
Warhammer 40k In Marvel

a psychopath guy woh have a system that give him the power to summon legions from the warhammer 40k univers, essentially he got the power to travell betwen demension the first universe he find him self rencarnated as14 years boy in the marvel cinematique universe and he was bullied so he will unleash his wrath open this world. Support me and see the whole novels on : https://www.patreon.com/NovelsWorld

NovelsWorld · 漫画同人
29 Chs

Chapter 10: Echoes of Sorrow

The Emperor's triumph over Horus left a silence that echoed through the once-bustling Imperial Palace. Victory, though hard-won, was overshadowed by an oppressive sense of loss. The air hung heavy with the metallic tang of blood and the acrid smoke of battle. Terra had survived, but at what cost? The Emperor, now entombed within the Golden Throne, became a silent guardian, his sacrifice a testament to his enduring love for humanity.

Rogal Dorn stood before the shattered remains of the throne room, his heart weighed down by grief and duty. His father, the greatest beacon of hope and strength, was now a prisoner of his own power. Dorn's face, usually a mask of stoicism, showed signs of weariness and sorrow. His brothers had fallen, the galaxy lay in ruins, and the Emperor's dream seemed more distant than ever.

As the sun set over Terra, casting long shadows through the broken windows, Dorn felt the weight of the Emperor's last words. "Unity is our greatest weapon," he had said. But unity seemed a fragile dream amidst the chaos and ruin. Dorn clenched his fists, feeling the sting of his own helplessness. He had to be strong—for his fallen brothers, for the Imperium, and for the Emperor who had entrusted him with its defense.

In the weeks that followed, the palace became a fortress of mourning and repair. The surviving Primarchs gathered, their presence a somber reminder of the Imperium's fractured state. Guilliman, his armor still bearing the scars of battle, stood by Dorn's side. "We must rebuild," Guilliman said, his voice a steady anchor. "The Imperium needs us now more than ever."

Dorn nodded, but his thoughts were elsewhere. He couldn't shake the image of the Emperor's final moments, the flicker of pain and love in his eyes as he struck down Horus. The weight of that memory was a constant companion, a reminder of the Emperor's sacrifice and the burden of leadership now resting on his shoulders.

The news of Horus's defeat spread through the galaxy like wildfire, bringing both hope and despair. Worlds that had suffered under the yoke of the traitor legions began to rise up, inspired by the Emperor's enduring spirit. But the forces of Chaos were far from defeated. They retreated to the shadows, nursing their wounds and plotting their next move.

On one such world, the hive city of Necromunda, the echoes of the Heresy still reverberated. In the underbelly of the city, where light was a distant memory and hope was a luxury few could afford, a young girl named Lyra scavenged for food. She moved with the practiced stealth of a survivor, her eyes sharp and wary. The battle for Terra had felt like a distant nightmare, but its consequences were all too real in the harsh streets of the underhive.

Lyra's family had been torn apart by the war. Her father, a loyalist guardsman, had died defending their home from the traitor legions. Her mother had disappeared, leaving Lyra to fend for herself. Yet, amidst the despair, Lyra held onto a fragile spark of hope. She had heard whispers of the Emperor's victory, tales of his unmatched strength and unwavering resolve. Those stories fueled her determination to survive, to find a way out of the darkness.

One evening, as she navigated the labyrinthine corridors of the underhive, Lyra stumbled upon a group of rebels. They were a motley crew, their armor mismatched and their faces hardened by years of struggle. But their leader, a man named Jarek, radiated a quiet strength. He spoke of the Emperor's sacrifice and the need to rebuild, to honor his memory by fighting for a better future.

Lyra listened, her heart swelling with a mixture of fear and inspiration. She had lived in the shadows for so long, surviving on scraps and evading danger at every turn. But Jarek's words ignited a fire within her, a desire to do more than just survive. She approached him after the meeting, her voice steady despite the tremor of uncertainty. "I want to help," she said. "I want to fight."

Jarek looked at her, his eyes reflecting the harsh realities of their world. "It's not an easy path," he warned. "The fight will be long and hard. But if you're willing, we could use someone with your skills."

Lyra nodded, her resolve firm. She had nothing left to lose and everything to gain. The rebels became her new family, their cause her new purpose. Together, they began to strike against the remnants of Chaos, their efforts a small but vital part of the Imperium's recovery.

Back on Terra, the rebuilding continued under the watchful eyes of the Primarchs. Guilliman took charge of the administrative aspects, his keen mind and strategic acumen invaluable in the efforts to restore order. Dorn focused on fortifying the defenses, ensuring that Terra would never again be so vulnerable.

Amidst the chaos, Malcador the Sigillite worked tirelessly to maintain the Emperor's presence. His own health waned, the toll of his efforts visible in his frail form. Yet, his spirit remained unbroken. He visited the Golden Throne daily, whispering words of encouragement and guidance to the silent figure within.

One evening, as Malcador stood before the throne, he felt a faint pulse of energy. It was the Emperor, reaching out through the veil of his imprisonment. The message was clear, a directive that filled Malcador with renewed purpose. "The future lies with the next generation," the Emperor seemed to say. "Guide them, teach them, for they will carry the torch of the Imperium."

Malcador knew what needed to be done. He called upon the surviving Primarchs, sharing the Emperor's message. They agreed that the Scholastica Psykana must be rebuilt, its purpose expanded to train not only psykers but also the future leaders of the Imperium. The Emperor's wisdom and strength would live on through them, a legacy of hope and resilience.

As the years passed, the scars of the Horus Heresy began to fade. The Imperium, though forever changed, stood strong against the tides of Chaos. The Primarchs, each in their own way, worked tirelessly to honor their father's memory and uphold his vision.

Lyra's journey, too, continued. She became a symbol of resilience and hope within the underhive, her efforts inspiring others to join the fight. The rebels grew in strength, their victories small but significant. They knew that the battle for the Imperium was far from over, but they faced each challenge with the Emperor's spirit in their hearts.

One day, as Lyra stood atop a ruined building, gazing out over the city she had fought so hard to protect, she felt a sense of peace. The road ahead was still fraught with danger, but she was no longer alone. She had found a purpose, a family, and a cause worth fighting for. The Emperor's sacrifice had given her a chance, and she would honor it with every breath she took.

The echoes of sorrow and loss still lingered, but they were now tempered by a resilient hope. The Imperium, though battered and bruised, stood as a testament to the strength and determination of humanity. And as long as there were those willing to fight for the light, the dream of the Emperor would endure.


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