
chapter 1: what could go wrong


Hi I'm rose and as much as i know its nice for you to meet me I'm hungry i just woke up and I'm hungry

If i become president I'll make a new rule free pizza boxes should be delivered to every student in every school ,who needs broccoli or veggies when pizza's here am i right? 🙌

Any ways as i was saying no time to talk I'm hungry

"mum can we order pizza,I'm starving" i ask my mum as i slump on the couch beside her.she was busy with her phone probably watching another one of those cat videos she's obsessed with "you are always starving" my mum answered with a chuckle picking up the phone to call my favourite pizza place....oh how i love this woman i thought with a smile on my face.my mum as if sensing it turned to me and rolled her eyes...20 long heart wrenching minutes later there was a knock on the door

I jumped off the couch and grabbed my pizza while my mum took care of paying for it .I opened the first box and stuffed my face with one slice moaning softly as the cheese melted on my tounge..my mum eyed me warily as i finished my first box and had already started eating my dads own,she bent down to take the box from the table and my reflex actions got the best of me

"rose ...ow,did you bite me? Okay that's it no more nice mum first you take my beauty,then my husband and now my pizza? Have you no mercy?" she said trying her best to say all that with a straight face probably trying her best to not be mad at me

"well now that you asked no,especially not when it concerns pizza" i looked at her with a duh face hoping i wasnt really making her mad...my mum was like a bomb..hard to diffuse and catastrophic

Okay i know what some of you are thinking how can she talk to her mum like that!or she's so rude but that's not the case i just have a really close relationship with my parents and my mum is my best friend

Well since i didn't introduce myself properly because of important reasons

My name is Rose gardens,i know right? weird name how cruel could my ancestors have been

My dad said his grandfather and great grandfather were great scientist but i think they failed in genetically distributing the sense round the family cause i don't know were my cousin drake got his sense .He's a typical jock ,hot,egotistic,and popular oh and yh stupid...ive never liked stereotypes,i strongly stand against it even. But when it comes to drake i can be the cruelest witch alive..even considered pushing him off a cliff once during a family get together at a lake last summer but i decided giving him attention would be like giving him importance and thats the last thing id want

Hes also one the most popular guys in school because he's in the football team and has bagged half of the female students,single and taken ones got alot of enemies infact....its such a shame we have the same last name cause other than that theres no way to know we're related cause we don't talk in school,not that I'd want to if he did because seriously if a straight A student spent five seconds just saying hi ,he or she would never survive in an exam again his stupidity could be an air borne disease

Okay maybe I'm exaggerating a bit but he is REALLY annoying he even tried hitting on me once but i said no obviously.what was i talking about before.....oh right so I'm 17 in grade 12 i attend Divine glory Academy, its my last year in high school and i cant wait to graduate enter college and finally leave new york...explore new places,travel the world

Don't get me wrong i love newyork,school and learning and the free pizzas they give in the cafeteria on Fridays but I'm not exactly a well known person I'm what the populars call invisible,its been that way since i wore hello kitty pyjamas to school when we moved here during the 6th grade...i was too lazy to change and my mum insisted i was already too late and the bus would leave me,she had to get to work early since it was her first day and my dad as usual was already at work...wherever that was.

But you'd think kids would have forgotten by now considering its been 6years but i still hear a few snickers here and there anytime im walking down the halls

I'm not bullied or anything and i do have best friends Daniel peck and Danielle gold its been just the three of us since the sixth grade....I know they have similar names, i was surprised too in kindergarten when i was playing outside and a cute blonde girl came to the swing and hugged me telling me her name and saying she wanted to be besties . i remember it like it was yesterday


I cant believe listened to mum and wore those pyjamas the first day,its been a week and no one wants to to talk to me...anytime i try to talk to someone they either walk away or laugh and point out to anyone around that i was the girl that wore pyjamas on the first day of school..i had no friends and i didnt like it...at my old school people actually liked me and invited me for play dates but now in stupid newyork.....

I started pushing my legs back and forth like my teacher taught me to but it wasn't working and i was hungry i needed pizza

"here let me "i heard a small voice from behind me . Before i could ask who the person was i felt the swing go up and come back down after a few more pushes i felt the person stop so i turned to say thank like my mummy said i should when somebody helps you

As i turned around the person engulfed me in a warn hug " hi, i'm danielle lets be besties" i was about to say no i already have one but then she asked my if i wanted a slice of pizza and i thought why crush her dreams of friendship with me so i said yes but told her i had another best friend but that doesn't mean i love her less

She then told me she too had a male best friend and his name was daniel and i told her my bestfriend was my mum


Till this day if i ask her why she walked up to me she would say "i was looking for a way to get rid of the pizza,you know i hate that stuff how do you survive with it " i know right,monster,but i forgave her after a well felt apology and three extra large pizzas (don't judge me)

And Daniel accepted me right away... i felt he had a crush on danielle and i feel he still does but he hasn't said or done anything about it and i think she feels the same way

"Rose honey could you go to the store and get milk looks like we've run out"my mum shout from the kitchen as she closes the fridge

I look at her wondering what planet she came from"you want your beautiful teenage virgin daughter to go out at ten pm to buy you a carton of milk?"i say trying to make her see reason "yes" she said looking at me with her duh face. "no" i say folding my hand on my chest and all she had to do was look at me with the scariest thing known to man the mom eyes every mum has them that one look that makes you say yes to the craziest things " i would ask your dad but he's not picking up the call, come on, what's the worst that could happen?"she says walking into the kitchen to throw away the empty pizza boxes and then i realise something"oh no.."i say my eyes widening my in fear of whats to come"what?" she asks a worried expression on her face "nothing it's just that on Wattpad when the main character goes out at night something happens and she meets the love of her life,but  I wasn't worried until you said what could go wrong "i say expecting her to understand my wattpad logic.. she rolled her eyes calling me crazy before pushing me out the door in the the dead of the night

I walk as fast as i can to the closest store thats 5minutes away from the house...I get to the store just when its about to close, grab the milk,pay and start to walk back the way i came but then i see a rat and take the other route,the much longer route through the park...i walk even faster chanting as many prayers as i can remember

That's when i see them "OH COME ON" i shout looking at the scene before me

.......................hope you enjoyed it....................❤❤