
What's wrong with this lawyer?!

Lawyer Tang Fangjing had finally made it through time-travel, only to discover that he was terminally ill, thank goodness for the system But he needed to achieve more than two hundred percent completion in order to ensure his own survival And so, an extremely unorthodox lawyer emerged Thinking you can just cut off an employee and provide severance pay? Come on, let's calculate the exorbitant overtime pay, including mobile communication after hours as overtime! Property management that does nothing but collect money, thinking about pulling out just like that? Gradually establish a resident's committee, backtrack twenty years of accounts, secure a huge compensation from property management without saying, and also send the property boss to jail Who's shirking responsibility for the unfinished building? Come at it with both administrative and civil lawsuits, make clear whose responsibility it is, whoever needs to go in must go in Beyond that, there are salary disputes, labour service scams... 'When you encounter a problem, sending people to jail will naturally solve the problem' — Tang Fangjing

Sword Immortal of Wine · 都市
391 Chs

Chapter 16 Some Things Have to be Done by Someone

Although little Tang had secured an exorbitant amount of overtime pay, the employees in the operations department were still hesitating.

After all, the impact of such an action was significant, and it might even make it difficult for them to find work in Jingzhou in the future.

This was different from the usual resignation arbitration; no boss wanted an employee like that. It might seem unreasonable, but this was the reality, unless they were irreplaceable.

But if you think about it, being treated like beasts of burden meant they were essentially replaceable.

Law is the baseline of society, but society is not governed by law alone. Whatever you do, you have to face the consequences, and that's something the law can't solve!

As a result, everyone was watching and waiting to see who would be the second to step forward.

People then realized that Manager Liu, who had always proclaimed his loyalty to the company, always saying "the company is my family", was unexpectedly the second to come forward—the contrast was a bit too stark...

It was not just them who couldn't accept it; President Hu had already smashed his third teacup in the office!

"Liu Jianjun thinks he can walk all over me too? When has the company ever treated him poorly?"

President Hu was truly furious, and sometimes emotions just can't be controlled.

Just like Tang Fangjing appeared to be an honest person in Manager Liu's eyes, in President Hu's eyes, Manager Liu was the "honest person"—obedient, doing whatever was asked of him, always at the ready.

If you told him to get lost, he would just do that, without even asking for compensation...

At that time, Hu thought Manager Liu was quite straightforward and considered letting him return after some time. However, Liu countered with a lawsuit, and what's more, the petition actually stated that Liu's legal representative was Tang Fangjing!

President Hu felt like he was about to cough up blood...

He had just sent the overtime pay a few days ago, yet not only was the other party not grateful, but now he was helping someone else sue him?

President Hu dialed the phone, ready to confront the other party and ask how he could have the gall!

Soon after the call went through, President Hu bellowed, "Tang Fangjing, why are you helping that Liu guy screw me over, huh? Didn't I already give you your overtime pay?"

"I've come to this and it's still not enough for you, huh? Do you really have to drive my company into the ground to be satisfied?"

On the other end, Tang Fangjing, listening to the voice on the phone, directly retorted, "Hold on, the money I got was through the court's enforcement, not because you willingly gave it."

"If Manager Liu sues for overtime pay and asks me to be his representative, I'm familiar with the process, and I can earn some money to support my family. Is there a problem? I don't even have a job now, am I not allowed to earn money?"

After saying that, Tang Fangjing hung up the phone. What the hell, talking as if the money paid after going through arbitration, first trial, second trial, and forced execution was some sort of favor from him; this was personal!

These days, he has been so busy; he had just finished an exam yesterday, and he was feeling pretty confident about it.

He had made rounds at several universities, ending up utterly exhausted, but what was most important was that he found the cancer was still relentlessly eroding his life.

Visibly, his lifespan was dropping by a few days all of a sudden...

The system had only granted him lifespan, but the cancer wasn't cured yet. He had to live well and needed to gain a much larger amount of lifespan!

Right now, he was doing a promotion at Handong University of Political Science and Law, with a crowd of students gathering around.

The lawyers online might not like him, but the college students didn't have such complex thoughts. After arriving at Handong Political Law University, many students came to interact with him due to his reputation.

Of course, many didn't understand his arduous and death-defying efforts.

Someone curiously asked, "Tang bro, why are you working so hard to gather all this evidence? What's the point? Even if you go to court, could that bit of money compare to all the work you've put in?"

It sounded like all he had to do was make a call to action, and the college students would eagerly help him collect the evidence, which he would then just need to organize.

Why hadn't anyone done such a simple thing before?

The answer was straightforward, the effort put in was nowhere near proportional to the rewards received!

Let's not even talk about lawyers, how many people in everyday life are willing to do thankless and strenuous tasks?

Besides, it's no longer much about money...

As far as everyone knows, this "Brother Tang" seems to be in the late stages of cancer by now, running around in the scorching sun for publicity, having suffered from heatstroke several times. He's literally risking his life!

To this, Tang Fangjing didn't respond directly but heaved a sigh and said, "This society needs some people who make sense, someone has to do certain things."

Man, if it weren't for the reward of an extra year of life for 200% completion, if I weren't minutes away from death right now, who would be willing to do these things...

However, his response was exactly to the taste of the college students because he wasn't just talking, he was acting on his words!

The key was that everyone saw his efforts, his hardships... and so, under such circumstances, many volunteered to help with the publicity, and some students from Politics and Law University even formed practice groups willingly to help sort the evidence.

The college students who hadn't yet graduated treated it as a volunteer social practice—a proactive participation in social practice!

In such a situation, Tang Fangjing found that the evidence collection was progressing faster than he had originally planned...

The internet era really is a miraculous one, who could have imagined in the past that someone could become known nationwide overnight.

Of course, Tang Fangjing was still far from reaching that level; for now, he had only gained some popularity among the university student community in Jingzhou.

Time passed in such busyness, and it was already early July.

Inside the Bright District Labor Arbitration Tribunal, Sister Wang couldn't help wanting to say something as she looked at the people on both sides.

Naturally, Elder Zhang had even more he wanted to say, this matter... well, it was somewhat outrageous...

But after all, everyone here was a professional, so the necessary procedures still had to be followed, constituting an immense torment.

There was no need to think about the outcome of this arbitration. Although our country doesn't use the case law system, precedents still hold significant weight in practice.

After all, the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate issue so many guiding cases each year, and the meaning of "guidance" is very clear.

However, for Elder Zhang, his company was certain to file a lawsuit after the arbitration, and it was destined to go through a second trial, meaning he was in for the same torment twice over...

For Tang Fangjing, the arbitration was just a minor episode. His main focus remained on evidence collection, and after a little over a month, the evidence was almost complete.

He still hadn't bought a house, and he didn't want to deal with agents, so he kept looking on his own. Fortunately, he got to know Secretary Tian from the community, who had already introduced him to some homeowners.

On the morning of July 20th, Tang Fangjing stepped out of his small rental, still carrying that huge briefcase. Today, he had errands to run!

Passing the legal qualification exam didn't mean getting the certificate right away; there was a unified time for that, and one had to wait a few months anyway.

Only with the legal professional qualification certificate could you apply for an internship permit. Of course, for newcomers, they could start interning as soon as their results were out, but those internships wouldn't count towards their one-year required internship period.

Tang Fangjing didn't care, as he didn't need an actual internship. After all, when the time came, he would show up with a bunch of clients in hand and pick an obedient lawyer.

Yes, the kind that would listen to him...