

Every action has consequences and that consequences might come swiftly or it might come later

But your action has consequences, whether it be good or bad and sometimes good is not always rewarded with good and not all evil is rewarded with evil.

The Earth Mother does not judge. She does not punish. The world, the vast canvass of the ground is the testing ground.

The one watching and judging is the Skyfather

Then what does the Earthmothers do?

She reacts.

Earthquakes., rain, flood, fissures, mountains rising and crumbling, continents split and merging.

Earth Mother judgement of good and evil is different from the good and evil of the Skyfather.

Eternal glory and eternal damnation belongs to the Skyfather. The Earth Mother judges differently.

A human will that moves the Heaven is different than human will that moves the Earth. The Heaven is spiritual, the Earth is material