
Poseidon: Lorenzo Blueheart


"Welcome and my deepest apologies for not receiving you personally to Atlantis, Young Lord Raven." 

A man wearing an aqua-marine colored robes and was holding a golden trident bowed before Raven as soon as he arrived at the palace. This man had a shoulder-length brown hair, thick brows, pupils that resembles the brightest sapphires. He had a thick and long beard, a deep tanned skin filled with tribal tattoos, he was also barefooted and had a deep and unfathomable aura surrounding him.

Aside from this man, there are also a line of soldiers standing upright behind him. Each one wore an deep blue armor on top of their uniforms and held spears which were pointed at the sky.

This man is none other than the current Poseidon himself. 

"It is nice to meet you again, Elder Lorenzo. Although you didn't have to personally receive. I'm just here for a little bit of sight seeing." Raven smiled and bowed back to him.