear in Neo heart, After all he just escape death.

"Yeah Neo are you ok?" Grace also worried about him.

Hope not in state to ask but still looked at Neo wanting to know his answer.

"*cough* No I am ok sister Grace and Mom ,Thank you brother for saving me." Neo still coughed and first reassure his Mother and Grace then thanked Max.

"Yes thank y-you Max if S-Something h-happened i-i can't-" Hope also stand up and want to bow down to Max to show her great fullness.

"No its ok Hope you don't have to do this." Max hold her shoulders and stopped her from bowing down.

When Hope felt his touch same electric current run through her body but this also calm her down and made happy cause this is the first time in her adult life someone do something for her.

At this moment her all memories from childhood to now surfaced in her mind. How happy she was with her mom but after her mom died her life go on path to become hell. when her stepmother and stepsister came she was happy to have mother but that misunderstanding quickly resolved when her stepmother don't give her food just because she was 1 minutes late to dinner time and beat her for it.

When her stepsister bully her and she complained to her stepmother other then blaming her sister she was the one who get beating like a dog. She wanted to complain this to her father but he doesn't even care if she dead or alive.

In this dark world that men came into her life when she was 14 years old. He doesn't say anything other then be stronger so they don't bully her. This was her first time some said something nice to her in long time. so she fall in love with him, although she know that she can't be with him but for 6 years she was in love with him.

When her father decided to use her as political marriage she was crushed but when she find's out that he was the one she going to marry. She was over nine clouds from happiness then on their first night that happened, She give herself to him completely although that was painful and rough but she bear it for him.

But like fate doesn't want her to be happy the next day that man just wake up and throw blank check at her face saying that this is your price, and sign the divorce paper later.

She was not even get to experience her happiness yet again that changed to despair.

She ready to end it all there because there was nothing to live in this world.

But maybe God has pity on her and give her a gift of light in her dark world as a son. This child stopped her ending herself, considering him as gift from God Hope decided to live for him and give him name Neo(gift) to symbolize importance of him for her.

She was all alone in this world, for pregnant 20 year old girl without anyone's support and money it's really hard for to go on but just for her child she go through it. She doesn't use any money and things that man gave her in divorce because for her that was not a some kind of transaction that was her love and he crushed.

So 6 years passed, In this 6 years she doesn't know how many time she cryed, how many time she wanted to some one for her just to stand by her side when she need it, it's good thing that Neo is smart caring child and understand her problems that's what giving her energy to just push forward each day.

Thinking all this tears continue to flow non stop from her eyes, all of her suffering, pain come and hit her at once. She just throw herself in Max arms and just let it go all her pain and suffering in form of tears.

Max also hugged her and caressed her back trying to smooth her emotions.

After 5 minutes she slowly calm down her crying a little.

"Mom I was wrong please stop crying ok." Here Neo also smart enough to wait for her to calm down before saying it.

Hope then realized what she done. She quickly let go her hug.

"I a-am really sorry i-i don't know what happened to me." Hope stammered and said to Max hurriedly.

"Ohh no I am sorry I soiled you shirt I clean this for you later." Hope then notice that her tears wetted Max shirt.

"Don't worry about that. Tell me are you ok now?" Max wiped her tears on her face with one hand while asking her.

"Yes i-i am ok thank you." Hope heart touched when Max wiped her tears gently, This is first time other then her mom did it for her not even that men did it to her.

"Mom mom are you ok right?" Neo also worried about his mom so he pulled her skirt and asked.

"Yes mommy is fine, but don't eat fast later on, okay?" Hope get down to him and said while patting his head.

"Yes mom I promise I never do that again." Neo puffed his chest and raised his fist up to reassure his Mother.

Seeing his action all of them laughed diminish the sad atmosphere in the room. So they again seat on there seats and started eating but this time Grace was the one who feeding Neo.

"System how this happened to me as villain aren't this treatment exclusive for protagonist? Also there is notifications after I saved Neo show that too." After seating Max activated Burst link to communicate with system cause this scenario villain like him can't have also there is notifications after he saved Neo.

(A/N : If you have any doubt worry just comment it on that paragraph I will solve it for you.)