
War of The New Age

The story begins in the lowest realm of the Underworld following the life of Josefu a young teen demon. Read as the Josefu goes through tragedy's and adventure's to become stronger. Join my Discord server to see the map for War of the New Age (#General) https://discord.gg/gDhvN2cVTS

Ark_Seikatsu · 奇幻
33 Chs

Chapter 6 Trigger

DK: I don't know why the king wants you dead but this is going to be fun...hahahahaha

Josefu: This guy is really strong but crazy

(DK begins chanting a spell)

DK: it's time to get for real

(rumbling noice)

Diablo: we got a problem Josefu the Demonic beast are coming this way

Josefu: it was you!

DK: I'm not letting you go anywhere, these demonic beast are mine and they follow me

(Josefu is surrounded by Six mutated demonic beast and DK)

Diablo: Those Demonic beast are weird looking

Josefu: they almost like chimera

Diablo: Chimera's shouldn't be possible unless someone is using extreme methods

(The mutated demonic beast dash as Josefu and he jump back landing on the roof of the tailor shop)

DK: hahahaha GET HIM!!!

(Wildly rushes at Josefu the mutated demonic beast destroy the shop trying to get Josefu as he dodges while defending)

Josefu: Thunder god strike!!

(Slicing through one of the Demonic beast)

Josefu: This is going to be hard (Thinking to himself) I need to use more of Diablo's energy

(Josefu gets knocks back into the ground)

DK: There isn't anything you can do hahahahah

Josefu: Diablo give me more energy

Diablo: I'm already given you the most energy in your limit

Josefu: just do it

(Diablo pours energy into Josefu, He starts to release energy while his power increases)

DK: oh what is this!

Diablo: Josefu, to ake out the Demonic beast first we can't hold this much energy for long we are our limit

Josefu: alright, Ahhhhhhh!

(Josefu swings his sword letting a shockwave of red lightning killing the six Demonic beast DK called)

DK: Hahahahaha your strong, I like you now I see why the king wants you dead

(DK starts to increase his energy and begin gather energy)

Josefu: (thinking to himself) I need to fuse my energy and Diablo's at the same time

DK: Demon Whirl Wind!!

(Josefu tries to dodge but his hit by a wind blade sending him crashing into a building)

Josefu: (breathing hard and coughing) Damn!!

DK: Hahahaha is that all you got!!

Diablo: you body can't keep up with this much output of energy you have to stop Josefu.

Josefu: Shut up I'm going to die if I don't stop this guy anyway

Diablo: don't say I didn't warn you

(Josefu continues to fuse his energy and Diablo and suddenly a surge of energy burst from Josefu. He begin to transforms into a berserk form Josefu hair turn blue and small oni horns start growing from his forehead)

DK: What is this?

Berserk Josefu: (ROARING)

(Josefu let's out a wave of killer intent)

DK: Interesting looks like he lost control of himself

(Josefu energy keep growing)

DK: !? this isn't good his energy is still increasing, I have to stop him

Berserk Josefu: (ROARING)

(Berserk Josefu wildly rushes DK and swinging his sword down at DK with red Lightning coming off his sword)

DK: (Thinking to himself) why is he fighting completely different from before

(DK barely dodges as he backs away nervously)

Berserk Josefu: (ROARING)

(DK jumps In the air then summons C Rank mutated demonic beast)

DK: ATTACK HIM!!! (thinking to himself) I can use them to escape and report this to the king

(The C rank Mutated demonic beast tackle Josefu holding him by his arm and body and DK leaves)

Berserk Josefu: (ROARING)

(Suddenly the sky starts rumbling and Red lightning strike down onto Josefu killing the Demonic beast holding him then he dashes east into the forest after DK)

(3 hours later Josefu wake up in the forest)

Josefu: Mhmm....what!?

(Josefu looks around seeing destroyed tress around him in the forest)

Diablo: you didn't take my warning, I told you your body couldn't handle our power fuse to that extent. you went berserk destroying some of the town, then you went on a rampage trying to find that guy until you passed out.

Josefu: (grunting) my head, my clothes are still in good condition.

Diablo: there is somewhere you should go, I feel the faint presence of my powers near here

Josefu: what!? how is some of you power not with you

Diablo: there was a time when a small part of my powers was taken from me before I got taken to the king. I feel it coming from the north

Josefu: okay

(at the same time in a different place)

Lucy: ATTACK don't lets them get pass use

(Lucy leading a large force of soldiers against demonic beast)

Lucy: how did a army of demonic beast show up here!?

(at the king throne room)

King: YOU RAN AWAY!!!!

(The king Extremely angry)

DK: (nervous) ye..yes my king the power of the sword went out of control and he went berserk I couldn't do anythi....

King: You...

(before the king yells a soldiers walks in interrupting them)

Soldier: sorry my king but the forces of demonic we sent to Overgaard is being held by the Rebellion forces

King: those damn mutts have 10 of our B rank demonic beast pulled back I don't want to lose anything to them Rebellion soldiers

Soldier: yes sire

King: and you!!!

(the king looks at DK and Shoots a beam of energy at him killing him)

king: There should be over 100 D and E Demonic beast thier right now taking the 10 B rank should be fine the overwhelming number should be enough

(Back to Lucy)

Lucy: Retreat!!!!!!

Shinya: Lucy!! I will take a small group and lead them away from HQ

Lucy: you all can die of you do get away fast enough

Shinya: that's fine, Soldiers!! come with me we will distract the Demonic beast!!! No Time to be in fear!!!

Rebellion soldiers: Yes Sir

(Shinya and a group of soldiers lead the Demonic away from the main forces)

Lucy: come on we have to hurry!!!

(Lucy Takes the main forces and retreat back to HQ after a few hours Lucy arrive at The are Rebellion stronghold and goes to report to Lauren the leader of the Rebellion army in his office)

Lauren: report what has happened, I know it wasn't good

Lucy: yes sir, everything was going fine until we encountered a larger force of demonic Beast. the king has been sending demonic beast for the pass year and it's weakening our forces sir

Lauren: I know we new to form a new way of attack the king has lots of scouts watching us it's making thing hard for us, but i will succeed taking the throne

Lucy: what will we do?

Lauren: we need allies to make up for the loses over this year, keeping a low profile is key to that. Lucy tell the soldiers to keep a low profile and up the security around the perimeter

Lucy: yes sir

(Lucy leaves the room)

Lauren: Eva

(Eva an assassin guard appears behind him)

Eva: Yes leader

Lauren: you heard our conversation right?

Eva: yes sir

Lauren: then I need you to go make allies with the kings enemies, I know this will take some time but it need a to be done

Eva: okay sir I'll get it done

(Eva disappears)

Lauren: (Sigh) War...is close

(back to Josefu)

Diablo: while we are on our way you need to work on your swordsmanship

Josefu: Swordsmanship? do I really need to?

Diablo: yes it would help you fight a lot better than you are now, but you won't always need a sword to fight. Remember this is just to build your strength

Josefu: alright then how were doing this?

Diablo: it's very simple I will transfer my knowledge to you

Josefu: transfer your knowledge couldn't you do this. before?

Diablo: I can only transfer my knowledge, anything related to actually power I can't transfer that's only possible thought the contract we made. so memories like this my fighting style but you still have to learn it you just know of it that is all.

Josefu: that mean I have to train even more

Diablo: yes, so are you ready this will hurt I won't lie to you

Josefu: let's do this

Diablo: okay we need to be in the mental dimension for this

(Josefu find somewhere to hide then sits down closes eye and appears in mental dimension)

Diablo: it's good to look you face to face now let's begin

Josefu: yeah

(Diablo grabs the top of Josefu head)

Diablo: Transfer!!

(Suddenly red lightning flows from Diablo's head through his body into Josefu head)

Josefu: Ahhhhhhh!

(Josefu veins start bulging as his mind is overcome with memories of fight poses and sword forms after 30 minutes Josefu is finally done with the transfer)

Josefu: (breathing heavy) I...thought I was going to die

Diablo: Now you are the sole heir to my power and as you get stronger the the powers with evolve to match you

(Josefu opens his eye and is still in the forest)

Josefu:!? oh yeah man I almost went crazy because of that damn transfer thing. let's keep moving though I'll practice along the way

(after a day the come across an orc village)

Diablo: lets go around we can fight all of them on the home land

Josefu: I'm going to head around on the west side, but what is it I'm walking to?

Diablo: I can't tell you until we are there, trust me you will be thankful

Josefu: tsk man your lucky I trust you

(Josefu makes his his way around the orc village)

(at the king throne room)

King: Summon Karmos!

(After a few minutes Karmos comes into the throne room)

Karmos: my king you have summoned me

King: yes have the 4 units gather their thing?

Karmos: yes they are waiting for orders sire

King: good go and chose 4 generals each on for the unit then have them come here tomorrow

Karmos: yes sire