
35. Prime Queen

Scene: Marinette's room. Tikki is watching a talk show that is being hosted by Nadja Chamack called Face To Face on TV 5.

Nadja Chamack: Tonight, for our first edition of Face To Face, you'll have the opportunity of a lifetime. The chance to talk live with Ladybug and Cat Noir. Along with me, Nadja Chamack. We'll be revealing some sizzling hot information about your favorite superheroes. Don't be bemused, it's just the news.

Tikki: (Shocked upon the news.) Sizzling hot revelations?

Marinette: (Marinette is sewing whilst Tikki approaches her.) Can you believe it, Tikki? An entire hour-long special about me and Cat Noir. Pretty exciting, huh?

"One of the dumbest things I've ever agreed to," Marinette said, looking down in shame at the interview she and Adrien did that got Nadja akumatized.

"Not arguing with you being dumb there!" Lila laughed haughtily and everyone glared at her in response.

"Well, given our fame, it was bound to happen sometime. So, don't blame yourself for this," Adrien said, cuddling his girlfriend.

Tikki: (Tikki flies around Marinette to warn her about the consequences upon joining the talk show.) Marinette, you're a superhero, not a star. You have to remain a mystery to protect yourself from Hawk Moth and his super villains.

Marinette: (Lets Tikki rest in her palm and calms her down.) Don't worry, I only accepted this because I want the people of Paris to know that Cat Noir and I will always do whatever it takes to keep them safe.

Tikki: Just be careful tonight, okay?

Marinette: Tonight? What do you mean tonight? (Picks up her phone to check her babysitting schedule.) Tonight I have babysitting, the show is tomorrow.

Nadja: (From the monitor.) Don't forget, tonight. Face To Face, live with Ladybug and Cat Noir. (Marinette shrieks anxiously and looks back at the monitor and her phone simultaneously.)

Tikki: And that's probably why you babysit tonight.

"Jeez, girl! You gotta get better with time management and scheduling!" Alya said half-amused and half-exasperated and everyone chuckled in agreement.

"I know," Marinette said, groaning quietly and everyone laughed harder.

Manon: Marinette! (Marinette turns off her monitor after hearing Manon's voice. Along with Nadja, Manon runs up the stairs, leaps onto Marinette, hugging her.) Marinette!

Marinette: Manon. Mrs. Chamack, I, uh, I just saw your ad for your show... tonight.

Nadja: Sorry, I'm running late. Thanks again for watching Manon. (Hands Manon's backpack over to Marinette and checks her phone.) I've put a bunch of things for her in her bag and she's already had dinner. Oh, I'm so glad you were free tonight.

Marinette: Uh, yeah. (Places Manon's backpack onto her chair and chuckles nervously.) I had no other plans. No plans at all.

"Yeah, it's not like you have a big interview to show up for as someone else!" Alix snorted sarcastically and everybody laughed hard while Marinette blushed in embarrassment.

Nadja: I better get going. I've got a lot writing this interview. I need all of Paris in front of the screen tonight. (To Manon.) Sweetie, just for tonight, you're allowed to watch some television with Marinette.

Manon: Yay! (Climbs on top of Marinette's shoulders.) Mommy's gonna be on TV with Ladybug and Cat Noir.

Marinette: You'll do great, Mrs. Chamack. Besides, you already have two viewers. (Giggles)

Nadja: Wish me luck and tell all your friends to tune in.

Marinette: I will! (Nadja and Marinette both wave at each other after Nadja leaves. Manon starts running around Marinette's room and starts jumping on her bed whilst Marinette dials Alya on her phone.) Uh, Alya?

"Now I know why you asked me to come over and watch Manon for you!" Alya said laughing and Marinette nodded in which everybody continued laughing in response.

Scene: TVi studio. Nadja Chamack and the staff are getting ready and she then eats a chouquette.

Arlette: (Through Nadja's earpiece headset.) We're on air in 10 and still no Cat in sight. You sure you have this in control, Nadja?

Nadja: Yes, Arlette. I got this, as promised. Biggest audience of the year!

Arlette: Well let's hope so, if you want to keep this show prime-time in the future.

Nadja: (Nadja sighs after looking around at the empty couch opposite her, where Ladybug and Cat Noir are supposed to be and checks her tablet and then almost drops it out of shock after Cat Noir suddenly appears.) Which way did you come in?

Cat Noir: Secret celebrity door. (Gulps down a drink.) I see Ladybug's running behind, huh?

Nadja: I thought you'd be arriving together.

Cat Noir: (Leans close towards Nadja.) Wanna hear a secret? (Nadja nods.) I love chouquettes.

"Ooooh! Juicy!" Kim sarcastically said about Adrien's comment on chouquettes and everyone laughed hard in response.

Arlette: (Through Nadja's earpiece headset.) Is that the sizzling hot information I've been promised?

Nadja: No, of course not.

Arlette: Well, you know the rules. Primetime, prime info. (Through the earpiece.) No info, no more show!

"Wow! No wonder Nadja was so pushy with us during the interview! Another pushy boss laying on the pressure!" Marinette commented in exasperation and everyone grumbled in agreement.

Staff towards Arlette's left: We're on the air in 5.

Cat Noir: I'm sorry, she's not picking up.

Scene: Marinette's room. Manon and Alya are playing together on the floor.

Alya: Super Manon to the rescue, woohoo!

Manon: To the Eiffel Tower and beyond!

Marinette: Glad you could make it last minute, Alya.

Alya: Of course, it's way more fun watching your favorite superhero on TV with my favorite girls.

Commentator: (Marinette watches the live broadcast on air and gulps anxiously.) When we return from commercial, Nadja Chamack will be joined by Ladybug and Cat Noir for an incredible, exclusive interview.

Manon: (Points at Nadja on the monitor.) Mommy, there's mommy!

Alya: Why can't I get an exclusive interview like that for my Ladyblog? (Sighs.)

Marinette: (Stutters) Oh, I forgot to err, tell my bakery something. They're in the parents downstairs. Do you mind keeping an eye on Manon while I'm not here?

Alya: Don't you mean tell your parents something in the bakery?

Marinette: (Continues stuttering.) Err, right. Well, err, sometimes, it can take a while - they don't always understand even when I explain. Err, actually, it's not their fault, they...

Alya: Marinette?

Marinette: Yes?

Alya: Go!

Marinette: Right! (Marinette then leaves running down the stairs and starts talking to Tikki.) Alya's such a good friend, I feel so guilty for inviting her over just so I can leave her with Manon - then again, Alya is Ladybug's biggest fan - she'd be crushed if her favorite superhero didn't turn up for her favorite TV show.

"Sorry about laying the babysitting on you, Alya. I hope Manon wasn't too much trouble like she normally is," Marinette apologized to her best friend.

"No worries, girl. In fact, I think she was much calmer than the other times we hung out with her because we just spent our time watching TV," Alya said while Marinette and everybody else nodded in understanding.

Tikki: It's your choice, Marinette.

Marinette: Well...

[Transformation Sequence]

Marinette: Tikki, spots on! Ha! (Marinette transforms into Ladybug. Ladybug flings her yo-yo and flies away, above Paris.)

Scene: TVi Studio. Nadja's show is about to go live.

Staff: Going live in ten, nine...

Arlette: Eight seconds from the greatest fail in TV history. (From earpiece headset.) Five, four, three... (Ladybug suddenly kicks open the studio doors, uses her Yo-yo to fly across the TV studio and lands on the couch, seated beside Cat Noir.)

"If only we had mute buttons for pushy bosses like her," Juleka noted with exasperation towards Arlette and everyone murmured in agreement.

Cat Noir: I thought you decided to stand me up, m'lady!

Ladybug: And let the audience down? Never. I'm sorry I'm so late, Nadja.

Arlette: (From earpiece.) Saved by the bug! Well, now, I'm counting on you to boost those ratings sky high. (Nadja looks at her watch, hoping for her ratings to increase.) Make that red turn green. (People in Paris such as the Césaire residence, Chloé Bourgeois, André Bourgeois, Gabriel Agreste and other civilians are watching the live broadcast.)

Nadja: Good evening. I'm Nadja Chamack and this is Face To Face. For our first edition, I welcome the beloved guardians of Paris - Ladybug and Cat Noir. (The superheroes wave towards the camera and the audience.) Hello, thanks so much for accepting this exclusive live interview.

Ladybug: Well, thank you Nadja, we're honored to be here.

Cat Noir: And hello to all my fans! (Blow kisses and winks towards the camera and the audience.)

"No offense, dude, but I think there are more Ladybug fans than Cat Noir ones," Nino noted and everybody reluctantly murmured in agreement, causing Adrien to pout.

"Don't make that face, kitty. I'm a huge fan of yours," Marinette said, kissing him on the cheek causing him to blush.

Nadja: I'm sure thousands have tuned in to watch you tonight.

Ladybug: Don't encourage him, Nadja, or the cat won't stop purring all night.

Cat Noir: Don't listen to her. Bugaboo's just a spot jealous.

Ladybug: (Rings Cat Noir's bell.) Hey, I thought we agreed on no more Bugaboo calling, pussycat.

Cat Noir: But it's so cute. (Chuckles)

Nadja Chamack: (Nadja stares at her watch and notices the ratings for her show has slightly increased. She then giggles to calm her nervousness) It's obvious you two are very close.

Manon: (From Marinette's room.) Marinette is missing the whole thing.

Alya: What could that girl be doing?

"Being interviewed on TV!" Alix jokingly answered and everybody laughed hard in response.

Nadja: People know you but they don't really know you. We see you saving Paris but we don't know anything else about you.

Cat Noir: We won't be keeping anything from you, Nadja.

Ladybug: Well we do have to keep a few secrets, including our identities of course. (Gabriel smirks.)

Nadja: (Nadja notices that the ratings of her show is frequently increasing.) Absolutely! How about we start a few questions from your biggest fans?

Ladybug: Yup, let's do it.

(Nadja swipes an automatic remote control from her tablet which is connected to the huge monitor display, revealing a community call from Chloé from her room.)

Nadja: (To Chloé.) Hello caller. (Chloé waves at the audience from the monitor display.) State your name and your question.

Chloé: Err, seriously Nadja? Surely, no one would be the first caller but me. I'm only the most prestigious fan of Ladybug.

Nadja: Oh yes, of course. Hello there, Chloé Bourgeois. Daughter of the mayor of Paris...

Chloé: And don't forget my daddy is the manager of the Grand Paris, the best luxury hotel in the entire city.

Nadja: Err, thank you for reminding us. What is your question, Chloé?

"In case you haven't caught that, Chloe, that was sarcasm," Alya said laughing along with everybody else except for Chloe who just silently frowned.

Chloé: (Winks) Oh, I don't have a question. I just wanted to say hi, since as you all know, we're such very good friends - Ladybug, Cat Noir and I!

Nadja Chamack: (Nadja notices that her ratings of her show are slightly decreasing.) Uh, thank you, Chloé Bourgeois - next caller...

Chloé: Hey, I'm not finished, who gives you the right to- (Nadja disconnects the call between her and Chloé.)

"Well, that was utterly rude!" Chloe said in exasperation while everybody chuckled quietly in response.

Alya: (From monitor display.) Hi there, Ladybug and Cat Noir. (Ladybug panics.) I'm Alya and I was wondering if you can grab me an interview for the Ladyblog. You know, since I have way more viewers than Nadja! (Nadja gasps upon hearing that.) What do you say?

"Word of advice, Alya: don't say things like that. She's a professional journalist and could help you become one," Marinette said giggling along with everybody else and Alya blushed in embarrassment.

Ladybug: Err, yeah, sure Alya. I'd love to do that.

Alya: That totally rocks. Thank you, thank you!

Manon: I'm on TV? (Spots her mother.) Mommy!

Nadja Manon? But, where's Marinette? (Ladybug panics again.)

Manon: She had to go tell her parents something.

Alya: Err, yeah, and sometimes, it can take a while.

Arlette: (From earpiece.) What's going on, Nadja? Is this some kind of joke? Just get to the scoop, now!

"Whew! I was almost busted for ditching Manon," Marinette said as she sighed in relief and everyone laughed in agreement.

Nadja: (Disconnects the live call between her, Alya and Manon.) Uh, Ladybug, Cat Noir, um, so a lot of fans think of you as a couple of superheroes. But also, and I quote unquote, as a couple. Period.

Ladybug: (Ladybug shrieks upon hearing that accusation.) What?

Nadja: Can you confirm that you're dating here, tonight?

"If only the interview was live after we came here instead of at that time," Adrien jokingly noted and everyone laughed hard in agreement.

Ladybug: Uh-uh-I'm very sorry Nadja, but we're superheroes. We're not here to answer such personal questions.

Cat Noir: Meow, m'ladybug's grown claws.

Ladybug: We're here to ensure all Parisians that they're safe and that it's only a matter of time before we defeat Hawk Moth, that's all.

Arlette: (From earpiece.) You told me you had an inside scoop.

Nadja: Fine. How do you explain these photographs then? (Nadja Chamack uses her tablet and displays a photo of Ladybug and Cat Noir kissing which bewilders the superheroes.)

Cat Noir: (Oblivious) What? When did that happen?

"During Dark Cupid," Marinette jokingly answered, though she groaned and blushed in embarrassment while everyone else laughed at her.

Ladybug: (Infuriated) I was saving you, not kissing you!

Arlette: (From earpiece.) Good job, keep that up! (Nadja notices that her standard ratings have improved and then displays various images of Ladybug and Cat Noir on the monitor display. The superheroes gasp out of shock upon looking at the images)

Nadja: It's so obvious that you're both in love.

Ladybug: These are just a bunch of photos taken out of context! We're only doing our job. We save the city every day, we're not a couple.

"Now, who's the one in denial about you two as a couple?" Mylene jokingly asked and everyone laughed hard in response while the two heroes blushed in embarrassment.

Cat Noir: But hopefully, one day...

Ladybug; Cat...not now!

Nadja: Why won't you tell the truth?

Ladybug: But it is the truth, Nadja.

Nadja: C'mon, the audience awaits your answer.

"OK, sweetie, we see that Nadja shouldn't have pushed you like that," Sabine said, surprised at how pushy of a journalist her friend can be.

"I don't blame Nadja now. I blame her boss!" Marinette commented and everybody murmured in agreement.

Ladybug: This interview is so over. (Grabs Cat Noir on the arm, persisting with him to leave along with her.)

Cat Noir: Woah, what's the rush?

Ladybug: Uh, there's an alert. Paris needs us right now!

Cat Noir: Uh, sorry. When duty calls... Gotta get going!

Arlette:' (From earpiece.) Don't let them leave.

Nadja: Hey.. Wait you two, the show is not over yet. Your fans will be disappointed if they don't get an answer.

Ladybug: If they are true fans, they'll understand.

Cat Noir: The Lady's right! (The pair then submissively exits the studio. After the show stops being broadcasted, advertisements start showing up.)

Commercial voice: Beauty. comfort. (Alya and Manon are perplexed.)

Arlette: Well, say "bye bye", Nadja. This is officially your first and last primetime show. (Arlette walks off with the lights in the studio turning off. Nadja begins to sob in disappointment.)

"Well, I'm sure you're proud of yourself, Miss Superhero!" Lila laughed haughtily at the two heroes for disappointing Nadja into akumatization.

"Shut up, Lila!" The teens yelled in response while glaring at her.

Scene: Hawk Moth's lair. Hawk Moth's window screen opens.

Hawk Moth: A journalist ridiculed by Ladybug and Cat Noir. Now that's the perfect prey. (turns a butterfly into an akuma.) Fly away, my little akuma, and evilize her! (The akuma leaves the lair window and flies above Paris.)

Scene: TVi Studio. Nadja continues crying. The akuma flies in and is absorbed into Nadja's watch, which Nadja is wearing. She looks up with an angry face and a glowing pink butterfly symbol.

Hawk Moth: Prime Queen, I am Hawk Moth. I see Ladybug and Cat Noir have denied you the answers you deserve. Seal their Miraculous and you will get your scoop.

Nadja: The highest ratings will be mine. (Nadja is transformed into Prime Queen by the Akuma, who now is TV rating controlling supervillain.)

Scene: TVi Studio. Ladybug and Cat Noir are vaulting through the air until they reach the top of the TVi roof. They then start talking to each other.

Cat Noir: So who are we saving again?

Ladybug: Just us, Nadja was willing to do anything to make sure her show would be a success and I'm not about to answer anymore of her prime questions.

Cat Noir: That's the price of success my lady, the price of stardom.

Ladybug: We're superheroes not stars. We should be doing our job not looking like fools on TV. (Ladybug swings away and Cat Noir follows after her.)

"Huh?! That sounds exactly what I said," Tikki said to her holder teasingly and everyone chuckled in agreement.

"And Tikki always says wise words," Master Fu noted while laughing along with everybody else.

Cat Noir: Wait I wasn't planning on getting home so early. Why don't we get some ice cream, I know the purr-fect place.

Scene: Marinette's room. Alya and Manon are watching television but don't find anything good on.

Jagged Stone: (He is playing guitar) [changes the channel]

Cheeses: (Crying) [changes the channel]

André Bourgeois: It's not possible. [changes the channel]

Aurore Beauréal: She's a girl and she doesn't have a shampoo? What the dev- [turns off the TV altogether]

Alya: Ugh my interview would've been so much better.

Manon: Why can't we see mommy on TV anymore and where's Marinette? (Manon yawns and falls asleep)

Alya: I'm sure she'll be back soon before you can say super Mano- (Seeing Manon asleep and Alya carries her to Marinette's bed. Alya sees Prime Queen appearing on television.)

Prime Queen: Welcome to a new show, hosted by me, Prime Queen. (Prime Queen laughs)

Scene: On the rooftops. Cat Noir and Ladybug are running and shocked to see Nadja akumatizied.

Prime Queen: Don't be bemused, it's just the news.

Ladybug and Cat Noir: (surprised) Nadja? (Various Parisians watch in shock.)

Prime Queen: Tonight, Ladybug and Cat Noir disappointed all their loyal fans by refusing to admit their love for one another. (Chloe's room appears on screen). I've prepared some trials just to see how far they're prepared to keep the truth hidden from us.

Scene: Prime Queen goes through the screen in Chloé's room. Chloe whimpers.

"Whoa! She's like an updated version of Lady WiFi!" Luka noted about Prime Queen and everyone else including Alya nodded in agreement.

Prime Queen: (satisfied) Hmmm

Chloé: Hey! You're not allowed to come in here! (Prime Queen gives the rope a tug) Security! (Prime Queen wraps rope around Chloé and pulls her towards her)

Prime Queen: Let's welcome our very first guest, Chloé Bourgeois, who's apparently a personal friend of our two superheroes.

Chloé: I certainly am.

"Not exactly the time to boast about that, Chloe!" Alix noted and everyone else laughed in agreement while Chloe frowned but stayed silent as she couldn't argue with that.

Scene: To Ladybug and Cat Noir on the rooftops

Ladybug: Just proves that you can't believe everything you see on TV.

"TRUE THAT!" Everybody shouted in agreement.

Scene: Back to Chloé's room

Prime Queen: Well then, dear Chloé, let's find out if you really can count on them as true friends. (Prime Queen snaps her fingers and changes screen to a subway station)

Subway rider: Huh?

Scene: Prime Queen goes through screen on the subway and pulls Chloé in with her. The subway train stops and everyone runs out.

Chloé: Hey, watch it! You're wrinkling my clothes! Do you realize how much they cost? (Prime Queen goes into the cab of the train, causing the driver to run away in fear. Prime Queen puts the subway train into full speed and Chloé falls) Ugh, this can't be happening to me! I never, ever take the subway train! It's so, so, not me! (sees gum stuck on jacket) Ugh, gross.

"Also not exactly the time to be complaining about your clothes other than your life!" Alix also noted and everybody continued laughing but Chloe's expression changed from a frown to a sheepish look.

Prime Queen: (To viewers) Welcome, to the subway of suspense! If it reaches seventy miles per hour, you can say goodbye to you precious little friend.

Cuts to speedometer, track, then back to Ladybug and Cat Noir

Prime Queen: (through screen) Well, well, look here, the ratings are rising! More and more of you want to know if our superhero friends will get here on time. The suspense is killing her! (laughs) Ladybug! Cat Noir! Are you willing to travel through the screen to save your darling Chloé?

Chloé: Ladybug, Cat Noir! I beg you, save my jacket!

"You mean your life?!" Alya rhetorically asked, laughing along with everybody else at the blonde girl who blushed in embarrassment.

Cat Noir: (extends his staff through the screen before bringing it back to it's normal size) Ready to take the leap M'lady?

Ladybug: What if it's a trap? I think I'd rather get there by my own means.

Cat Noir: (in a matter of fact manner) There are many, many subway lines in Paris, which means a hundred and forty miles of rails. If we want to get there in time to save Chloé, I don't think we have a choice.

Ladybug: Huh, just admit you love being on TV.

Cat Noir: I don't get stage fright, Bugaboo. (Ladybug and Cat Noir shout as they jump into and through the screen)

"Well, he's not wrong about the quickest route to the train, sweetheart," Tom said while he chuckled. "Still having trouble listening to others?" After that question, everybody chuckled along with the man while Marinette blushed in embarrassment.

Scene: Subway train that Chloé is held captive in.

Chloé: (shouting) Ugh, finally, what took you so long? Hurry up and get me out of this underground nightmare! Woah! (falls over)

Prime Queen: (laughs) You're about to be the stars of the highest rated show in all of TV history!

Ladybug: The akuma must be in that watch! I'll deal with Prime Queen.

Cat Noir: I'll deal with the door. (Ladybug begins attacking and Cat Noir tries to open the door) We're trapped!

Prime Queen: The rules for my show are simple, admit the truth live on TV that you're dating and in love and I'll stop the train!

Ladybug: A superhero never lies! We won't admit to something that's not true.

Prime Queen: I want my scoop!

Cat Noir: I'll use my Cataclysm.

Ladybug: No wait, we might need it for an emergency.

Cat Noir: Yeah, like right now!

Ladybug: We have to lure her over her first or we'll never capture her akuma! So let's just play along with her, at least it'll buy us some time.

Cat Noir: Meaning?

Ladybug: (to Prime Queen) Okay Prime Queen (she holds Cat Noir's hand as he looks shocked), you win. I confess, Cat Noir and I are dating, like you said. We are..(Close-up of Ladybug's mouth.) in..love. (Prime Queen stops the train, Chloé falls over again, Cat Noir and Ladybug are thrown back and Ladybug lands on his chest. Cat Noir purrs)

Ladybug: Did I just hear you purr?

Cat Noir: (nervous) Uh, no way!

"Uh, yes way!" Marinette said, laughing hard at her boyfriend along with everybody else while Adrien just looked sheepish.

Prime Queen: (through the screen) Our two heroic lovebirds are saving their fan's life by admitting their true feelings. Our viewers are going crazy! But, our TV ratings haven't maxed out yet. You must do better!

Ladybug: Then come and join us, Prime Queen. You're the host and the star of the show after all. Then you'll have your ratings.

Hawk Moth: Order them to give you their Miraculous!

Prime Queen: My show, my rules, Ladybug! To prove that your feelings are genuine, you're going to have to take off your masks, which means you must both give me your Miraculous!

Ladybug: Not a chance, Prime Queen!

Cat Noir: Wait, I know how we can prove our feelings. (he grabs Ladybug by the shoulders) Pucker up! (Prime Queen watches in anticipation)

Ladybug: (unimpressed) Not a chance, kitty. (Cat Noir looks down disappointedly and Prime Queen turns off the screen)

Cat Noir: Is the show over? (knocks on the screen)

Ladybug: If we can't get to her, we'll never be able to capture her akuma!

(The screen turns back on and Prime Queen is in the Louvre Museum)

Prime Queen: (through screen) My dear viewers, you are in for the reveal of a lifetime! (laughs. Prime Queen opens a Sarcophagus with Alya tied up inside)

Alya: (through screen; struggling with ropes) Ladybug, help me, please!

Prime Queen: (through screen) Oh wait, isn't this the girl who started the famous Ladyblog? The first one who ever filmed Ladybug?

Ladybug: (worried) Ah! No, Alya!

Prime Queen: (through screen) Next trial, your Miraculous! Or else your biggest fan will be mummified! (laughs. Cat Noir almost falls through the screen as it becomes able to travel through.)

"Would you guys say that it's kind of a reference to Alya being almost sacrificed by The Pharaoh?" Angel asked with an amused grin and after a moment of thought, people began to see it too and laughed about it.

Ladybug: Let's leap in, before she runs! (Cat Noir nods and they jump through the screen)

Chloé: Hey! Ugh, wait! What about me? Someone get me out of here!

Everyone laughed at the two heroes ditching Chloe at the subway on-screen while the blonde girl grumbled to herself.

Scene: Ladybug and Cat Noir end up landing in a walk in freezer in the kitchen of the restaurant in Le Grand Paris.

Cat Noir: We're not at the Louvre...

Ladybug: It was a double-cross! (struggles to open the door. Prime Queen laughs through the screen)

Cat Noir: Uh, Cataclysm?

Ladybug: (frustrated) There's no point! We're probably far away from the Louvre! By the time we get there it'll be too late to save Alya!

Cat Noir: So, a kiss then? (moves close to Ladybug for a kiss)

"Not the time, dude!" Nino yelled at his best friend in exasperation and Adrien mockingly pouted.

"Hey! Just giving the villain and her audience what they want!" Adrien said, defending himself while everybody else giggled at him.

Ladybug: (unimpressed) Still not a chance, Cat Noir. (Cat Noir looks down, disappointed; Now viewers see Prime Queen's side of the screen)

Prime Queen: The time has come to push those ratings sky high! Let's try this again. Remove your Miraculous and reveal your true selves! The whole world is watching you!

Hawk Moth: The perfect plan, Prime Queen. They're cornered! Their Miraculous are mine!

Prime Queen: (Pulls sarcophagus holding Alya up) There's no use looking for a way out!

Alya: Ow!

Prime Queen: Unless, you want to see your biggest fan in deep water. (Prime Queen snaps her fingers and the television in front of her displays the Seine. Cat Noir and Ladybug gasp in shock) Hurry up, you two. Don't wanna keep your audience waiting.

Ladybug: You're right! Lucky Charm! (a tape roll appears) A tape roll? What am I supposed to do with this? Hmm... (looks around her as tubs are highlighted) Of course! (Ladybug starts pulling out drawers)

Cat Noir: (anxious) Hurry up, she's about to push Alya in the water!

Ladybug: (still going through tubs) One minute!

Cat Noir: That's too long!

Prime Queen: Listen to the cat. (Pushes the sarcophagus even further through the screen)

Ladybug: (frantically pulls out tubs until she finds a pizza box) Voilà! (Ladybug removes the pizza from the box and gives it to Cat Noir; Ladybug then tapes it onto the screen, making it go dark on the other side)

Prime Queen: (confused) What's happening?

Ladybug: Fine, you win, Prime Queen. (behind black screen; Prime Queen listens agitatedly) We'll remove our Miraculous. The whole world will see us without our masks!

Cat Noir: (behind black screen) And We're about to kiss! Shame you're missing it!

Ladybug: So unlucky!

Prime Queen: (looks at her ratings on the watch) (threateningly) If you're lying, you're going to regret it. (punches through the box, but gets pulled in by Ladybug)

Cat Noir: (breaks the screen with his staff) And now you're stuck with us. (Prime Queen tries to attack, but Ladybug subdues her and Cat Noir uses his staff to destroy her watch, letting the akuma escape) Cataclysm! (Cat Noir uses his Cataclysm to destroy the door) Ladies first!

"Tricking the supervillain to lure her over, so you two can attack her and release her akuma. Very brilliant tactic, you two," Kagami said with a respectful bow and everyone murmured in agreement except for one obvious person.

"I would've been better than that useless Prime Queen!" Lila said, groaning in annoyance while everyone rolled their eyes in response.

Ladybug: Thank you! No more evildoing for you, little akuma. Time to de-evilize! (catches the akuma with her yo-yo) Gotcha! (releases it, and turns it into a normal butterfly) Bye bye, little butterfly. Miraculous Ladybug! (Throws the Lucky Charm into the air, and it explodes into a blast of energy. It turns everything back to normal, Chloé is returned to her room, Alya is returned to Marinette's house, and Prime Queen turns back into Nadja.)

"Whew! Close call, girl!" Alya said as she hugged her best friend for saving her life once again.

Nadja: (confused) W-w-what just happened?

Ladybug and Cat Noir: (fist bump) Pound it!

"Pound it!" The two heroes once again kissed and fist-bumped in victory.

Scene: Hawk Moth's Lair

Hawk Moth: Prime Queen turned out to be bad news. But soon, I'll be broadcasting the end of Ladybug and Cat Noir! (His window closes)

Scene: Marinette's house, Manon is asleep and Alya is watching her.

Marinette: (coming up the stairs) I'm so sorry Alya! I had no idea it would take so long to talk to my parents!

"Sure. Whatever you say, girl," Alya sarcastically said with a grin and everybody laughed in response.

Alya: (walks over to her) You won't believe it, I was taken hostage by a supervillain!

Marinette: (faking surprise) What? You're kidding!

Alya: No joke! You missed everything! Luckily, Ladybug saved me!

Marinette: (smiles then hugs Alya) I'm so sorry I wasn't here for you.

Alya: (pats Marinette's head) No biggie, girl. But the next time we decide to spend an evening together, you're not allowed to go anywhere near your parents.

"OK, in retrospect, that sounded so ridiculous!" Alya said exasperated at what she just said on-screen and everybody chuckled in agreement.

Marinette: (laughs) Deal.

Scene: On the set of the next episode of Face to Face. Side by Side intro plays.

Nadja: Don't be bemused, it's just the news! Hi, I'm Nadja Chamack, and this is Side by Side. Today, I'm joined by Alya Césiare, who created the Ladyblog! Together, we'll be looking back over Cat Noir and Ladybug's greatest feats.

Arlette: (through earpiece) Your ratings are really high, Nadja! Great job, you've earned this prime time show!

Alya: (through Alya's phone later during the day at the Dupain-Cheng residence) Hello Nadja! Hey fans! So, first of all, I gotta set the record straight. Cat Noir and Ladybug are not a couple! Well, not yet at least.

Alya: (through her phone and laughs) Sorry to break the news.

Manon: (climbs couch) Hey, that's you with my mommy!

Alya: That's right, small fry!

Marinette: Well done! Now everyone's going to know about the Ladyblog!

"Thanks for hooking me up, girl!" Alya said as she hugged her best friend in gratitude and everybody smiled at their friendship except for Lila who just looked annoyed and disgusted.

Alya: You want an autograph?

Marinette: Of course!

Manon: Me first! Me first! (all laugh)

"Not my favorite episode, but still good nonetheless," Angel said and everybody nodded in agreement after serious consideration. "The next episode is Despair Bear."

"Is that when my butler turned into that utterly ridiculous teddy bear?" Chloe asked as she tried to remember that day.

"Yes. But let's not forget whose fault that was," Angel said as she gave a playful frown towards the blonde girl who then stayed quiet as she couldn't argue with that. "Anyway, let's play!"