

Kai was a cripple who couldn’t cultivate energy, but a tragic event which took his parent life and also create an opportunity for him to take another path to cultivate happened. The path he took was to cultivate the body and mind. His body will break all cultivation logic, and with his thought he will control all form of energy within heaven earth. With a thought he will become a devil, with a thought he will become a god with a thought he will become a mortal and with a thought he will become a universe. WITH MY BODY I WILL REIGN SUPREME. WITH MY THOUGHT I WILL BECOME THE KING OF ALL THE UNIVERSE PUREST ENERGY.

Ghostvillain · 奇幻
159 Chs

Now i'm your maid huh?

"Hmmm," Kai grunted, his voice barely more than a whisper in the quiet room. As he slowly opened his eyes, a wave of lightheadedness washed over him. His body felt heavy as if he had been carrying a great weight. Every muscle ached, each movement sending sharp jolts of pain coursing through him. He groaned, the sound echoing in the stillness. After a moment of struggle, he managed to push himself up into a sitting position, his body protesting every inch of the way.

His gaze swept over his surroundings, taking in the familiar sight of the room. It was a routine he had become accustomed to, the first thing he did after waking up from a deep sleep. The room was all too familiar to him, a constant reminder of his limits. It was the same room he found himself in every time he pushed himself too far and fell unconscious.