
War of The New Age

The story begins in the lowest realm of the Underworld following the life of Josefu a young teen demon. Read as the Josefu goes through tragedy's and adventure's to become stronger. Join my Discord server to see the map for War of the New Age (#General) https://discord.gg/gDhvN2cVTS

Ark_Seikatsu · 奇幻
33 Chs

Chapter 8 The First Assault

Shinya: Move!!!

(Shinya and Josefu starts to run)

unit soldier: Over there!!!

Josefu: damn to get caught now this is bad

Shinya: we can't fight them all, Delos is one this but along with a unit it's not possible right now

Delos: Get Them!!!!

(The unit soldier chase Josefu as they run)

Josefu: Shinya keep going I got this!

Shinya: what you doing?

(Josefu swings his sword cutting down some trees)

Josefu: that should buy us some time to get away

Shinya: nice

(To Delos)

Delos: useless soldiers I will flush them out, stand behind me

(Slowly drawing his sword Then send a energy wave slicing through the trees)

Shinya: !? get down!!!

Josefu: !?

(Delos slices the trees down near him, Josefu and Shinya hide hoping he passes them)

Josefu: (Whispering) hide your energy so he doesn't find us

Shinya: (Whispering) alright

(Lowering there energy as Delos begins to walk toward them)

Delos: There energy fades they got away

(Delos stops a few feet in front of them)

Delos: Let's hurry up let's go

(Delos goes and gets back o his horse and ride away with his unit)

Josefu: (Breathing hard) we lost him

Shinya: (Breathing hard) Finally we can move out was a little close

(to Lucy training at the Rebellion army Outpost 2 days later)

Scout: Lucy I have just gotten word that the king has sent Four generals out along with unit for each one

Lucy: have you told Lauren about this? this could be a problem who did he send out?

Scout: I haven't yet and we don't know who they are yet

Lucy: alright go report to Lauren

(The scout leaves heading to Lauren in his office)

Lauren: Four generals huh it seem that we are has begun, have the security increased around the outpost

Scott: yes sir

(the scout leaves Lauren's office)

Lauren: it's finally started....my revenge

(Loud explosion)

Lauren: What was that!?

Soldier: sir an enemy is attacking

Lauren: how many are there?

Solider: it's only one sir

Lauren: Does the king thing I'm a Joke to send one person even if it's someone strong. whoever it is they can't fight is all alone...Eva

(Eva appears)

Eva: yes sir

Lauren: go and see who the king sent, if you can handle it then do it

Eva: as you wish, hey lead the way

Solider: this way

(the soldiers leads Eva towards the commotion)

Solider: over there!!

(They arrive to see a women with long red hair holding one of the soldiers by the collar letting out a laugh)

Yua: bawahahahaha you guys are weak

(Suddenly a energy is drained from the soldiers killing him as he shrivels up)

Solider: Ahhhhh!!

Eva: !?

Yua: oh Eva it's good to see you again War has begun you all will did a painful death

(Yua releases her energy an dark green aura)

Yua: I'm stronger than I was before I will kill you this time Eva!!!

Eva: (sigh) I hope you are serious because if you came here by yourself you will die

Yua: Really!? Hahahaha

(Eva releases her white energy and Yua gets nervous)

Yua: Wha...what!? your an S rank now?

(Eva raises her hand then covering it in spatial energy)

Eva: Spatial Jab!!

Yua: noo!!!

(Eva disappears them appearing in front of Yua then hits her in the stomach leaving a space rift on her)

Eva: sorry, but this isn't going to be a fight

Yua: Ahhhhh!

(Yua's body is absorbed into the rift Eva left on her then disappears releasing a small shockwave)

Eva: It's over

(At the same time in different locations the general's feel Yua's energy fade away)

Delos: Yua's Dead? (sigh) she should have been serious this isn't some game

(To Ryris)

Ryris: Yua energy is gone

Zou Mei: I told her not to go looking for whoever she was looking for, seems like she was trying to get revenge or something

Ryris: revenge! stupid we are generals of the king why do we need to get revenge when the king is the top priority.

(Back to Eva)

Eva: Treat the soldier that are injured!!

(back to Josefu)

(Hears a loud shockwave)

Josefu: what was that?

Shinya: I don't know but it came from Our outpost come on

Josefu: Alright

(Josefu and Shinya dashes through the forest towards the outpost to arrive to see Eva helping injured soldiers)

Eva: Shinya?

Shinya: Eva? What happened

(Shinya looking around)

Eva: just an uninvited quest, I handle it though just getting the injured moved but who is this with you?

Shinya: this is Josefu, I ran into him after I escaped from the Demonic beasts that chased me. My unit is gone all dead.

Eva: Hello then Josefu

Josefu: Hi, I'm also a friend of Lucy

Eva: a friend of Lucy? ooh yeah I heard her talking about a friend when she came here. Right now Lucy may be at the training ground

Shinya: okay then I'm going to take him to here

Eva: fine I'll be here for a bit

(Shinya leads Josefu along as the pass through the Outpost heading to the training ground)

Josefu: So how strong is Eva?

Shinya: well she is the right hand of the Rebellion army, I think she is a low S rank but Eva is a ranged fight most of the time she doesn't attack in close range

Josefu: Low S rank? I didn't feel a strong presences from her

Shinya: yeah it's the same of me to S rank can hide the energy only another S rank can feel there presence

Josefu: Damn

(After a few minutes they arrive at the training ground to see Lucy punching and wooden pole)

Josefu: Hey Lucy been a while

Lucy: Josefu!? yeah it's been a year since I last saw you

(Josefu walks over and hugs Lucy)

Lucy: it's really good to see that your fine

Josefu: yeah I went through a lot this year

Lucy: are you here to join the Rebellion army now, what rank are you?

Josefu: yep I'm planning on joining, I just got to C rank no long ago

Lucy: Nice I'm a B rank, if you want to join you would have to meet Lauren the War has begun already

Josefu: yeah I know we ran into Delos on the way here

Lucy: Delos? one of the General's

Shinya: Yea he attacked us we escaped though

Lucy: Eva just killed one of the them before you got here, Eva Handle it pretty fast too

Josefu: what Eva did?

Lucy: yeah but let's head to Lauren Josefu

Shinya: I'm going to head out them I'll caught up with you guys later

Josefu: okay it was good to travel with you Shinya

(Shinya leaves and Lucy take Josefu to Lauren at this office)

Lucy: Lauren this is the friend I told you about a year ago

Lauren: mhmm so this is Josefu, tell me you know the goal for us the Rebellion army?

Josefu: um to destroy the king and his army ?

Lauren: you are partly right it's to take back the land that was once ours

Lucy: Oh yeah Eva has took care of the enemy it was one of the generals the king had sent out

Lauren: alright, welcome to the Rebellion army Josefu things are going to get hectic from now on. Lucy why don't you take him on a mission with you I just gotten a report, Ryris and Zou Mei are getting close to the outpost. Lucy will be in charge of this mission I will send a unit with you.

Lucy: what do you need us to do?

Lauren: if you can kill at least one of the that will help the start of this war. of we take out another General the king will be forced to make a move

Lucy: Alright

(To the King in throne room)

King: (Sigh) I shouldn't.have sent that crazy woman...Makiru!!!

Makiru: Yes my lord

King: I will be sending you to Delos to help him out

Makiru: As you wish

(The king sends Makiru away)

(Back to Josefu)

Josefu: Lucy how strong are Ryris and Zou Mei?

Lucy: Ryris is a High A rank with the potential to be S rank he is a Knight, Zou Meo is a low S rank this is going to be a long mission.It may not seem like it but Ryris is the real threat

Josefu: Okay then I will watch out for Ryris, I'm ready to move out whenever you are

Lucy: Hold on let's wait for the unit

Diablo: This place isn't bad Lauren is looking better than I expected him to look from the story I heard in the king capital

(After a few minutes of waiting the rest of the unit comes)

Lucy: good (thinking to herself) these guys are B Rank and A Rank we should be good hopefully

(Lucy and the other head out leaving the Rebellion army Outpost heading towards the General's)

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