
War of The New Age

The story begins in the lowest realm of the Underworld following the life of Josefu a young teen demon. Read as the Josefu goes through tragedy's and adventure's to become stronger. Join my Discord server to see the map for War of the New Age (#General) https://discord.gg/gDhvN2cVTS

Ark_Seikatsu · 奇幻
33 Chs

Chapter 31

Josefu: It's been bugging me. How is this different from what I had been doing, I can she that the elements are involved, but I'm not getting it.

Axezeal: (Sighs) Just come on, let's head to the ruins outside

Josefu: Okay

(Heading to the ruins, Josefu sits in the center of it while stands over his watching)

Axezeal: Start doing Origins Control, I will give you a heads-up to be ready when the cloud begins to form for the lightning to strike.

Josefu: What!?

Axezeal: Begin!!

Josefu: (Breathing In and out slowly) Okay.

(Josefu closes his eyes then starts to perform origins control, the ground begins rumbling softly as dark cloud begins to gather above Josefu in the sky.)

Axezeal: it is going well; I can only help you once the longer you hold out, the better your connection to your element becomes.

Josefu: (Grunting)

(Sparks begins to light off around Josefu's body, suddenly lightning strikes down, hitting Josefu releasing energy for him to gather)

Josefu: Ahhhhhhh!!! (thinking to himself) Dammit this hurts... I have to hold out

Axezeal: Good, you have to absorb the lightning energy. This is the first step, I know it hurts, but his is pure lightning it's stronger than the normal energy you have been using.

(Constant lightning strikes down, hitting Josefu for the next 20 minutes. After time passes, the lightning stops, leaving Josefu steaming exhausted)

Josefu: (Breathing hard) .....

Axezeal: (Thinking to himself) to last this long for his first time gathering a pure element he is talented

Josefu: (breathing hard) How... did I do?

Axezeal: That was great, but now you must calm the pure energy internally

Josefu: Alright

(Josefu closes his eyes breathing slowly then controls the pure lightning internally throughout his body, sometimes passes, and Josefu stops)

Axezeal: That was good. Now get some rest

(Axezeal and Josefu head back into the cave, inside the Josefu lays on the ground exhausted)

Axezeal: Rest quickly because you will only be resting shortly

Josefu: What!?

Axezeal: If you want to become stronger with your element, you need to increase proficiency with so their is no short cut this is only the beginning.

Josefu: (Sighs) Okay

(40 minutes later, Axezeal wakes Josefu back up for more training, still tired. Josefu follows Axezeal, thinking to himself)

Josefu: (Thinking) This guy's is crazy how can you train after what I just did

(Leaving the cave Axezeal turns around, staring at Josefu)

Axezeal: Now you will be fighting me

Josefu: Huh?

Axezeal: Haha, I'm not going to kill you. Don't worry, this will be like a spar. You can't do much damage anyway

Josefu: (angry) All right, let's do this.

(Josefu gets in his fighting stance, readying himself, suddenly at the same time the king at the capital)

King: Arullich, how are things going?

(In the throne room)

Arullich: I did just as you asked and brought Josefu to the rebellion stronghold.

King: Then where is he now?

Arullich: (Nervous) I....I don't know what you mean.

King: It's funny. My scout says he isn't there anymore.


(The king says Looking down at Arullich)

King: Do I even need you?

Arullich: My king, please give me one more chance.

King: ....Gothellis

Gothellis: Yes, my king

King: This is his last chance; I'm sending him with you.

Arullich: Thank you, sire.

King: The Eternals sent one of their Eternal Knight Xegren, and they ran into Josefu near the Brass Thorn Clan.

Gothellis: Yes, sir.

Arullich: I will not fail this time.

King: Now go... oh, and don't get caught, Arullich

Arullich: ...yes

(Back to Josefu, it's late in the afternoon)

(Loud crash)

Josefu: (Breathing hard)

(Josefu lays on the ground exhausted)

Axezeal: How do you feel?

Josefu: (Thinking to himself) he was right, I can feel the difference from this method. It's much better.

Josefu: I'm good. I feel great.

Axezeal: All right, now practice on your own for a bit.

(Axezeal goes back into the cave)

Josefu: (Thinking) If I keep training with Axezeal, I will definitely get stronger.

(Josefu practice swinging his sword a few minutes later)

Josefu: Axezeal!

(Josefu shouts into the cave)

Axezeal: What!?

Josefu: I think I just figured out something. Can I try it out on you?

(Axezeal walks out of the cave)

Axezeal: Alright, let's see what you got.

(Josefu gets in a ready stance, then closes his eye, and suddenly he gathers pure lightning energy into his sword)

Axezeal: Oh, that a good idea...!?

(Appearing on the sword, Runic symbols show on the base of the blade)


(A surge of energy burst into Josefu, surging in his arm)

Josefu: Ahhhhh!!!

Axezeal: Let go of your sword!!!

Josefu: I..I can't!!!!

(The viens in Josefu arms begin bulging as the Blue scale starts to appear on his forearm)

Axezeal: I need to stop him from destroying himself.

(Dashing forward at Josefu Axezeal forcefully removes the sword from Josefu hands. falling to the ground, the energy Dissipate and the scale disappears)

Josefu: (Breathing hard) What was that!?

Axezeal: That what I should be asking you!

Axezeal: (Thinking) Those Runic symbols...on the sword it said Diablo....is it the same one I know?

Josefu: (Breathing hard)

Axezeal: Let's take a break for a bit.

(Josefu grabs his sword, dragging it back into the cave)

Axezeal: (Thinking) If it is the same Diablo, then that explains a lot. Diablo Zunthor, no wonder the Eternals are after him, but it looks like he doesn't know Diablo's real identity.

(To Josefu in the cave)

Josefu: What was that?

(Josefu stares at his sword)

Josefu: !? this wasn't here before. What does this say

(He sees the Runic symbols on his sword, and Axezeal comes in the cave)

Axezeal: It says Diablo

Josefu: !?

Axezeal: Diablo Zunthor, a great demon from. 100 years ago, he was powerful enough to be king but was betrayed in the middle of war. he was killed and sealed in a sword thrown into the lower realm.

Josefu: But Diablo is gone just because I have his sword. I'm being hunted?

Axezeal: Yes, he was a powerful demon. Many want the power he held, even if it is a fragment of it.

Josefu: Dammit, I didn't even want this power it was just forced upon me.

(Josefu expresses angrily)

Axezeal: You will just have to deal with it

Josefu: Just deal with it!

Axezeal: it is fate that you came across this power, and there isn't anything you can do now. get stronger, and they will not be able to touch you.

Josefu: Oh, yeah, what was that surge earlier?

Axezeal: That was the full power of the sword. The pure lightning is its basic trigger for the swords awakening. I didn't think you wouldn't be able to control it.

Josefu: Yeah, I couldn't even withstand the power from it.

Axezeal: Do not use that unless you are in a dangerous situation

Josefu: (Sighs) Alright

(Axezeal looks over at Josefu)

Axezeal: Josefu, everything will fall into place eventually. Don't rush things.

(A week's passes and Josefu trains outside the cave)

Josefu: This training has really helped me. The flow of power is much easier to use

(Moment later, Josefu hears noices coming from in the forest ahead of him)

Josefu: !? Come out now! you can't hide!

(Stepping out of from behind the trees,

Gothellis and Arullich appear)

Josefu: Arullich!?

(looking over Josefu sees Gothellis also)

Josefu: Arullich, you traitor!

Arullich l: Traitor? I was never a member of the rebellion. It took me a while to get inside a gain the trust of them. but now I have leaked the location to the king bawahaha, and soon, the soldiers will reach them.

(Josefu angry)

Gothellis: That's enough

Arullich: ....

Gothellis: You will die here do do t worry about the rebellion stronghold they will soon cease to exist

(Josefu suddenly releases killing intent)

Josefu: It seems... I need to kill some dogs

(To Axezeal in the cave)

Axezeal: mmm, we have guest

(Axezeal senses Josefu and the others energy)

Axezeal: he should be fine.

(Back to Josefu)

Arullich: How dare you call me a dog!!

(Suddenly, Josefu appears in front of Arullich swinging his sword)

Gothellis: Shadow Trap!

(Gothellis stops Jossfu's sword)

Josefu: Tsk

(Josefu Dashes back)

Gothellis: Arullich focus this isn't going to be easy he is stronger than last time we meet

(Arullich mad)

Arullich: Okay

(Pulling out his sword, Arullich gets ready)

Arullich: Time to die!! Reverse Light!!

(Arullich rushes Josefu)

Josefu: !?

(Josefu dodges backing away)

Josefu: That was close

(Josefu uses Raijin's flow a.d his skin turns blue)

Josefu: I'll be ending this quick

Gothellis: Spirit of The War Scythe!

(Gothellis appeared behind Josefu)

Josefu: Raijin's Force

(Josefu creates a shield out of lightning blocking Gothellis attack, getting sent flying through some trees)

Josefu: Urgh, Condense Red Hell!

(While recovering, in the air, Josefu make lightning strike down at Gothellis and Arullich as they charge him)

Arullich: I'm bot that slow

(Arullich dodges some lightning strikes but gets hit by the last one)

Arullich: Dammit

(Josefu and Gothellis begins clashing)