
Watchful Eyes

In an abandoned mansion, seven malevolent mascot dolls, possessed by vengeful spirits, seek justice for their past murders. The story unfolds seven years later when the Bendeta Family purchases the mansion, still unaware of its dark secrets. As the new owners prepare to move in, they hire a team of 32 security guards to protect the valuable mysteries hidden within. Meanwhile, a group of five thieves embarks on their own quest inside the mansion. The protagonist, a private security guard monitoring the cameras, becomes entangled in unexpected alliances and encounters with the unknown. "Watchful Eyes" is more than just a story , it's an immersive experience that will awaken your senses and challenge your perceptions. Dare to peer into the abyss and see the truth that lies behind those watchful eyes. Are you ready to unlock the secrets within?

ChocoBibi99999 · 灵异恐怖
52 Chs

Truth is carrot

As the chaotic battle reached its peak, Milky Cow, consumed by his burning determination, delivered a devastating blow to James, the former mercenary. However, the victory came at a great cost. The searing flames had engulfed Cow's right arm, inflicting second-degree burns that caused him to scream in excruciating agony.

Overwhelmed by the pain and the loss of blood from his earlier injury, Cow's body succumbed to the wounds, and he fainted, collapsing to the ground. Robin, still reeling from the gunshot wound to his shoulder, desperately called out to his fallen comrade, "Cow!"

Meanwhile, James, though conscious, found himself unable to move. Paralyzed, he watched in horror as three humanoid dolls, controlled by his father, closed in on his location. Fear gripped him as he recognized the grim intent behind their lifeless eyes.

Two of the dolls approached James, lifting him off the ground with eerie, puppet-like movements. Disoriented and desperate, he pleaded with them, his voice tinged with panic, "Wait, stop! I'm not your enemy! Dad? What's happening?! Dad!"

His pleas fell on deaf ears as the dolls, fueled by their master's malevolence, attacked James without mercy. The third doll, carrying an axe, advanced with a hauntingly eerie gait, seemingly disconnected from the laws of nature.

James's cries for mercy echoed through the mansion's hallowed halls, but there would be no reprieve. The dolls, driven by an inexorable force, struck with a finality that sealed James's fate. His life was extinguished, his body falling limp, and the last remnants of his existence snuffed out.

The mansion fell silent, save for the crackling of flames and the heavy panting of those left standing. The once-feared adversary, James, had met his end, succumbing to the very darkness he had unleashed upon the world.

As the intense battle raged on below, Lexus and Oriana prepared themselves for the upcoming fight. Their weapons at the ready and determination etched on their faces, they could hear the echoes of gunfire and the shattering of windows reverberating through the mansion.

Oriana's sense of urgency pushed her forward, her voice filled with concern as she urged Lexus, "Come on, let's go! We have to help them. We can't leave them behind!" Their footsteps echoed through the stairwell as they hurried to descend, their hearts filled with a mixture of determination and fear.

However, as they reached the lower floors, a thick cloud of smoke engulfed the hallway, making it difficult to see or breathe. Lexus instinctively grabbed Oriana's arm, pulling her back to safety. Coughing and struggling for breath, Oriana nodded in acknowledgment of the danger that lay ahead.

Lexus's eyes scanned the area, searching for an alternative route or a means of escape. But to their dismay, they discovered that the fire, ignited by James's Molotov cocktails, had begun to spread rapidly, blocking their path to safety.

Frustration etched on his face, Lexus muttered under his breath, "Damn it, he got us good." Their options dwindling, Lexus's mind raced to find a solution. However, Oriana's coughing served as a stark reminder of the urgency they faced.

Realizing the fire exits had been sabotaged by Don Petri, Lexus's gaze met Oriana's, determination flickering in his eyes. "We have no choice. We'll have to make our way to the top," he declared, hoping that Milky Cow and Robin would hold their ground and guide them towards victory.

Together, they began their ascent, climbing higher and higher with each step. The heat of the flames intensified as they neared the upper floors, but their determination never wavered. They trusted in the skills and resilience of their companions, believing that they would find a way to overcome the challenges that lay before them.

Lexus and Oriana finally arrived on the 3rd floor, their hearts pounding in their chests as they took in the gruesome scene of police officers' lifeless bodies strewn across the hallway. Some were missing limbs, while others lay with their body parts smashed into the floor. The air was thick with smoke, and the crackling of the spreading fire added to their sense of urgency.

Closing the door behind them to minimize the smoke and fire's intrusion, Lexus urged Oriana to stay alert. Her grip tightened on her shotgun as she assumed a defensive stance, ready to face whatever lay ahead. It was in this moment that Lexus made a decision that would change their dynamic forever.

"Hey, I have to call you my partner from now on," Lexus stated, his voice filled with determination.

Oriana, taken aback by the sudden declaration, stuttered, "Wh-why all of a sudden?"

Lexus locked eyes with her, his expression serious. "Partner, please be honest with me," he implored.

Oriana's steps faltered, her gaze unwavering. She knew she had to come clean. "Partner, I... I don't know how to explain this," she admitted, her voice tinged with guilt.

Lexus's concern grew, and he pressed on. "You told us you had a huge family debt that's why you ended up here. It's a lie, isn't it? I want to know the truth now. I don't want you to betray me."

Oriana's heart raced, torn between her loyalty to her uncle and her growing affection for Lexus. She took a deep breath and made a choice. "Okay, you've got me, partner... I want you to know this because... I... I love y-"

Sensing the weight of her words, Lexus swiftly led them to a safer zone, where they could have a heart-to-heart conversation away from immediate danger. He offered her a reassuring smile. "I promise you, I won't tell anyone. Just be honest with me."

Oriana found herself captivated by Lexus's unwavering support. Gathering her courage, she confessed, "I'm a double agent! My uncle is my boss... You already know who my uncle is... but we're not enemies... I'm sorry for all the stories and deception. I just made it all up."

Lexus's expression softened, and he reached out to gently hold Oriana's hand. "Feelings aside, I just don't want you to keep fooling me. We're partners now," he affirmed, a genuine smile gracing his lips.

Oriana felt a mix of relief and gratitude wash over her. "O-okay," she replied, her voice filled with newfound trust.

As their bond strengthened, they turned their attention to the task at hand, determined to overcome the challenges that awaited them on the treacherous journey through the mansion.

As they finally reached the stairway leading to the 4th floor, Lexus and Oriana were met with a chilling sight - Slim Bunny stood guard at the door, its once innocent and playful appearance now twisted with horror. Its eyes glowed with an eerie light, and the atmosphere around it reeked of malevolence.

Lexus quickly devised a plan to overcome this menacing obstacle. "I'll distract the Slim Bunny. You go in first, and I'll try to pass it. Once you're inside, close the door," he whispered to Oriana, his voice filled with determination.

"Okay, my partner!" Oriana nodded, her trust in Lexus unwavering.

Lexus took a deep breath and stepped forward, facing the eerie doll. He knew he had to keep its attention away from Oriana, no matter the cost. Channeling his courage, he began to taunt the Bunny Doll, knowing that mentioning the names of the missing children might evoke a reaction.

"Hey Slim! I know your name!" Lexus called out provocatively. "Is it Rod Kid? Scotty Piper? Michael Johans? No? Okay, what about Luck Long?"

The Bunny Doll's head twitched in response to each name, its glowing eyes narrowing with every taunt. Lexus pressed on, trying to distract it further. "How about Tonny Coco? Steve Fur?" he continued, hoping to get a reaction.

As expected, the Bunny Doll started to walk slowly towards Lexus, its mechanical movements accompanied by its chilling signature line, "Hi, my name is!... My name is... My name is... shikishikishiki-sli-"

Lexus seized the opportunity and shouted the last name, "Antonio!!!!???"

In that moment, the Bunny Doll froze in its tracks, as if struck by an invisible force. A sudden realization crossed Lexus's face, and he exchanged a puzzled look with Oriana, who had already slipped through the door during the distraction.

"Antonio?" Lexus murmured, the gears in his mind turning as he pieced together the puzzle. He couldn't shake off the feeling that there was more to this name than met the eye.

Inside the room, Oriana looked around, her confusion evident. "What's taking him so long?" she thought, glancing back at the motionless Bunny Doll.

As the seconds ticked by, Lexus finally managed to slip past the Bunny Doll and join Oriana inside the room. The door closed behind them, cutting off the eerie presence of the doll outside.

Both Lexus and Oriana stood there, catching their breath and trying to process the unsettling encounter with Slim Bunny. It was evident that this place held many dark secrets, and each step they took only led them deeper into the mysteries surrounding the mansion and its malevolent inhabitants.

Thank you for reading ! It makes me Hapi hapi hapi

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