

time to head home

Sana Thanala is in the war globe room when her father Theodas Dayra came, " ( hello father you need me to get mother?) asked, Sana. " ( yes my daughter how you and your mother?) asked, Theodas. " (we are good, I will be back in a moment father,) said, Sana. She walked out of the room and up her mother, " mother. father is on the globe. said, Sana, " I didn't know you were married, said. Lusha, " or have kids, said. Symania Elapetor, " yes I am married to the war king of Scotchwood, where we will be going in a few minutes, we have two, daughter and son, this is our daughter Sana, and our son Theodmer. who is with my husband, excuse me. said, Seldanna. she walked out of the room inside of the globe room, " (morning my husband, what can the queen of war do for the king of war?) Asked. Seldanna, " ( when are we going to unknight our husbands and wives, ) asked. Theodas, " ( we are coming up that way soon, how are you, our son, son-in-law, and grandson?) Sana took over for her mother, "( great waiting to see the rest of our family. ) said, Theodas. " ( we see you all soon my king of war, ) said. Seldanna, " (we can not wait, my dear, Theodmer come to say hi to your mother,) said. Theodas, he walked up to the globe, "(hi, mother we get to see our wives today?) Asked. Theodmer, " ( we be on the way soon. Sana come say hi to your father and brother, you tell me you married to one of my knight's son?) She walked into the room, " (no, I haven't found anyone yet mother, hey sis.) said, Theodmer. Rania walked into the room, " we all up my queen of war, said. Rania, " what about the ones in training? " we head to Scotchwood, get everyone on horseback, I speak to them in a few minutes. Said, Seldanna. " (what you telling me a strapping handsome Male Elf like you can find a female elf here to catch his eye, we lease got few unmarried females here in Richwood, ) said. Sana, " ( i sure you do, I am male in my prime, ) " that just tell us my husband our son is not looking for a mate yet, we will see you soon love you two. " I agree with you my dear he not looking, see you when you get here. They got off the globe, and walked out of the room. " we are going to feast with our families in Scotchwood, we do this mid-April, since we been busy we couldn't get together with them, so we are heading there now, those that has families in the peace kingdom you are allowed to go be with them, I have a family, we all have families, or if you wish to come with us, said. Seldanna, they got on their horses and ride out of the gates with the castle guards and the seven heads of war going along, she set the gate time to automate close and lock, " we decided long ago to combine the two, then we came crossed that there will be conflict in every marriage, so we decide on Mid-April to come together since with everything we missed this Mid-April, just because I have an all-female army and he has an all-male army doesn't mean they are not married, they are married to each other and have kids, we are married, we have kids our daughter is married and have a kid, said. Seldanna, " your son, what' s his name my queen of war? asked, Siraye Olotoris. " Theodmer almost like his father s name, no he. his single, but his mother and father wish he find someone, said. Seldanna, as the wind picks up and the sun is going down in the clouds, they arrived at Scotchwood war kingdom gates. their gates guards raised the gates, as they ride inside. they closed it behind them, Theodas the war king, their son and his war chief Theodmer, their son-in-law Tarron Thenala and their grandson Pearis, and ever married male knight walked up with their sons to greet their wives. " my dear it has been too long, said. Theodas, he helps her off her horse, Tarron and Pearis walked up to Sana horses." hi mommy, said. Pearis, " my goodness you grown son, what is your father feeding you? asker, Sana, so now families are all together now, " our wives are home, let the slumbering begin, and the breaking of the Elvish white bread, we have a lot's to discuss my wife. they all walked inside of the war kingdom, they sat at the tables Theodas made a toast to their wives, everyone start to eat and talk. " so who did they meet, by their parents? asked. Lusha, " no our parents met on their Rallies, answered. Theodmer, " it was love at first sight, said. Sana, so after they eat, they went into their rooms with their families, " can we speak in the war room my dear, they walked inside of the room. " you know why I want you here right? if it not Dockas, wild dogs, dark elves, it's dark males from Delmar, he cut the screen on, " here's using the gold all of the war kingdoms, here are all of the peace kingdoms in white, here is all of the protection is silver, here is the Dockas villages, the dens of the wild dogs, the dark elves caves, and the dark Delmar kingdoms. Said, Theodas. " what about the male human's kingdoms I had to ride with them when we were trailing wild dog trails for the peace kingdom, said. Seldanna, Theodas rubs his hand up her leg, " my wife you had tides with peace, we ran into one trailing Docka"s, said. Theodas, "I tell you later on come, she takes him by the hand and guides him into their room which they make mad Elven love to each other. " so why you are not married prince Theodmer? asked. Kylantha Gengwyn, " chief Theodmer not prince, when I find the right female, then I get married. said, Theodmer, " the day that happens his parents said they have a war feast. said, Ivaran, " I heard. said, Theodmer, " why you not with your son and wife Ivaran? asked, Theodmer.