
The call of 413

Inside the Thunderhawk, Grand Master Caddon Varn, Justicar Avallon, and Vergil sat in silence as they flew back to the Citadel of Titan. Vergil's gaze remained fixed on the spear he had just retrieved. Its surface was etched with an inscription in High Gothic that read "Verus Custos ab Deus Chaotica", which Vergil understood from his studies to mean "True Guardian Against the Chaos Gods."

As the light from the Thunderhawk's interior illuminated the spear's ancient markings, Grand Master Caddon Varn noticed the inscription as well. His brow furrowed slightly, deep in thought.

"What does it say?" asked Avallon, his voice breaking the silence.

Vergil replied without looking up, "True Guardian Against the Chaos Gods. This weapon was designed for a specific purpose, to fight against Chaos itself."

Grand Master Varn leaned in closer, inspecting the spear. "Could the Citadel of Titan hold secrets even we do not fully know? A weapon like this, hidden for so long beneath our very feet…"

Vergil's thoughts echoed those of the Grand Master. It seemed as though the Citadel of Titan, revered for millennia, still held mysteries locked away from even its most devoted defenders. The discovery of the spear only raised more questions about the past and what other secrets the Emperor of Mankind might have left hidden.

"Vergil, the Council received a special request from Task Force 413 while you were away," Grand Master Caddon Varn began, his tone measured.

"A request from the Custodian Guard's special forces?" Vergil asked, his curiosity piqued.

"It seems they have faith in you for this mission," Grand Master Varn continued.

Vergil raised an eyebrow. "I'm curious about the response from the Council of Grand Masters."

"The Council is still deliberating," Caddon Varn explained. "They weren't sure when you'd return, but it's hard to refuse a request from the Custodes. After all, their orders are akin to direct commands from the Emperor himself."

Vergil's mind drifted back to his early education in the military structure of the Imperium of Mankind. He recalled being taught that while the Inquisition wielded immense power and influence, there existed a force even greater—the Adeptus Custodes, the Emperor's personal bodyguard. These golden-clad warriors were legends, each one a living embodiment of the Emperor's will.

Vergil also vividly remembered meeting the leader of the Adeptus Custodes, Captain-General Trajann Valoris, when he first arrived at the Imperial Palace. It was an awe-inspiring moment, seeing one of the most revered figures in the Imperium up close. Vergil was struck by the aura of authority and unshakable resolve Valoris carried.

And then there was Dante. Vergil had learned that Dante, his twin brother, had joined the Custodes. Vergil had heard rumors of Dante forming a special task force, designed to assist the Imperium's forces wherever and whenever they were needed. Yet, the specifics of this force remained shrouded in mystery, even to someone like Vergil, who had always been close to Dante. It was unusual for even the Custodes to form such a unit, leading Vergil to wonder just what kind of mission would require its intervention.

"You will be presented to the Grand Master Counsel, not only to report what happened during your mission but also to provide your opinion on the request from Task Force 413," said Grand Master Caddon Varn.

"Understood, Grand Master," replied Vergil.

Quickly, they arrived at the Citadel of Titan. Vergil, accompanied by Grand Master Caddon Varn, proceeded to the Chamber of Grand Master Counsel. Inside, all the Grand Masters were seated, their eyes fixed on Vergil as he entered. Grand Master Caddon Varn took his place among them. The assembly of Grand Masters, ranging from 1st Brotherhood Vardan Kai to 8th Brotherhood Aidan Perdron, awaited Vergil's report.

As Vergil entered the Chamber of Grand Master Counsel, the atmosphere was thick with anticipation and authority. The chamber, an austere and grand hall with high vaulted ceilings and intricate banners bearing the insignia of the Grey Knights, was lined with the stern and vigilant faces of the Grand Masters. Each was clad in their ornate Terminator armor, reflecting the somber, dim lighting.

Grand Master Vardan Kai of the 1st Brotherhood, known for his unwavering discipline and tactical acumen, looked at Vergil with a piercing gaze. To his right, Grand Master Aidan Perdron of the 8th Brotherhood, renowned for his strategic brilliance and insight, sat quietly, his attention fixed on Vergil with a thoughtful expression.

Grand Master Caddon Varn took his place at the central seat, a position of considerable authority, and signaled Vergil to approach. The other Grand Masters nodded in acknowledgement, their silent consensus marking the beginning of the proceedings.

Grand Master Caddon Varn cleared his throat, breaking the silence that had settled over the chamber.

"Vergil, we have convened here to discuss not only the events of your recent mission but also the request made by Task Force 413. Please, present your account of what transpired."

"Yes Grand Master, when time Psychic Spike incident 2 days ago happened i receive a dream from Emperor to retrieve this weapon. In my journey there is an old empty settlement there, from the log i recover there Emperor and the first generation of Space Marine use this place as mining camp and Emperor him self commission for this weapon using forgotten archeotech technology for dorging this one of kind weapon." Vergil said.

"So the incident 2 days ago it as from Emperor? what he looks like?" ask Grand Master Rothwyr Morvans

"Emperor have black hair with some kind of gold leave crown, his eye shine gold. Emperor wearing Golden Armor clad with Eagle logo, and most i remember from his armor is 2 head Aquila on chest plate. his left hand is a using huge claw and on his right hand carry burning sword." Vergil said with full confidence.

"From description Vergil give about Emperor is correct." said Grand Master Aldrik Voldus.

"I still remember Emperor Psychic pattern, is pure and warm. I can feel and remember from first time i meet Emperor him self until 2 days ago, is powerful and warm. There lot of secret from that power but there is no corruption at all, is very different and most like opposite side from that foul Daemon. He just want us as human be better and reach our own full potential, and i can hs burden on Emperor shoulder is huge as this galaxy." said Vergil.

"And about Task Force 413, did you know about this?" ask Grand Master Covan Leorac

"I hear a rumor about my twin brother who serve as Adeptus Custodes, he made a Special Force. What kind and name i don't know. What kind battleship he use, what his force formation and the homeworld is unknown to me." said Vergil in honest tone. 

"anything you want add?" ask Grand Master Caddon Varn

"no... nothing..." said Vergil.

"If that so, you can leave this counsel while all Grand Master discussing this matter." 

"Yes Grand Master." said Vergil leaving Chamber of Grand Master Counsel.