
Water King

There was little good in his life, but he was happy in his little world, with close people. It is a pity, but this little happiness has come to an end, what will you do now Enki, will you take revenge or live on as if nothing had happened? —————————————————————————— I do not own the universes and fandoms in this fanfic, that is, I do not have copyright on them, except for the characters and events I have introduced. The image is also not mine, at the first request of the artist, I will remove the image

EreinSG · 漫画同人
3 Chs

Chapter 2. Brother?

Pov Byakuya

My name is Byakuya Kuchiki, heir to Chemiya Kuchiki, graduated from the Academy of Spiritual Arts 2 hours ago and graduated in 1804.

After long tests and exams, I was allowed to choose the squad in which I will serve from next week.

Although everyone already knew which squad I would be in, the Kuchiki family, from the very founding of Gotei 13, ruled the sixth squad in the same way that House Shihoin ruled the second squad.

At any thought about the Shihoin house, this impudent girl appears in front of my eyes, which constantly gets on my nerves.

From the very thought of her, fatigue appears, so even to the family estate, I have to travel by carriage, because of the traditions of the nobles.

I could get home with the help of shunpo in a couple of minutes, but no, you can't, you need to show that the heir is returning home.

Also, the carriage moves at the speed of a snail so that everyone can see the coat of arms on the doors belonging to the Kuchiki family.

«Haaaaa .....» — a tired sigh escaped my lips.

// 2 hours later //

«Young master, we have arrived at the Kuchiki estates!» — Shouted the coachman.

«Ahhhhhh ....»

Hmm, did I fall asleep? Am I so tired? Well, okay, the main thing is that I'm finally at home.

Coming out of the carriage, I immediately noticed Grandfather at the entrance gate, he did not seem to have changed much in 5 years of my absence.

«With the return of Byakuya, I see you have grown up in the 5 years that you spent within the walls of the academy» — Geynrei said with a slight smile to his grandson.

«I'm back old man» — I said, with a slight smile and warmth in my soul.

Then my gaze fell on the child who was slightly hiding by Grandfather.

The child had long black and blue hair tied in a ponytail with a white ribbon and a bright blue / sky blue butterfly.

Girl? Did the elders and grandfather still enter into a political marriage for me?

My eyes immediately turned dark, the girl finally hid behind her grandfather.

«Ho ho ho» - Grandpa laughed slightly, and then said:

«I will introduce you to each other»

«Enki, the gloomy youth in front of you Byakuya Kuchiki»

«Byakuya, this is Enki Kuchiki, your brother .....» - said grandfather, placing my brother? in front of him and clutching his hands on his shoulders.

End Pov

// after 3 days //

Pov Enki?

Today grandfather called us to get together at the dojo.

During these three days, I tried to avoid Byakuya as much as possible.

I don't know why, but I cannot talk to him, as if even the thought of talking to him scares me in the mail.

But it looks like it won't be possible to avoid a conversation today.

«Haaa ...»

«You finally came» — Grandpa said.

I quickly ran my eyes around the dojo, but he seemed to notice this and said:

«He hasn't come yet, honestly I don't understand the reason why you run from him, Byakuya may be rude and stubborn sometimes, but he is a good child.»

I had nothing to answer him, because I myself understood that I was doing wrong, but I can't do anything.

Suddenly the door opened and Byakuya appeared in standard shinega clothes with a katana on his belt.

«Byakuya's shinegami suit suits you»— Grandpa Geynray said with some amusement.

«You old man ...» —"Byakuya began, but his grandfather interrupted him.

«Okay, let the old man see how strong you have become over these 5 years» — grandfather said more seriously.

Even I felt that the air seemed to become heavier, there was no longer that grandfather whom I knew, it was more about a naked sword that was ready to cut everything in its path.

«Okay, I'll show you that I'm not the same boy anymore» — Byakuya said.

«Enki, watch carefully» — my grandfather said to me.

Grandpa and Byakuya stood fifteen paces apart.

Byakuya pulled the katana out of its scabbard and stared at his grandfather, while in the grandfather's hands was an ordinary wooden sword, which he usually uses in training with me.

Byakuya immediately rushed to attack in the shunpo, holding the katana with his right hand.

The attack was aimed at the left shoulder, but the grandfather dodged just taking a small step to the right and quickly stabbed the exposed back, but Byakuya managed to block his grandfather's sword at the last moment, but was forced to retreat a couple of steps back.

As soon as he stabilized his position, he immediately began to inflict can blows in shunpo, but his grandfather easily blocked them.

«Is that all you can Byakuya? Honestly, I'm a little disappointed with you» — Byakuya's grandfather said, clearly provoking him.

«You yourself asked for the old man, 〖Blossom, Senbonzarura〗» — said Byakuya and the katana in his hands disintegrated into hundreds, thousands of pink sakura petals.

Then Byakuya simply waved the empty handle towards Grandpa and all the petals flew in the shape of a large crescent, trying to cut Grandpa apart.

Grandpa just pointed his finger at the approaching attack and said:

〖Hado # 4: Byakurai〗 and several lightning bolts appeared that flew towards half a month intending to swallow it, but were able to only slightly reduce it, it seemed that it slightly surprised grandfather, a slightly noticeable smile appeared on his face.

«〖Bakudo # 8. Seki〗»— said the grandfather and a round shield appeared that was able to completely swallow the attack, but at the end it still cracked.

But just after the crescent moon, a column of lightning flew.

«〖Hado # 31: Shakkahow〗» — Byakuya said quickly.

When the lightning was almost on the face of the grandfather, a giant barrier appeared and one word flew from the grandfather's mouth: «〖Danku〗»

«I think we can end it, you really have grown a little, Byakuya's grandfather said.

«Enki, have you watched closely?» — he already turned to me.

«Oh, yes»— I said hastily.

«Then you can go»

I didn't wait any longer and immediately ran to my room.

There was a whole ocean of various emotions inside me, and all my thoughts were about this battle.

It was strong, very strong and incredibly beautiful, I wonder if I can fight the same way when I grow up?

It was then that I understood the beauty of the battle and imperceptibly for me a small desire appeared in my soul, the thought to become stronger in order to know the beauty of the battle on myself.

My first desire, my first goal in this gray life was born at that moment, and where this desire will lead is still unknown to anyone.