From: A.LF
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To: P.BG
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Sent: Tuesday, 25 Dec 2018, 03:53
Subject: intrusive thoughts
I did it! I followed my intrusive thoughts.
One day I'll show you what I did when we met.
I'm glad you approved of her and that you like my mom and my baby sis, P, it means a lot. They are really amazing, and I think I might be really falling in love with my girlfriend, which I didn't think would be possible, but she's everything I want right now. I hope it'll work out too. I also hope she'll be with me next year, and in the next, and in the ones that are to come too.
They all sent you a Merry Christmas, and told you to not feel bad about your ex, because he doesn't deserve you, and you deserve way more than a "fuckity crappy bollick licking shit dam bastard" (mom's pissed words) like him in your life.
And did you noticed we've been wishing each other "Marry Christmas" instead of "Merry Christmas" all this time? I think it started it on a typo, but did you notice? I'm laughing like an idiot because of this. How can we marry Christmas? Oh, Lord, I'm in tears.
My sister and my mom LOVE Harry Potter, but I never read OR watch the movies. Now that you recommended it, I feel obligated to do so, I'll read them after I finish A Court of Thorns and Roses, okay? Then I'll watch the movies, and the next time we talk in 2019, I'll tell you about it.
I'll also do a test afterwards to know which house I'm part of. But if I'm not wrong, isn't Slytherin the house of the villains? The green one with a crest of a snake? The house of that the white-blonde boy is part of? My sister is part of the red one, that Harry is also part of, so she mentioned about the green one, yours, being the house of the evil cunts 👀
Tell your grandma that your bestie Anna-Lorena Del Sanchez (💅🏻) sent her good health, a Merry Christmas, a great early new year, and a good Harry Potter marathon.
Thank YOU for being part of my life, P.
Have a blessed 2019.
- A,🥂