
The Unique Way A Saintess Earns Money

編輯: EndlessFantasy Translation

"So this is a public bus…?"

It was Qi Zixiao's first time taking a public bus. According to Lin Fan's instructions, she put in two dollars before sitting down at a random seat. How novel.

The vehicle was roaring while the interior was bustling with people. Some were playing with their phones while others were snoozing.

Buildings outside the window kept 'moving backward'…

Each of these experiences was strange and starting to Qi Zixiao.

"What is this… public bus?"

"There are no spells at play but its belly can transport so many people. Although it's not very fast, it's fascinating enough."

"This world is not so simple after all…"

She now knew that she was riding a public bus but had no idea what it was or the theory behind how it worked.

In the video Lin Fan left, he could not possibly explain this to her in detail after all, so Qi Zixiao's current situation could be described as 'knowing it is so, but not knowing why it is so'.

In summary…

It was fascinating.

According to the video guide, she was to get off at a suitable location and walk to the construction site…

While Qi Zixiao barely left the sacred grounds, it wasn't difficult for her to recognize the way. Being intelligent, she was learning by analogy.

Hence, with Lin Fan's video in hand, she easily found the place.

The video had introduced Liu Dezhu but Qi Zixiao did not meet him immediately. Instead, she was watching from afar as the workers hustled about.

And then, she hesitated.

Moving bricks?!

So this was moving bricks!?

"One dollar for a brick and one bus trip requires two dollars…"

"If I had innate qi on me, moving thousands of bricks with a flick of my hand wouldn't be a problem. But to use this physical body to move the bricks one by one isn't it a waste of limited life?!"

This was too inefficient!

From Qi Zixiao's perspective, it was a complete waste of life.

"There must be other ways. Other ways to make money more efficiently…"

Without talking to anyone, she turned to leave.

Different people would choose different methods.

Lin Fan had no choice, no background, so he could only choose work that was more familiar and stable for him.

But Qi Zixiao was different.

She never worked before and had no idea what tasks in this world would generate money. She only knew that the job of moving bricks… was bad!

She should be able to find work that was more efficient and suitable for herself.

"Let's return to the residence and understand this world in detail for now."

"That guy had said something about a Qiandu that could search anything."

On the way back.

Qi Zixiao took out the phone. While she was about to search for the fastest way to earn money, a FlyChat notification suddenly popped out.

Pressing on it, it was about someone named 'Xiao Wan' wanting to be friends on FlyChat.

She pressed on the 'approve' button and soon, the other party sent her a message.

Xiao Wan: Wow, little mister, is that you on your timeline? You're so handsome.


Qi Zixiao's attention was caught. "Is this what the guy mentioned, that 'sending messages over a thousand miles' tactic? Even if the recipient is thousands of miles away, we could converse immediately?"

Having developed curiosity, she wanted to know more.

Qi Zixiao simply responded with a voice message, "It's me. Who are you? Where are you?"

Don't ask why she didn't type. She didn't know how.

Xiao Wan responded immediately with a text: My name is Xiao Wan. I wanted to add my blind date but I seemed to have made a mistake. However, you're really handsome, young mister. I like you…

Qi Zixiao felt goosebumps all over her body. "…"

Were the people in this world all so direct?

Moreover, a woman was saying that she liked her?!


She asked again: I'm asking you where you are.

Xiao Wan: Ah, I forgot to tell you. I'm at Mount Bohea… I'm a kindergarten teacher and I love children.

"Look, these are photos I've taken with the kids. What do you think?"

The other party sent a photo over. It was of a beautiful and adorable girl with a group of children at the kindergarten.

Qi Zixiao had no idea what a kindergarten was but could roughly understand what the other party meant.

She was trying to become companions?

"That guy doesn't have a companion, right?"

Suddenly, Qi Zixiao had a mischievous thought.

If she had really gotten him a companion, would he be shocked the next time they switched back?

"Not bad!"

She replied.

Xiao Wan seemed to be delighted. She sent back a smiling emoji: Thank you, but I have to go back to teaching the children now. Let's talk later.


The chat ended.

Qi Zixiao's fascination for FlyChat and the mobile phone grew stronger.

In fact, not only someone like her who had transmigrated from a cultivation era would feel this, even modern folks would be fascinated when new social applications like QQ were launched.

Some of them could even chat all night…

Having ended this surprising chat, Qi Zixiao began exploring the other functions on FlyChat.

She did not casually look for conversation partners but found the 'news feed' function Lin Fan had mentioned before and tapped into it.

"That guy said a news feed could kill time so I wouldn't be too lonely…"

Once inside, at the first glance, Qi Zixiao narrowed her eyes.

"If I'm interpreting this message correctly…"

She was used to traditional Chinese characters but she understood simplified Chinese as well. At that instant, when she saw a post made by a friend on the news feed, Qi Zixiao got excited.

That was a picture!

In that picture was a sketch coupled with a sentence below.

Qi Zixiao could barely understand it.

"Reward offered for a wanted criminal?"

The general meaning was this atrocious criminal who had raped… and killed countless people had escaped to this area. Whoever could supply information would get a reward of… fifty thousand dollars?"

Fifty thousand dollars?!

This job was so much more efficient than moving bricks!

Qi Zixiao immediately memorized that picture sketch.

"If I can find this person… there won't be worries about money, would there?"

How should she search?

Qi Zixiao could not utilize the innate qi she had but she could use her spirit sense. Simply speaking, once immortal cultivators had reached a certain level, they would be able to sense luck and avoid calamities.

Moreover, this sense was not directly connected to innate qi but to one's soul.

Hence, she still possessed this 'sense' for luck and danger.

In that case, could she use this ability to search for that person?

Qi Zixiao was unsure either.

After all, she could not casually define whether it was luck or danger.

In simpler terms…

Was the fifty thousand dollar reward considered 'luck'?

Or, was the wanted criminal considered 'danger'?

If they were, whichever satisfied either sense meant that digging out the criminal would not be too hard a task.

After pondering it for a bit, Qi Zixiao decided to try!