
We Are All Demons

Kymani Sukho wishes to expose the darkness in everyone and every thing. He uses his newfound power to gather allies adding to his party to eventually reveal every secret in the world.

RomanceAndOPMC · 奇幻
3 Chs

Distrubing Upheaval

"Come! Sit and have breakfast. We were just about to talk about the games!"

The king waved his hand gesturing towards the empty seats.

Seems like this new noble has quite the connections with the king.

Sitting down at the table with the others he was given a plate. As he watched Beatrice and Han start to serve themselves. He caught a glimpse of the king eyeing him. 

With out any invitation to speak he did so anyways. 

"You excellency would you please explain why you have called us?"

Clapping his hands together he replied.

"Of course! It is that we have made a big discovery. I am sure that your friend Beatrice has already told you lot about it too. So that makes my job easy and I will get straight to the point. 

This here is Beatrice's father Shiro Rothschild. He himself is an otherworlder and possess many strengths and talents which is why I made him a noble after expressing his desire to support our kingdom."

As if it was his queue Shiro looked at Kym and continued. 

"Yes I am an otherworder and I can see that look on your face. I am indeed from another world sort of. I come from a planet called Earth. Earth is almost exactly like this planet you have here. It's just missing a majority of magic and magical creatures. 

In it's place though the world is run by humans and have outstanding technology."

Pretending that it made sense Shiro asked something else. 

"Then why is it that you called me here? Same with Kali. Why her too? If anything you should have only invited your daughter and Han."

"That is because we have to talk about you and your family," Shiro answered, "I have already spoken to the king about you guys and he will give you the final verdict. Now let's give Kym and the king some time to talk to themselves." 

Standing up Shiro led the lovebirds and Kali out of the room.

Looking at the king who kept eating. He noticed that a few more guards entered the chamber as the others left.

"Your excellency please explain what he meant by 'Verdict?"

Wiping his mouth with a napkin he looked up at Kym with a serious face. 

"Kymani. Your family has stayed with the royal family for a long time. They have even made great connections with those that live under you. However due to new circumstances your family has ended up being a detriment.

Your family is anything a kingdom would hope for but, that is for peaceful times. With the. introduction of the otherworlders from Earth they brought knowledge. They have records of many others leaving their planet in another world. Shiro has already told me about it. 

As much as your family is helpful they are at it's end. The nature of your family is dangerous and volatile when it comes to the royal family and direct descendents which has become a problem recently. Also the fact that we have found evidence that you have been colluding with commoners to stage a coup."

As the king finished that sentence Kym jumped from his seat.

"WHAT!? I apologize for my outburst. But, how would we stage a coup? I have heard everything it seems reasonable but this? We have no qualms how you run this country. We have lived peacefully for years!"

"That is the problem Kymani. Your family has gone soft and that with the new war that is coming. You will have to be disposed of to ensure that there will be no chances. Also our evidence is solid being provided by Shiro himself."

So it's that rat. I new he wasn't right to begin with. But getting rid of a long lived noble family that has been around for centuries? He must have done something to his highness.

"Sir... your highness. Is there anything that I can do to clear my family's name?"

"I am afraid not son," He looked at the guards behind Kym gesturing them to come over, "That being said I cannot let you go and warn your family about what is coming. Therefore we shall cast you down the forgotten ravine to "clear" your name. Take him away guards."

Kym just stood there and was grabbed by his arms pulling him away. Speechless as to what is happening. 

They are probably going to assault our territory... There isn't anything I can do now though. 

Dejected he was led to a carriage which was already packed with the things from his room. 

With a sorrowful face the carriage empty carriage started moving.