
Wednesday: The Strongest Psychic

Luke a 13-year-old boy lover of all kinds of novels, series, and manga, dies and is reincarnated in Wednesday's world with above-average psychic powers. As he immerses himself in the world of outcasts and monsters, he will discover that it is not as simple as it seems. Luke in his new life is a descendant of the famous writer Edgar Allan Poe and must deal with an old family grudge.

Nathe07 · 电视同人
98 Chs


Luke was satisfied with the battle. Even though it didn't last long and was easy, he could test his new telekinetic abilities. All focused on making him strong in close combat.

He is increasing his speed and strength with telekinetic waves and deflecting attacks by manipulating the trajectory of the blows with telekinesis.

Add to that his observation haki and mind control abilities, and he would be mighty in combat. He no longer just relies on crushing you with an object weighing a thousand kilograms or more.

He knew it was rare for a telekinetic to fight that way, but he didn't care. It was more exciting to fight that way. He could fly and from that safe place bombard his enemy with objects, but what fun was that? That is as long as he knew his opponent was at his level or below.

If he is facing many opponents or a strong person, he prefers the tactic of flying and using objects to crush his enemies, or if he doesn't feel like fighting and wants to finish the fight faster.

Luke finally found the presence of Xavier, Mike, and Wednesday. Although the latter was harder to see because of her aura of darkness. They were in combat, and from what he observed Wednesday had the advantage.

'Don't beat them yet!' thought Luke, starting to run at full speed. With the help of his telekinesis to propel himself quickly, he managed to spot his gothic teammate elbowing Mike in the face and knocking him out.

The area where they had fought was not in the best condition. The ground had been tampered with by Mike, a tree was cut in half, and there were several pits. Wednesday's appearance was not perfect, although she was not in a critical situation either.

Xavier and Mike's teamwork had made things more difficult for the goth girl compared to their first fight, but she already saw victory close at hand. Only Xavier was left with a cut on his shoulder and fatigue from the fight.

Xavier took advantage of the opportunity that his now unconscious companion had created for him. In his hand, he held a whip more than 20 meters long. With all his might, he lashed out at Wednesday, who was far away from him, but his whip covered that distance quickly.

Wednesday clicked her tongue internally. This student's damned whip was the hardest thing she faced in this fight. It wasn't a normal whip, Xavier created it from nothingness itself. It was fast and unpredictable, as well as very resistant. She couldn't destroy it no matter how hard she tried to cut it with her powers.

Luke had already acted. He telekinetically controlled a tree branch and used it as a shield to cover Wednesday.

The whip shattered the branch but managed the second needed for Wednesday to fade into the shadows and appear behind Xavier, who no longer had time to retract the whip.

"Surrender," said Wednesday in a monotone. In her hand, she held an all-black knife pointed at Xavier's neck.

"I lose..." said Xavier, letting go of the whip and putting both hands up. The sharp knife disappeared, and from some speakers that had been set up by the professors earlier came Charles' voice.

"Winner group six. Go back and get Mike," said Charles, ending the practice bout.

Wednesday looked at Luke. Her expression was not happy at all, "I didn't need your help," said Wednesday, resuming the walk back. Even if the whip had hit her, she had already thought of a tactic for after that.

'Not as much fun as I expected,' Luke thought without argument. He had imagined Wednesday would be more annoyed, but her face was still the same as ever. No expression and no emotion whatsoever.

"It's true. You didn't need to help her," Xavier complained, walking towards Luke. If his friend hadn't helped her, he could have defeated Wednesday. Even if he wouldn't have won the fight, since he knew he couldn't beat Luke.

"You would have been my teammate," Luke said, with a faint smile.

"Tsch. Grudge," said Xavier.

Luke with his telekinesis floated Mike, and together with Xavier, they went back to where the professors and students were.

Professor Fitts was already healing Arthur and Nick. Nick was in the worst condition. Because of Luke's blow, he lost several teeth, and his nose was broken. In addition to some broken ribs.

"You had no mercy..." commented Xavier, seeing Nick's condition. Luckily, he ran into Wednesday first before Luke.

"It's a new technique. I don't control the power well..." said Luke, scratching his cheek. He had already reduced the power, but it wasn't enough.

Nao looked at Luke with a cold sweat on her forehead. She felt dread at the thought of almost getting close to Luke in the first round and attacking him. It would have been too bad for her pretty face to be hit like that.

"The group match is finalized. Luke and Wednesday's group is the winner. We will give them their rewards later," said Charles, and the losers sighed in disappointment.

They all wanted to win for the rewards. Plus, they would get better grades in the subject if they made a good impression.

'It was good practice,' thought Luke, satisfied. The reward he was most interested in was the use of the VIP bathroom.

A bathroom that only class reps could use. To be a class rep, you have to be democratically elected. So you must be very popular, which Luke is, but not in a good way. He is popular, but not sociable.

Each year there are two representatives. One male and one female. Not in the specific classes of each type of outcast. That is, you must compete with those of your age from all species of outcasts.

The current representatives for Luke's year are Xavier and Bianca. The most popular couple of their year, although Luke believes they don't have much time left as a couple.

In addition to the use of VIP bathrooms, there were more rewards. Use the swimming pools when you feel like it. Usually, to use them you must ask permission or be in the swim club.

The last reward is two days off where you can leave Nevermore. They must be on weekends only. Where you can visit Jericho or whatever you want. As Nevermore is a boarding school to get out you need to ask for permission and a valid reason. Usually, you don't get permission.

Luke was given it for his interviews as they were work-related or when there was an important event in Jericho, they let all the students out.

'Maybe I can visit the Italian restaurant,' Luke thought, remembering a new restaurant that opened in Jericho. Although, he wouldn't have Natasha's permission, because of the Spellman thing, blah, blah, blah, blah.

On the way back Luke received several stares from his companions. They were all still amazed at his strength, but mostly at the way he fought. Wednesday also received many stares for the strength she demonstrated.

The girl since she got on the boat a couple of hours ago still had the same expression as always. Luke didn't know how she did it. She didn't look tired, irritated, and of course not showing a hint of joy at her victory.

'He defeated those two first than me...' thought Wednesday as he watched the river. She was not at all happy about the rewards.

She was slower than Luke in defeating a group, and she didn't like that. Although she considered Xavier and Mike more trouble than Arthur and Nick. Especially since Arthur didn't have an annoying ability like manipulating the earth and didn't even have psychic powers useful for combat.

'Besides, he helped me,' thought Wednesday, remembering how the tree branch covered her from the whip. For the first time on her face, a slight frown could be seen. She knew Luke helped her to annoy her. She knew how to see that annoying character from the first day she met him. In the first fight, he didn't move a muscle, it was strange that he suddenly wanted to help.

'The only thing I can do is train and next time finish my fight faster than him,' Wednesday thought, returning to her stoic expression.

It was the first time she had encountered a worthy opponent who had skills on par with her. A feeling she had never felt before.


That same day, Luke received a metal plate that served him to open doors like the one in the bathroom. A VIP badge. He would have it for a month.

'So many amenities in the palm of my hand,' thought Luke, looking with a slight smile at the badge. He knew the bathroom had a Jacuzzi and was very large. He would have a luxurious and comfortable bath today.

[Hey, Veronica. I need something] Luke said, sending a mental message to his cousin. Having a telepathic link was very useful, and neither of them had broken it so far.

[Luke? What do you want?] asked a surprised Veronica, who was typing on her laptop. It was the first time she had spoken to her cousin since the summer. The last time she had seen him was in his rented house, sleeping with a normie. Something she didn't like at all.

[I was wondering if you could get me some Nightshade Society books...] Luke said. It was just a small favor. Several seconds passed, and he got no response.

[If you want to use the Nightshade Society's library so badly, join it, womanizer!] said Veronica angrily and severed the telepathic link.

Luke immediately felt the link was broken. His face was in disbelief. What happened? He knew his relationship with Veronica had stalled, but it wasn't for him to call her a womanizer and cut the link either.

'Tsch calls me a womanizer, and she has sex in a sacred place,' Luke thought in annoyance.

He should find the books somewhere else or go back to stealing them. He wanted to find information about the black aura to learn more techniques and how this aura works.

He also wanted information about the Hyde. Now that Wednesday had arrived at Nevermore sooner than he thought, Professor Normie's plan might be in motion. He had to know the strength of the Hyde in this world that was much more dangerous than the series he saw in his past life.


You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://www.p@treon.com/Nathe07